
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

June 5, 2003 Regular Meeting




Thursday June 5 2003



Present:                                                                                                Staff:

Eileen Holmes, Mayor                                                         Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                             

Albert Reams                                                                       

Adam J Corbin

Patricia Carlson, left @ 7:40 PM

Micah Reams


Absent:                                                                                  Guest:

Barry Corbin, Excused                                                         Denali Borough Mayor Dave Talerico

Steve Holmes, Excused                                                                                      



ROLL CALL                                        The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at 6:40 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                      M/S S. A. Corbin/M. Reams moved to approve the agenda with the following additions:

                                                                                New Business

                                                                                                b)  Resignation of Council Member

                                                                                                c)  Pioneer Park


                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


MINUTES                                              M/S A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2003 and May 8, 2003 with one correction:

                                                                                Change "Hertz" to "Wertz", Page 3, Land Ownership

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


CORRESPONDENCE                        We received the following correspondence:

1)       Vista Application

2)       Borough Correspondence



FINANCIAL REPORTS                     Mayor Holmes received the financial reports.  There was no discussion.


BILLS TO BE PAID                           M/S S. A. Reams/P. Carlson moved to approve the Bills to be Paid.

No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


PUBLIC ACCESS                               No Comments.     


Denali Borough Mayor

Dave Talerico                                       Mayor Talerico stated that he had a meeting with Mayor Holmes to discuss the land swap between the Borough and the City.  It was determined that approximately 140 acres will be transferred for the Sewage Lagoon.  This will still leave the city with a piece of highway frontage along the Parks Highway.  The Borough and city will work together to reduce the costs of surveying.  Paperwork needs to be completed through DNR.

                                                                Mayor Talerico wanted the express his thanks to Council Person Steve Holmes for his assistance at the Borough Landfill. 

                                                                Mayor Talerico wanted also to thank the city for their work on their operation of the city; he stated that it eliminates a large load of work off him and his staff. 


PUBLIC HEARING                             Public Hearings opened at 6:56 PM.


ORDINANCE 03-01                           No Comments.





MUNICIPAL CODE                            No Comments.




AMENDMENT                                     No comments.



FY04 BUDGET                                     No comments.


                                                                Public Hearings were closed at  6:58 PM.       




OLD BUSINESS                                 



CODE BOOK REVISION                  Mayor Holmes reviewed the changes that were made to Title 2 at the work session on June 4th.  A work session was held on June 4th in conjunction with the Fire Chief to review the Fire Department section of the codebook.  A work session will be held on July 10th @ 5:00 PM to continue the codebook revision.


DMV AUTOMATION                         There was no update information available.


Ordinance 03-01

Election Ordinance                             M/S  A. Reams/P. Carlson move to approve Ordinance 03-01, Election Ordinance. 

                                                                M/S P. Carlson/A. Reams to amend the Ordinance as follows:

                                                                                Change the Title Headings to Read Title 4 instead of Title 3.

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Amended motion passed unanimously. 

                                                                The main motion passed unanimously.           

Ordinance 03-02

Chapter 1

Anderson Municipal Code                 M/S A. Reams/P. Carlson moved to approve  Ordinance 03-02, Title 1 of the City of Anderson Municipal Code.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Land Ownership                                 

Records/Abandoned Properties        Mayor E. Holmes read correspondence from Rita Morris concerning her residence on First Street.  Council Person A. Reams requested the legal document from Rita Morris authorizing the transfer of the building to the City of Anderson.  Ms. Morris also stated that the residence on D Street is currently being rented. 



Public Sale                                           Mayor Holmes asked if anyone had made a list of surplus equipment for their department.  The department heads stated that they are still working on their lists.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that the deadline is June 15th and also asked who would be in charge of the coordinating and conducting of the sale?  Mayor Holmes stated that she would contact Alyeska about putting our surplus equipment on their sale in July. 


Ordinance 03-02

Amended FY03 Budget                       M/S A. Reams/M. Reams to approve Ordinance 03-03 Amended Budget for FY03.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that all grant expenditures for the Fire and EMS grants have to be expended prior to June 30th.  Mayor Holmes asked the Clerk/Treasurer to contact the Fire Chief and notify him of the closure of these two grants.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Ordinance 03-04

FY04 Budget                                        M/S A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to accept Ordinance 03-04 FY04 Budget.   The council reviewed the budget and made adjustments as needed to balance the budget.  The overall revenue for the city general fund was $ 190, 138.00 and the expenses were $ 190,038.00 with no monies included from the savings account.  We reviewed and projected expenditures for all departments and estimated the revenue for FY04 and balanced the budget.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Project R.E.A.D.Y. Update                  Mayor Holmes presented the council the draft version of the Economic Plan.  She stated that the Economic Committee will be reviewing the plan within the next couple of weeks.


Resignation of Council Member      M/S A. Reams/M. Reams moved to receive and accept the resignation of Council Member Barry Corbin effective June 4, 2003.  Mayor Holmes stated that a letter of appreciation will be sent to Barry for this past service on the city council.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Pioneer Park                                       M/S A. Reams/M.Reams moved to write a letter of non-support for the name change of Pioneer Park. Council members felt that it was not there place to dictate how the Fairbanks North Star Borough operates and names their parks.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 





Resolution 03-25

Destruction of City Records              M/S A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to approve Resolution 03-25, Destruction of City Records.  The following records were approved for destruction:

                                                                               Box 1.                                                      Box 2.

                                                                1986 and 1990 Cancelled Checks      1983-84 Vendor Files

                                                                1984-1985 Duplicate Checks                 1987-91 Duplicate Checks

                                                                1991-1992 Vendor Files

                                                                1991 Voided Checks


                                                                              Box 3                                                        Box 4

                                                                1989-91 Payroll Files                            1996-97 Vendor Files

                                                                1991 Vendor Files                 1988-89 Vendor Files


                                                                                Box 5                                                      Box 6

                                                                1997-98 Vendor Files                           1995-96 Vendor Files


                                                                                Box 7                                                      Box 8

                                                                1986-87 Vendor Files                           1999 Vendor Files


                                                                                Box 9                                                      Box 10

                                                                1983 Vendor Files                 1989-90 Vendor Files

                                                                                                                                1993 Vendor Files


                                                                                Box 11                                                    Box 12

                                                                1984-85 Cancelled Checks                  1994-95 Vendor Files

                                                                1985 & 1987 Payroll Files


                                                                                Box 13                                                    Box 14

                                                                1988-89 Vendor Files                           1984-85 Vendor Files

                                                                1987-89 Purchase Orders

                                                                1987-89 Cancelled Checks

                                                                1987-89 Cash Receipts       


                                                                                Box 15                                                    Box 16

                                                                1998 Vendor Files                 1987-1995 Confidential EMS

                                                                                                                                Ambulance Run Files


                                                                                Box 17                                                    Box 18

                                                                FY93 Cable Service Orders 1985-1999 Confidential EMS

                                                                FY93 Cable Monthly Receipts           Ambulance Run Files

                                                                FY93 Cable Past Due Notices

                                                                FY93 Cable Account Information


                                                                                Box 19                                                    Box 20

                                                                1987-1991 Cable Invoices &               Old DMV Written Tests

                                                                Receipt Books                                      1982 & 1996 Cable Receipt Books


                                                                                Box 21                                                    Box 22

                                                                1984-85 Monthly Financial Rep.        1995 Unused & Used Election

                                                                1996 Landfill Receipts                         Ballots

                                                                1999 Cable Check Copies &               1995-96 Duplicate Checks

                                                                Receipts                                                 1992-93 Duplicate Checks

                                                                                                                                1999 Cable TV Service Orders


                                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.                 






CABLE TV                                           Council Person M. Reams stated that Cable TV would be discontinued as of June 30th and is looking into the costs and timeline for removing the Cable wires from GVEA's electric poles.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that she has sent letters to all programmers notifying them that we are discontinuing our service.   


PUBLIC WORKS                               Council Person A. Corbin stated that his crew has been working on the trails at the park and patching the potholes on the streets.



ENVIRONMENTAL                            Council Person A. Reams stated that he has been working on the lagoon with the drainage of the primary cell and the test wells. 


Administration                                    Mayor Holmes reported that Council Persons M. Reams, A. Reams and herself met with Lt. Col. Lollis earlier today.  They addressed the usage of the trails along the railroad.  Regular users will be issued a phone contact number to call when you use the trails.  Helmets will be required.  Trails will be marked and users will have to stay on the marked trails.

                                                                Mayor Holmes also reported the Alyseka has a used fire truck in surplus.  Council Person S. Holmes inspected the vehicle and the Mayor will be contacting the Alyeska personnel to obtain the vehicle.

                                                                Mayor Holmes reported that Kristie Nelson is working out well as DMV back-up.


Change of Meeting                              M/S E. Holmes/A. Corbin moved to change the next meeting to July 10th.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


ADJOURMENT                                   M/S E. Holmes/A. Corbin to adjourn the meeting @ 9:00 PM.







                                                                                                Eileen Holmes,  Mayor







Nancy E Hollis, City Clerk


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