
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

April 3, 2003 Regular Meeting




Thursday April 3, 2003



Present:                                                                                                Staff:

Eileen Holmes,  Mayor                                                        Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                             

Albert Reams                                                                        Wendy Allsbrook-Javier, Acting Clerk

Micah Reams

Steve Holmes


Absent:                                                                                  Guest:

Barry Corbin, Excused                                                         Denali Borough Assembly Member Sid Michaels

Adam J Corbin, Excused                                                    

Patricia Carlson                                                                   




ROLL CALL                                        The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at 6:40 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                      M/S S. A. Reams/S. Holmes to approve the agenda with the following changes:


Add under New Business: 

f)        Post Office

                g)       Couch for the Clinic Apartment


                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


MINUTES                                              MS S. S. Holmes/A. Reams to approve March 6, 2003 Regular Meeting minutes with a few minor corrections. 

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.




CORRESPONDENCE                        Mayor Holmes stated that the city received a letter from the Willow Emergency Medical Service commending Jolene Fournier for her expertise and professional support in responding to an auto accident in their jurisdiction. 

                                                                M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to draft a resolution of recognition of Jolene Fournier outstanding performance.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

                                                                Mayor Holmes also stated that we received a grant application from the Denali Commission for a water bottling plant.  The grant application is due April 10th.  It was recommended by the council to contact the grant administrator and request an extension.



FINANCIAL REPORTS                     Mayor E. Holmes received the financial reports.  Mayor Holmes stated that we should be pretty close in our projections.  Council Person A. Reams reported that we need to look at our insurance costs for the next fiscal year, especially with the loss of the Cable TV revenue.  He also stated that the expenditures for Environmental for this fiscal year are projected really low.  He also wanted to know if the Denali Fund for Training can be used for an employee to work under Mr. Griggs. 



BILLS TO BE PAID                           M/S S. S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to approve the Bills to be Paid

Council Person A. Reams suggested that we use two decimal places for all monetary calculations on the Bills to Be Paid.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


PUBLIC ACCESS                               Denali Borough Assembly Member Sid Michaels reported that possibly Carol Shields will be resigning her position on the Denali Borough Assembly.  He stated that it is essential that the city work and find a candidate from within the City of Anderson to apply for this position.

Wendy Allsbrook-Javier wanted to invite the council and public to a grant writing workshop that she will be conducting in the near future. 




OLD BUSINESS                                 


Economic & Strategic Plan               M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes moved to approve the City of Anderson Strategic Plan as presented.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



CODE BOOK REVISION                  Mayor Holmes stated that during the work session it was decided that we have Elections as a separate title in the Code Book rather than it being included in Title 1.  The new breakdown of the Code Book will be as follows:

                                                                                Title 1     General Provisions

                                                                                Title 2     Administration and Personnel

                                                                                Title 3     Revenue and Finance

                                                                                Title 4     Elections

                                                                                Title 5     Environmental

                                                                                Title 6     Public Health

                                                                                Title 7     Public Safety

                                                                                Title 8     Reserved

                                                                                Title 9     Vehicles and Traffic

                                                                                Title 10   Public Services

                                                                                Title 11   Public Lands

                                                                                Title 12   Reserved

                                                                                Title 13   Subdivisions

                                                                M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams to approve the new breakdown of the City of Anderson Code Book.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.                        


DMV AUTOMATION                         M/S A. Reams/M. Reams moved to table this agenda item until the next regular meeting.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Ordinance 03-01

Election Ordinance                             Mayor Holmes reported that we have approved the changes in the Code Book and re-titled Elections as Title 4.instead of being included in Title 1.

                                                                M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes moved to amend Ordinance 03-01 as follows:

                                                                                Change Title 1 to Title 4

                                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Ordinance 03-02

Chapter 1

Anderson Municipal Code                 M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to postpone this item until the May meeting.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


FEMA GRANT                                     Mayor Holmes stated that this is a grant that the Fire Department was applying for a major piece of Fire Equipment.  This grant is due April 11th.  To date neither the Clerk nor the Mayor has received any information from the Public Safety Director or the Fire Chief.  Mayor Holmes reported that we will contact the Public Safety Director and the Fire Chief on Monday to find out what they intend to do with this grant application. 

                                                                M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes moved to direct the Mayor Holmes to contact the Public Safety Director concerning the needs of the equipment for the FEMA grant.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Medicare and Medicaid Billing        Mayor Holmes stated that the city’s enrollment in Medicare and Medicaid as been discontinued due to inactivity.  The clerk has been in contact with the Public Safety Director requesting information that is required in the applications for enrollment.  Currently we have four EMS runs that were eligible for Medicare/Medicaid that we are not able to file and receive payment due to cancellation of enrollment.  The clerk was requesting direction on how to proceed with the claims. 


EMT Training                                      Mayor Holmes wanted to know how to proceed with the EMT’s that did not fulfill their one year commitment with our EMS squad.  The council gave the Mayor a directive to send one bill and then drop it.  It was suggested that in the future the prospective EMT’s pay for the initial cost of the training and the city reimburse the individual after completion of one year’s service. 

Land Ownership                                 

Records                                                 Mayor Holmes stated she contacted Yukon Title concerning researching land records.  They stated that they charge $ 250 per lot.  Clerk Hollis stated that we have the majority of land ownership records.  She stated that we currently have the authority to condemn properties.  Council Person A. Reams stated that he was in the Recorder Office in Fairbanks and was notified that all the Nenana Recorders Office records will be transferred to Anchorage on July 1st.   The following properties owners need to be contacted and asked to clean up their property:

                                                                                George Nelson on B Street

                                                                                Wertz on B Street

                                                                                Weibel on B Street

                                                                                McKees  on D Street

                                                                                Cornwalls on B Street

                                                                                John Grey on D Street

                                                                                Rita Morris on 1st Street and D Street

                                                                                Cummings on C Street

                                                                Clerk Hollis suggested that the Fire Chief inspect the properties prior to condemnation of the properties.  The council directed the Mayor and Clerk to send letters to all property owners listed above and give them 30 days to reply. 


Public Records                                    Mayor Holmes stated that the council needs to draft a resolution for disposal and retention of city records.                 


Parliamentary Procedure Class      Mayor Holmes recommended that we postpone this class until sometime in the fall.

M/S  S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to postpone this class until fall. 

No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.





Sewage Lagoon Rate Increase          Mayor Holmes  reported that currently our rates are  lower than the rates in  Fairbanks.  She suggested that we raise our rates equivalent to Fairbanks to discourage pumpers from transporting sludge to our facility from outside of our valley.  Council Person A. Reams also stated that Fairbanks also charges additional fees beside the fees for sludge.  Council Person A. Reams and Mayor Holmes reported that Leroy Lausen had contacted them concerning the raise in fees.  Mr. Lausen stated that he has already entered into contracts for the summer season. 

                                                                M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes to raise the sewage lagoon fees from $ 40.00 per 1,000 gallons to $ 64.48 per 1,000 gallons effective July 1st. No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.   


Multi-Use Facility                               Mayor Holmes reported that Denali Commission has grant monies available for a Multi-Use Facility.  She wanted to know if this was an avenue the council wanted to proceed with.  Mayor Holmes stated that additional offices are needed in addition to a Laundry Mat.  Deadline for this grant is July.  A 30% match is required.  Clerk Hollis would like to get a group of volunteers to help design a facility that will match our community needs. 

                                                                M/S S. Holmes/M. Reams move to proceed with the Multi-Use Facility.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Public Sale                                           Mayor Holmes stated that the council in the past has requested that we sell our surplus items.  She suggested that each Department Head compile a list for the next meeting. 


Morris Residence                               Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that the only documentation that she has received concerning this property is an IRS form stating that she donated the residence to the city.  Facts were not clear whether the land was included in the donation.   A letter needs to be sent to Mrs. Morris requesting clarification.


Post Office                                            Mayor Holmes reported that we received correspondence from the Post Office Officials concerning a long term lease.  They stated that a few minor modifications needs to be completed to the city building prior to entering into a long-term lease. 


Couch for Clinic                                  Mayor Holmes received a request from the Baileys concerning a new couch for the clinic apartment.  The council directed the Mayor to purchase a new couch for the apartment.  Clerk Hollis stated that a few years ago, the city purchased from the Base surplus furniture and it was suppose to be stored in the Fire Hall.       





ENVIRONMENTAL                            Council Person A. Reams reported we sent off the mosquito permit applications.  He has also been contacting our representatives concerning funding for the lagoon.


Administration                                    No report.



ADJOURMENT                                   M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes to adjourn the meeting @ 8:45 PM.







                                                                                                Eileen Holmes,  Mayor







Wendy Allsbrook-Javier, Acting Clerk


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