
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

February 6, 2003 Regular Meeting




Thursday, February 6, 2003



Present:                                                                                                Staff:

Eileen Holmes,  Mayor                                                        Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                             

Albert Reams                                                                       

Micah Reams

Barry Corbin

Steve Holmes

Patricia Carlson


Absent:                                                                                  Guest:

Adam J Corbin, Excused                                                     Assembly Member Sid Michaels

                                                                                                Mayor Dave Talerico

                                                                                                Ruth Zellar

                                                                                                Wendy Allsbrook-Javier




ROLL CALL                                        The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Eileen Holmes at 6:30 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                      M/S S. Holmes/A. Reams to approve the agenda with the following changes:



f)  Public Hearing on Anderson Municipal Code Chapter 1

Add:       f)  Ordinance 03-02  1st Reading Anderson                      Municipal Code, Chapter 1


                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


MINUTES                                              Mayor Holmes postponed the minutes for approval until the next regular meeting.


CORRESPONDENCE                        Mayor Holmes addressed the following correspondence:

                                                                                1)  Snow machine letter

                                                                                2)  Fire reports

                                                                                3)  Permanent Fund Outreach Program



FINANCIAL REPORTS                     Mayor E. Holmes received the financial reports.  She commented that everything seemed to be in line with projections.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that we are above revenue projections in DMV and Sewage Lagoon.   She projects that we will be slightly over budget in

                                                                Administration, Public Works and Environmental.  She is hopeful that the revenue increases will cover the expense overtures. 


                                                                She also stated that we are applying for two permits for mosquito spraying.  The City of Fairbanks has an excess supply of pyrenone that we can obtain at no cost.  She is currently working on the two permits.  


WORKSHOP/ECONOMIC              Wendy Allsbrook-Javier stated that she is willing to conduct a grant-writing workshop at the council's convenience.  Mayor Holmes thought it would be great to not only offer it to the council but also the community.  Mayor Holmes suggested putting up a sign up sheet to find out who was interested and then schedule the workshop based upon the interest.  Wendy suggested that we start with a half-day event.

                                                                She also brought up the economic grant.  In February, the Request for Proposal should be drawn up and put out for bid.  She stated that three things that we should address in the proposal are:

                                                                                1)  Best ways to raise revenue for the city and community.

                                                                                2)  What is the best way to meet the needs of  the community, specifically dealing with the influx of residents with the change over at base.

                                                                                3)  Possible feasibility study on the best possible source of revenue.



BILLS TO BE PAID                           M/S S. Holmes/M. Reams to approve the Bills to be Paid. Clerk Hollis added the following bills:

Alaska Municipal League Dues        $ 950.00

Total General Fund bills total:  $ 6,346.25

Council Person S. Holmes questioned the Fire Department bill for electric.  Clerk Hollis stated that the bill for the Fire Hall also includes the Public Works Department.

No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


PUBLIC ACCESS                               No public comment.




OLD BUSINESS                                 



UPDATE SNOW MACHINES          Mayor Holmes reported on the Snow Machine problems within the city.  Council Person B. Corbin stated that eventually the city should have to look into obtaining police enforcement.  Council Person S. Holmes reported that in the past the city had hired a police officer and it created more problems than it resolved.  Council Person B. Corbin suggested that we work with the school to help enforce the laws.  Mayor Holmes suggested that we have a snow machine safety course.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that a resident came into the city offices and reported that he had a meeting with the State Trooper regarding the reckless driving of snow machines.  The resident stated that he has had to go into the ditch to avoid a collision with a snow machine.  The resident informed the clerk that the Trooper informed him, in the future, not to put himself in danger by avoiding the snow machine.  Mayor Talerico reported that the city contact Charles Tressler, Division Commander of the Troopers to possibly come an address the school and the community about the safety issues.


CODE BOOK REVISION                  Mayor Holmes reported that we have started working on Chapter 2.  We have been working on the Divisions responsibilities and minor changes.



PROGRAM                                          Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that Ann Jenkins, Treasurer for the Village Library informed her that the Library is already providing this service. 



ORGANIZATION                               M/S A. Reams/B. Corbin moved not to become a member of the National Cities Organization.  Mayor Holmes stated most of the links on the website refer you to the Alaska Municipal League.  Since we are already of member of the Alaska Municipal League, the council felt there was no reason for duplication.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



STRATEGIC PLAN                            Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that the grant is divided as follows:

                                                                                1.  Request for Proposal for the consultant    

                                                                                                a.  Criteria for the grant

                                                                                                                1.  Diversify the economics

                                                                2.  Respond to forthcoming economic changes within the next 5 years,

                                                                                                                3.  Accommodate the influx of families.

                                                                4.  Economic feasibility study on a viable alternative revenue source.

                                                                                2.  Newspaper

                                                                                3.  Web Site Designer

                                                                Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that our strategic plan needs to be updated to reflect the community's current outlook.  

 It was estimated that we have approximately 250 residents living in the center of Anderson, which does not include the residents and military personnel.   There was a concern of residents on base being included in other census for the same purposes.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that she has been in contact with Laura Walters from the state department regarding how to determine residency.  Laura stated that residency is based upon where the individual spends the majority of his/her time. 

Clerk/Treasurer Hollis asked the council if they wanted to preview the RFP, prior to release.  She stated that she could email the document to all members or have a special meeting.  It was suggested for time constraints, that email would be the best alternative.

Clerk/Treasurer Hollis asked if the council wanted to contract or hire in-house for the newsletter.  She also wanted to know what content they wanted included in the newsletter and format.  Where do we want to circulate the newsletter?  Council Person A. Reams wanted to know if this tied into the web page.  We have approximately $ 1,300.00 for this section of the budget.  Council Person A. Reams suggested that we hire a person to start the newsletter and publish either bi-weekly or monthly for six months for $ 1,000.00.  Mayor Holmes suggested that we combine the position with the Bluegrass coordinator. 

M/S P Carlson/S. Holmes that we contract the newsletter position.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

 Mayor Holmes will draft a copy of the contract for this position.

Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that Charles Pluard is interested in developing a web page for the city.  He has assured the city, that final design of this web page would be user friendly.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that we need additional time to be able to consult and receive training time so the office staff is able to update and maintain the web page.  Council Person A. Reams suggested that we compensate Mr. Pluard for development of the web page.  He suggested that we pay $ 500.00, 90 days after he completes the web page and an additional $ 260.00 after six months after completion. 

M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes to approve to pay Mr. Pluard the following:

                $ 500.00 to be paid 90 days after completion of web page.

$ 260.00 to be paid 180 days after completion of the web page.

                                                                No further discussion, motion passed unanimously.




DMV AUTOMATION                         Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that the Department of Motor Vehicles would be going digital with their driver's licenses in January 2004, which would eliminate the driver license portion of our business.  She stated that she has contacted DMV in the past, and they stated that it was the Internet connection agreement that was stopping us from going online.  She feels that the Borough and the city needs to get involved by contact DMV or drafting and passing resolutions.

                                                                M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes to draft a resolution to strongly encourage DMV to update our office and bring the city online to conduct DMV transactions.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


ALASKA USA ACCOUNT                Mayor Holmes stated that the city has a dormant account at Alaska USA Federal Credit Union and asked whether the city should close the account. 

                                                                M/S B. Corbin/P. Carlson moved to close the Alaska USA account.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


SKATING RINK BUILDING             Mayor Holmes reported that the skating rink committee requested the use of the old landfill building that is stored currently at the Fire Hall. 

                                                                M/S B. Corbin/A. Reams to donate the building to the Lions Club to be used as a warm up shack for the skating rink.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


GRANT WORKSHOP                       Mayor Holmes reported that a sign up sheet would be posted. 


Ordinance 03-01

1st Reading

Chapter 1

Anderson Municipal Code

Elections                                               Mayor Holmes introduced the 1st reading of the elections ordinance.  Council Person A. Reams stated that we are repealing the election code and replacing it with this ordinance.

                                                                M/S B. Corbin/P. Carlson moved to introduce the 1st reading of Ordinance 03-01, Anderson Municipal Code, Chapter 1, Elections.

                                                                Clerk/Hollis Treasurer Hollis stated that she will be reviewing the ordinance to verify that it complies with Alaska Title 29.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


RECESS                                                 Meeting was recessed at 8:10 PM.

RECONVENED                                     Meeting was reconvened at 8:15 PM.


Denali Park Corridor

House Bill 244                                     Denali Borough Mayor Dave Talerico presented to the council a history on the Northern Access Study.  Senator Murkowski, now Governor Murkowski appropriated the funds for the northern access study to Denali in 1997.   This funding was forwarded to the State Department of Transportation.   In 2002, this study was transferred to the Denali Borough.  He outlined the progress to date.  He will be forward a summary of the project so far to the city offices.  This project is estimated to last three years. 

Denali Borough Mayor Dave Talerico gave a brief description of House Bill 244.  He wanted it clear that this is not the same as the Northern Access Study.  This bill is for the establishment of a railroad corridor into Denali Park.  He stated that he felt that the study of the Northern access should be completed to find the most suitable route into the park before the Denali Borough enters into an agreement with Kantishna Holdings for the utility corridor. 




RESPONDERS                                    M/S B. Corbin/A. Reams to approve Resolution 03-16, Supporting First Responders.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



CAPITAL PROJECT LIST               Council Person B. Corbin reported that he is working on this project list.   The report is due tomorrow.  Last year we were fortunate to receive some radios. 




EMS/FIRE FUNDING                          M/S A Reams/B. Corbin to approve Resolution 03-17, Denali Borough Funding for Fire and EMS.   Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that the Denali Borough has been contributing to our Fire and EMS personnel based upon residents within our service area for the past several years.   Council Person B. Corbin stated that we are also planning on submitting a letter of additional funding requests for $ 4,000.00 to help fund our program.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                M/S B. Corbin/M/ Reams to request an additional $ 4,000.00 to help assist our department.

                                                                M/S A. Reams/B. Corbin to amend the motion to increase the requests for $ 5,000.00.  Council Person A. Reams stated that our equipment is old and also we had an increase of expenditures in insurance.

                                                                No further discussion.    Motion passed unanimously.




FIRE/EMS FUNDING                          Council Person A. Reams stated that funding is needed to help with the maintenance of our current equipment.  A posting will be posted on the bulletin board and the Cable TV requesting additional public comment.


FEMA GRANT APPLICATION       Council Person B. Corbin stated that we were unsuccessful on last years ventures and will try and resubmit the previous years grant with additional improvements.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis asked who would be involved in the process.  Council Person B. Corbin stated that he would coordinate with Mr. Gibbs, Fire Chief and the City Clerk/Treasurer to complete the grant.


HEADCOUNT CENSUS                     Clerk/Treasurer Hollis reported that the new figures for the city's population was not accurate.  This will require a headcount of the city.  She has drafted letters to be mailed to the Base Officials for their numbers.  She stated that the State has requested official letters from the agencies involved rather than individual names on the numbers of residents living on the base.  She stated that the main headcount for the city was completed.  Assembly Member Sid Michaels suggested that we asked for a count for the residents that are assigned to rooms versus trying to determine who actually maintains their home the majority of time on the base. 





CODE, CHAPTER 1                           M/S A. Reams/S. Holmes to introduce as 1st reading of Chapter 1, Anderson Municipal Code.  Clerk/Treasurer Hollis stated that basically the changes are grammar and penalties amounts.  We also changed a few items under Public Records.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.







LAND USE                                            Council Person S Holmes reported that he is trying to locate the maps and our land entitlements.  He is also looking into costs for surveys.


ENVIRONMENTAL                            Council Person A. Reams reported that we are in the process of applying for two permits for mosquito spraying this summer.  Sewage Lagoon is doing good. 



CABLE                                                  Council Person M. Reams stated the city had to disconnect several customers for non-payment of cable.


PUBLIC SAFETY                                No report.


ADMINISTRATION                           Mayor Holmes suggested that look into having a student representative serving on the city council. 



ADJOURMENT                                   M/S A. Reams/B. Corbin to adjourn the meeting @ 9:10 PM.







                                                                                                Eileen Holmes,  Mayor







Nancy E Hollis, Clerk


This site is maintained by the City of Anderson PO Box 3100 Anderson, AK 99744 907-582-2500