July 30, 2003 Special Meeting
Present: Staff:
Nancy Hollis, Clerk
Albert Reams
Micah Reams
Mike Pearson
Pat Carlson
Absent: Guest:
Eileen Holmes, Excused
Steve Holmes, Excused
Adam J. Corbin, Excused
ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Albert Reams at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S S. P. Carlson/M. Pearson to approve the agenda. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 04-01
Mini-Grant Program Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported on her progress in compiling the information for the golf course. In reviewing the financial data, we will not be able to complete this project for $ 30,000.00. She stated another alternative would be to apply for the Community Block grant for this project. She stated that the only requirement of this grant is that we would have to commit to a job for a seasonal worker after the completion of the grant. Under the Community Block grant we could apply for a grant for $ 35,000.00 for each job created and a 100% match for a total of $ 70,000.00.
Motion/Second M. Pearson moved to approve Resolution 04-01. There was no second. Motion dies for lack of second.
M/S M. Pearson/M. Reams moved to reject Resolution 04-01. No further discussion. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURMENT M/S P. Carlson/M. Pearson to adjourn the meeting @
Albert Reams, Acting Mayor
Nancy E Hollis, Clerk