April 15, 2003 Special Meeting
Present: Staff:
Eileen Holmes, Mayor Nancy Hollis, Clerk
Albert Reams
Steve Holmes
Patricia Carlson
Absent: Guest:
Barry Corbin, Excused Assembly Member Sid Michaels
Adam J Corbin, Excused Jennifer Skinner
Micah Reams, Excused
ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes to approve the agenda.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
CONSULTANT AWARD Mayor E. Holmes informed the council of the evaluation of the proposals for the Economic Plan. She stated that the Economic Team recommended the team of ASCG, Incorporated. The following criteria was given for their choice:
1) Experience with Economic Plan.
2) Experience with the military.
3) 2nd in scoring guide.
4) Prior visitation to the community.
5) Interested and knowledgeable of the community.
6) Familiar with CIDS, Plan required for Federal grants.
M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to award the contract to ASCG, Incorporated to develop our Comprehensive Economic Development Plan. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURN M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes moved to adjourn the meeting @
Eileen S. Holmes, Mayor
Nancy E. Hollis, City Clerk