March 6, 2003 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Eileen Holmes, Mayor Nancy Hollis, Clerk
Albert Reams
Micah Reams
A.J. Corbin
Steve Holmes
Patricia Carlson
Absent: Guest:
Barry Corbin, Excused Assembly Member Sid Michaels
Mayor Dave Talerico
Ruth Zellar
Wendy Allsbrook-Javier
Jerry Bailor
Pat Bailor
Bob Whicker
Ann Jenkins
Jennifer Skinner
Patrick Skinner
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams to approve the agenda with the following changes:
Add: 11a: Dr. Higgins
11b: Air Guard
13h: Resolution 03-20 Headcount Census
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES MS S. Holmes/A. Corbin to approve all of the minutes with the following corrections:
2nd Page: Change "Marines" to "Marine Corp League"
Capitalize "he"
Change "curbed" to "curb"
Financial Reports: Delete the word "thing"
Grant Training 1) Add the word "raise" before "revenue" and add a period at end of sentence
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
CORRESPONDENCE No Correspondence.
FINANCIAL REPORTS Mayor E. Holmes received the financial reports. Mayor Holmes asked for clarification on the DMV Commission. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that an error on the December's Commission was corrected, and the items were highlighted.
BILLS TO BE PAID M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to approve the Bills to be Paid
Council Person S. Holmes questioned the Department of Natural Resources bill for the Fire Department. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that this was a yearly bill for water rights. Council Person A. Reams questioned the State of Alaska Department of Environmental bill for yearly permit fees. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that this was the yearly bill for both the waste water and solid waste permits.
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
PUBLIC ACCESS Ruth Zellar gave a report of the progress of the web page. She is looking for active Bluegrass Festival pictures.
Superintendent Bob Whicker stated that
Ordinance 03-01
Election Ordinance Council Person A. Reams stated that we have added additional language and procedures for election workers, city staff and council to properly conduct city elections. Ruth Zellar asked if there was any changes that addressed the citizens that were unable to come to the polls for medical and physical reasons. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that this issue has been addressed and information will be circulated this fall to inform the residents.
Ordinance 03-02
Chapter 1 Mayor Holmes stated that the following changes were made to Chapter 1 of the Anderson City Code:
Changed the "
Changes the penalties from "hundreds" to "thousands".
Added electronic format to Public Records definition.
Under Public Records changed the following to read:
"Secure and maintain at least one copy of the Alaska Statues and one copy of the Denali Borough Code, and make them available for public inspection" to "Electronic format copies of the Alaska Statutes and Denali Borough Code shall be made available for public inspection.
Mayor Dave Talerico Mayor Talerico presented the city with two draft copies of phase 1 of the Northern Access Study. Phase 2 will be bid proposals for consultants. He stated that the Borough would be doing a land evaluation of municipal entitlements within the Borough. The Borough will be soliciting comments from the residents. He stated that he will be setting up public hearing dates to gather information on how the residents want to classify the municipal entitlements.
He also stated he would like a list of abandoned properties. He stated that there is a program called Brownsfield
Air National Guard Pat Skinner and Stephen Bucholz represented the Alaska Air National Guard. Mr. Skinner reported that the proposal is still on track for Oct 03. It is projected that there will be 25-30 hires for the first year. Mr. Skinner estimated that approximately 15-20% of the guard would live in the local area. Over a five year period approximately 96 positions will be filled. He also stated that all current support will stay. The only difference is that there will be Alaska Air Guard personnel instead of Air Force. It is also possible that an additional 15 people will be staffed sometime in the future.
Economic & Strategic Plan Mayor Holmes stated that we have been working on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the hiring of the consultants. We are also looking for volunteers for the economic committee. She stated that it would be nice to have representation from the School, Borough, Air Guard, community businesses and residents. Sid Michaels stated that he would represent the Denali Borough. Bob Whicker stated that he would like to represent the School. Patrick and Jennifer Skinner also volunteered to serve on this committee.
Jennifer Skinner stated that the insurance requirements seemed real low. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that these are the minimum state requirements.
The council finished reviewing the RFP for the hiring of the consultant.
M/S A. Corbin/A Reams moved to approve the RFP for the hiring of the consultant to conduct the Economic Plan. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Holmes stated the council needs to make a decision on the newsletter and whether we wanted to contract or hire an employee. Wendy Allsbrook-Javier stated that when the grant was written, this position was created to communicate with the residents on the economic process during the grant process. Different options were discussed.
M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes moved to hire an employee for the newsletter. There was no further discussion. Motion passed 5 in favor and Council Person A. Corbin opposed.
CODE BOOK REVISION M/S A. Reams/S.Holmes to table the Codebook revision until next month. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
PROGRAM Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that she is still trying to contact DMV representatives to find out what is required to get our office automated. She stated that currently they are receiving their internet service from ACS. She stated that they are aware that we are not an automated office and are trying to get
Ordinance 03-01
Election Ordinance Mayor Holmes introduced as the 2nd reading Ordinance 03-01, Election Ordinance. There was no discussion.
Ordinance 03-02
Chapter 1
FEMA GRANT Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that she has been in contact with Council Person B. Corbin concerning the FEMA Grant. She reminded the council that this grant requires a 10% match. The federal government has increased their funding level. She stated that last year we applied for fire fighting equipment and personal protective gear. The deadline for the grant is March 31st.
Resolution 03-18
Headcount Census
M/S A. Reams/P. Carlson moved to approve Resolution 03-18, Headcount Census for the Community of Anderson at 592 residents. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Land Ownership
Records Mayor Holmes stated that this will require personnel or volunteer time at the Recorder's Office. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that she has the majority of the lots identified. Council Person A. Corbin stated that Yukon Title also has the ownership of lands. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that Yukon Title normally charges $ 250.00 per lot for a research fee. Mayor Holmes said that she was willing to contact Yukon Title to see what they would charge to do several lots for the city.
Public Records Mayor Holmes stated that we have a lot of records to index. She has volunteered to assist the Clerk/Treasurer with this task. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that either we need to find volunteers or hire an employee to assist with the task or fill in the clerk's office.
Wage Policy Mayor Holmes stated that the Wage Scale has not been increased for inflation since the late 80's or early 90's. Council Person S. Holmes suggested a 15 to 20% increase across the board.
M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to approve a 20% increase for the following positions:
Fill-in Clerk, Office Help, DMV Clerk, Fill-in DMV Clerk (Trained),
M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams to amend the motion to also include a 20% raise for Cable Technician and Training Technician. No further discussion. Amended and Main Motion both passed unanimously.
M/S A. Corbin/Carlson to approve the following rates for the Public Works and Grant positions as follows:
Laborer 10.00
Laborer/Grant 12.00
Equipment Operator 14.00
Eq. Operator/Grants 16.00
Mosquito Control 14.00
Welder/Grants 16.00
Oiler/Mechanics 14.00
Oiler/Mechanic/Grant 16.00
The following positions will be determined by the City Council:
Clerk/Treasurer, Foreman and Building Construction.
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 03-19
Safe Communities Funding Mayor Holmes read Resolution 03-19, Safe Communities Funding.
M/S A. Corbin/A. Reams moved to approve Resolution 03-19, Safe Communities Funding. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Student Representative Mayor Holmes stated that she has not contacted Mr. Polta, School Principal concerning this issue.
Parliamentary Procedure Class Mayor Holmes will contact DCED to arrange a time for this class.
Training Grant Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that we received a grant for training approximately one year ago. We have the funding for one individual to attend a Small Wastewater class and two individuals to attend a CDL refresher class. She stated the deadline is June 30th. Council Person P Carlson asked if we could possibly send someone in for training to teach an EMT class. There was some discussion whether the city would be responsible if we sent an individual for CDL license. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that the individuals would have to pass the road test for Commercial Driver's License, giving by the State. Council Person A. Reams suggested that we employ an apprentice to the Foreman to work for the summer. He feels that our current Foreman will be here for two to three years at the most. He stated that our current Foreman is an excellent instructor and it would be ideal if he could train his replacement. Council Person A. Corbin stated that his budget does not allow for additional employees. Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that training monies are available for all types of training.
Resolution 03-20
Census M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams moved to approve Resolution 03-20, Headcount Census for the Denali Borough Funding at 820 residents. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
ADMINISTRATION Mayor Holmes reported that she listened to the Governor's budget Teleconference last night. She reported to the council the Governor's proposed cuts.
PUBLIC WORKS Council Person A. Corbin stated the Foreman is on reduced hours. The D-3 has been fixed. Foreman is currently working on the chip spreader. He also reported that the oil that we received from the base is not working in the waste oil burner.
ENVIRONMENTAL Council Person A. Reams reported that we are within 18 inches of the freeboard. We will be sending out letters to the pumpers limiting the gallons that we will be able to accept. The city is also applying for permits for mosquito spraying.
CABLE Council Person M. Reams stated the city's cable is slowly dying due to loss of customers.
SERVICES Council Person Carlson stated that she has been in contact with Mr. Higgins about providing dental services to our community.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Corbin/S. Holmes to adjourn the meeting @
Eileen Holmes, Mayor
Nancy E Hollis, Clerk