
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

August 19, 2003 Regular Meeting



Tuesday, August 19, 2003



Present:                                                                                                Staff:

Eileen Holmes, Mayor                                                    Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                          

Albert Reams                                                                       

Micah Reams

Patricia Carlson, Arrived @ 6:55 PM

Mike Pearson

Steve Holmes, Arrived @ 7:25 PM                                                                                                         

Absent:                                                                                  Guest:

                                                                                                Lt. Col Kolwicz

                                                                                                Lt. Col Pickering, Base Commander

Adam J Corbin, Unexcused                                            Denali Borough Assembly Member Sid Michaels

                                                                                                Doug Poage, VSW         

                                                                                                Dave Griggs, Public Works Foreman                                                                                                                    Ann Jenkins  


ROLL CALL                                        The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at 6:36 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                M/S. A. Reams/M. Reams moved to approve the agenda with the following additions:

                                                                                Special Guests:  Lt. Col Pickering and Lt. Col Kolwicz

                                                                                                            Doug Poage, Village Safe Water

                                                                New Business (d)  Sewage Lagoon Key Deposit

                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


MINUTES                                              M/S A. Reams/M. Reams moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2003. 

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


CORRESPONDENCE                We received the following correspondence:

1)       Letter from Ruth Zellar regarding Website

2)       State of Alaska Governor 2 Letters

3)       Denali Borough Correspondence

4)       Alaska Council on Emergency Medical Services

5)       Brad Shepherd concerning a motor lift

6)       Nori Wilkes concerning Brush on Center Drive Park Service

7)       Resident concern on vandalism at Shooting Range

8)       DMV Winter Hours




FINANCIAL REPORTS                Mayor Holmes received the financial reports.  There was no further discussion.


BILLS TO BE PAID                      M/S S. A. Reams/M. Reams moved to approve the Bills to be Paid.

No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


PUBLIC ACCESS                Denali Borough Assembly Member Sid Michaels  reported that the city needs to provide training for new and current members in the Fire/EMS service. 

Denali Borough Mayor

Dave Talerico                                       Mayor Talerico was unable to attend the meeting.


Commander Lt. Col

Pickering                                             Commander Lt. Col Pickering introduced himself to the council as the new Base Commander for Clear.  He stated that he would like to continue the good relations with the city that has been established.  He would like to have the communications lines open so we eliminate problems in the future. 

                                                                The Mayor welcomed the new commander to our area and informed him of a Community Potluck on Thursday, August 28th @ 6:00 PM at the Anderson School Multi-Purpose Room and encouraged his troops to attend.  Council Person Pearson requested a meeting with the Security Police and Base Officials to discuss the trails located in our area within the next couple months. 



Lt. Col Kolwicz                                    Lt. Col Kolwicz introduced himself to the council.  He is the top official at Clear for the Air National Guard. He asked the city assistance in finding and locating suitable housing for the incoming guard personnel and their families.  He stated that currently their are four permanent guard assigned to the Base with approximately 85 positions to be filled over the next five years. 


Doug Poage, VSW                Doug Poage, representative from Village Safe Water spoke to the council on the FY04 Anderson Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study that the city received funding.  The city received funding in the amount of $ 100,000.00.  The feasibility study is for the evaluation of a piped sewage collection system and facultative/percolation lagoon facility for the City of Anderson.  He also recommended that the city also do some sampling on the water supply.  He also stated that he is waiting for the grant offer to be written.    He also stated that he would be advertising for a consultant for this project probably within three weeks.                                                                   


OLD BUSINESS                                 


RECESS                                                The meeting was recessed at 7:45 PM


RECONVENED                                    The meeting was reconvened at 7:55 PM.


CODE BOOK REVISION                Mayor Holmes stated that our next work session will be in October 2003. 


DMV AUTOMATION                Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that we received our computer but have had several problems in setting up the computer.  We are scheduled for training the first week of September.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis also stated that remodeling of the Cable room and DMV room will need to be completed prior to winter.  She stated that the window needs to be replaced in the cable room, old air conditioner removed and hole covered and the counter area for the computer.  It was suggested that we advertise the work and request bids on the project.


Land Ownership Records/

Abandoned Properties                Mayor E. Holmes reported that we have received several letters from landowners concerning their vacant and abandoned properties.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis asked for direction on how to continue to proceed with this project.  The council directed the Clerk/Treasurer to write another letter to the land owners asking what their intentions are and letting the landowners know that people are interested in obtaining land. 


Public Sale                                           Mayor Holmes asked if all the department heads had their list together. It was suggested that the city look into E-Bay as a source to sell the surplus items.




Project R.E.A.D.Y. Update                Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that there was an economic meeting last Thursday and another one scheduled for this Thursday.  She reviewed the changes in the plan since the last council meeting.  She also stated that we are working on the website, she also added that we are also obtaining another website designed for governmental agencies, which will link the two websites together.  Ann Jenkins has agreed to work on this website.  The newsletter was also discussed.  A new resident in Anderson expressed an interest in working on the newsletter.  This expenditure would be covered under the grant.  The council agreed to hire this individual to write the newsletter until the completion of the grant.                


Community Block Grant                 Mayor Holmes wanted to know if the council wanted to proceed with this grant for the improvement of Riverside Park by adding a golf course.  This grant would require the hiring of one individual seasonally after the completion of the grant.   It was suggested that we hold a joint meeting with the Lions club to find out if they were interested in this endeavor. 




FY04 Budget                                        Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that due to the Governor and Legislature budget cuts; we are expecting a $ 10,000.00 deficit in our FY04 Budget.  She also stated that the Governor has promised to increase the Safe Communities and Municipal Assistance, but that has not been passed as of today. 


Village Safe Water Grant                Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that she talked to Doug Poage regarding whether we should apply for this grant.  Doug Poage stated that until the feasibility study is completed, we would not have the necessary points to be awarded a grant for the expansion of the lagoon.  It was the consensus of the council not to apply  for the grant this year, but will apply next year after the feasibility study is completed.


Leave of Absence                                

David Griggs                                        Mayor Holmes reported that she received a letter from Mr. Griggs, Public Works Foreman requesting a Leave of Absence for the month of September. 

                                                                M/S P. Carlson/A. Reams moved to approve the Leave of Absence for Mr. Griggs.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Sewage Key Deposit                Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that we have two customers that have a key deposit with the city that have discontinued their business.  One of the businesses has requested their deposit.  In the ordinance, it states that the city will keep deposit for two years after the close of the business.  A change in this policy will require an amendment in the ordinance.  The council would like to make a decision on each deposit return independently and would like the ordinance changed to reflect that. 





PUBLIC SAFETY                Council Person Pearson reported that the Fire Department had requested some supplies but has not gotten back to him regarding a purchase order.  The incident reports were discussed.  The clerk stated that she needed assistance with these reports.                 

ENVIRONMENTAL                Council Person A. Reams reported that the lagoon is operating without any problems.


CABLE TV                                           Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that Mr. Zellar had contacted her regarding exchanging some of the Cable testing equipment for some his hours.  Council Person Pearson suggested that we get a dollar amount for the test equipment for approval at the next meeting.



ADJOURMENT                                   M/S A. Reams/P. Carlson  moved to adjourn the meeting @ 9:00 PM.







                                                                                                Eileen Holmes,  Mayor







Nancy E Hollis, City Clerk

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