
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

July 10, 20003 Regular Meeting



Thursday July 10 2003



Present:                                                                                                Staff:

Eileen Holmes, Mayor                                                         Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                             

Albert Reams                                                                       

Adam J Corbin

Micah Reams


Absent:                                                                                  Guest:

Patricia Carlson, Excused                                                    Denali Borough Mayor Dave Talerico

Steve Holmes, Excused                                                       Eileen Bechtol

                                                                                                Richard Napoleone

                                                                                                Randy Witte

                                                                                                Karen Shields

                                                                                                Denali Borough Assembly Member Sid Michaels

                                                                                                Jennifer Skinner                   


ROLL CALL                                        The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at 6:35 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                      M/S. A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to approve the agenda with the following additions:

                                                                                New Business

                                                                                                d)  Park Representative Northern Access Visitor's Facilities Study


                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


MINUTES                                              M/S A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes. 

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


CORRESPONDENCE                        We received the following correspondence:

1)       Utility Management Training




FINANCIAL REPORTS                     Mayor Holmes received the financial reports.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that she tried to maximize expenses for each department to help with FY04 expenses due to cuts in Revenue Sharing and Safe Communities.  There was no further discussion.


BILLS TO BE PAID                           M/S S. A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to approve the Bills to be Paid.

No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


PUBLIC ACCESS                               Richard Napoleone commented on the deterioration of the Riverside Park.  He stated that we had a joint meeting between the city and the Lions Club earlier in the year and made commitments on what each entity would commit towards the Bluegrass Festival.  He stated that the city agreed to mow the fields.  Karen Shields reported that the majority of the lights are not working at the park and also several electrical RV outlets are broken.  Richard commented "that the park seems to be playing second fiddle".   Council Person A. Corbin stated that the city agreed to mow the grass prior to the festival and he is currently working on the streetlights.  He stated that the laborers have been weed whacking at the park and Mr. Griggs has been working on the plumbing and water problems.  Council Person A. Corbin stated that with the current budget situation, the city cannot afford to spend additional monies at the park.  He reported that the grass will be mowed and that the electrical and lights will be fixed prior to Bluegrass.  Karen Shields reported that the mower has a flat tire.  She stated that the Lions Club members are willing to volunteer their time to help clean up the park.  Council Person A. Corbin reported that paint has been purchased to paint the restroom building. pavilion and shooting range.  Karen Shields reported that the campsites are real messy.  Council Person A. Reams reported that there has been a series of vandalism within the city and the troopers have been notified.  Jennifer Skinner reported that the park does not represent pride of ownership.  Randy Witte reported that the base intends to surplus a three gang mower and suggested that the city contact DRMO about obtaining the mower.     


Denali Borough Mayor

Dave Talerico                                       Mayor Talerico reported that Shelley Acteson has resigned as Borough Clerk and that Assembly has hired Gail Pieknik has the new clerk. 



Appointment of Council



OLD BUSINESS                                 



CODE BOOK REVISION                  Mayor Holmes reported that we did not have a quorum for the work session.


DMV AUTOMATION                         Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that she has been in contact with DMV and ACS.  She will be working on the agreement and purchasing the computer.  Once we are online and have the equipment, DMV will start training our employees.


Land Ownership Records/

Abandoned Properties                        Mayor E. Holmes reported that several letters have been mailed to abandoned property owners requesting assistance from them as to actual legal owners and what their intent is for the property.  Also copies of our ordinances were mailed with the letter.  Mayor Holmes received a letter from Alycia Farrell concerning a property on E Street.


Public Sale                                           Mayor Holmes asked if all the department heads had their list together.  The clerk's office has not received lists as of today.   Clerk/Treasurer Hollis asked who will be responsible for the sale and what type of sale did we want to have?  Mayor Holmes asked if anyone was interested in taking on this sale?  Jennifer Skinner recommended that we contact the Daily News Miners on how to handle the surplus equipment. 



Appointment of Council

Member                                                 Mayor Holmes reported that Mike Pearson was the only applicant for the council vacancy. 

                                                                M/S A. Reams/M. Reams moved to appoint Mike Pearson to Seat  A of the City Council.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

                                                                Clerk/Treasurer Hollis administered the Oath of Office to Mike Pearson.



Project R.E.A.D.Y. Update                  Eileen Bechtol, consultant for the Economic Grant reported to the council on the progress of the Economic plan.  She stated that the Economic Committee met this afternoon and made several changes.  She suggested that any recommendations to the draft plan be forwarded to the city clerk.  The top priorities for future grants are:

                                                                                Multi-Use Community Center

                                                                                EMS/Fire Equipment Upgrades

                                                                                Sewage Lagoon Expansion

Gravel Operations

                                                                                Abandoned Buildings

                                                                                Entrance Signs    

                                                                                New city enterprises

                                                                She reviewed the economic plan goals and objectives.

                                                                Council Person A. Reams commented on the information concerning the clinic.  He suggested that the sign be removed by the clinic building. 





DCED FY04 Mini-Grant                    Mayor Holmes asked the council what type of project that the city wanted to apply for.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis explained what types of projects that we can apply for.  Council Person A. Reams suggested that we apply for a feasible study for the Multi-Use Facility.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that this grant is due August 1st, she stated that time is limited and  that whatever project we proceed with she will need assistance.  Another project that was presented was a golf course at the park in the burned area.  Council Person A. Reams stated we need to find a project that will increase revenues for the city.  Council Person A. Corbin stated that it costs approximately $ 500.00 an acre to hydro-axe.  Another option was to install water hook-ups at the park. 

                                                                M/S A. Reams./A. Corbin   moved to apply for a three hole golf course.  Council Person A. Corbin stated that this would eliminate the burned area on pavilion side of dike.  It was estimated that approximately 15-20 acres of land would be hydro-axed.  Council Person Pearson asked how much time would be needed to mow the grass in the future?  It was also requested that we advertise the firewood that is available at the park.  No further discussion,.  Motion passed unanimously.



BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL                  Karen Shields, Bluegrass Chairperson wanted clarification on what needs to be completed prior to Bluegrass.  She stated the grass needs to be mowed, electrical outlets and streetlights repaired, and the picnic tables need to be setup.  She stated that the Lions Club will be hiring four laborers and a person for the bathrooms for the weekend.  She stated that they have rented additional portable toilets.  The city will need to have the pumper available for the weekend also.  Additional unarmed security has also been hired.  She stated that she is having trouble finding EMS volunteers for the weekend.  



GRANT                                                 Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that this grant is limited due to us not qualifying for low income and recommended something to do with building handicap access entry. 



PARK NORTH ACCESS                   Pat Welch and Michelle Roller explained the North Access for Denali Park and was requesting comments of the different options they are studying.  Council Person Pearson reported that the Nenana Fish & Game Advisory Committer was not in favor of the north access route through Stampede Road.        





ENVIRONMENTAL                            Council Person A. Reams reported that water samples for the new test wells would have to be completed as soon as possible. 


PUBLIC WORKS                               Council Person A. Corbin stated that the trail along the dike is approximately 2/3 completed.  Council Person Pearson suggested that the city purchase its batteries from Interstate Batteries in exchange for them picking up all the used batteries.  According to Council Person Pearson, Interstate Batteries will no longer be picking up the cities used batteries.  He stated that all we would have to do is contact Interstate Batteries and stock a few batteries. 


CABLE TV                                           Council Person M Reams stated that the majority of cable has been removed from the poles.  The job should be completed within the next week.   


Administration                                    Mayor Holmes reported that DMV has really been busy this week.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that we have lost a significant amount of revenue for Revenue Sharing and Safe Communities.  She stated that at our next meeting we need to do a budget revision. 


ADJOURMENT                                   M/S A. Reams/A. Corbin moved to adjourn the meeting @ 9:00 PM.







                                                                                                Eileen Holmes,  Mayor







Nancy E Hollis, City Clerk

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