Chapter 13.20 Subdivision Design Standards
Chapter 13.20
13.20.010 Generally.
13.20.020 Construction specifications.
13.20.030 Principal streets.
13.20.040 Tract requirements.
13.20.050 Residential streets.
13.20.070 Alleys.
13.20.080 Grades.
13.20.090 Grade changes.
13.20.100 Closed ends.
13.20.110 Half streets.
13.20.120 Sight distances.
13.20.130 Right-of-way width.
13.20.140 Deflection angles.
13.20.150 Reversed curves.
13.20.160 Flat grades.
13.20.170 Boundary streets.
13.20.180 Names.
13.20.190 Property lines.
13.20.200 Generally.
13.20.210 Width and depth requirements.
13.20.220 Pedestrian crosswalks.
13.20.230 Generally.
13.20.240 Varying dimensions.
13.20.250 Septic tank construction.
13.20.260 Abutment.
13.20.270 Side lines.
13.20.280 Double frontage lots.
13.20.290 Arterial street frontage.
13.20.300 Vacations.
13.20.010 Generally. The streets shall be designed and located in relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions and natural terrain features, such as streams and existing growth, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.020 Construction specifications. Roads and streets are to meet construction specifications in accordance with standards established by the City of
(Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.030 Principal streets. Principal streets in adjoining subdivisions shall be continued and be of at least equal width. Street jogs shall be avoided wherever possible. The street system shall provide for the future projection of the principal streets into adjoining unsubdivided lands. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.040 Tract requirements. When a tract fronting on a major road for a distance of five hundred feet or more and an average depth from the major road of more than three hundred fifty feet is to be subdivided into more than eight residential lots adjoining the major road, the commission may require that access to such roads be provided with frontage on collector streets. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.050 Residential streets. Residential streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.060 Residential street intersections. There shall be a minimum number of intersections of residential streets with arterial streets or major streets. Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and not more than two streets shall intersect at one point. (Ord. 108 § 1 (part), 1985)
13.20.070 Alleys. Alleys at least twenty feet wide shall be provided in all commercial, industrial and business districts, except where other definite and assured provision is made for service access as well as for access to offstreet parking and loading areas. Alleys may not need to be provided in residential blocks, except where the subdivider produces evidence satisfactory to the commission of the need for alleys. Residential alleys shall be at least fifteen feet wide. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.080 Grades. The grades of streets shall not exceed ten percent, except upon consent of the commission. Grades on arterial streets may not exceed four percent. The minimum grade of all streets shall not be less than two percent to provide for proper drainage. (Ord. 108 §l(part), 1985)
13.20.090 Grade changes. All changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical curves. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.100 Closed ends. Cul-de-sacs shall be provided with a suitable turnaround with a minimum radius of fifty feet. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.110 Half streets. Whenever there exists a dedicated or platted half street or alley adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, the other half of the street or alley shall be platted and dedicated. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.120 Sight distances. Adequate stopping sight distance shall be provided at each intersection. Sight distance must equal to or exceed the stopping sight distance required for the speed limit of the intersecting street. In no case will sight distance be less than two hundred feet. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.130 Right-of-way width. Except as provided for in Section 13.20.160, the minimum right-of-way for streets shall be as follows: Arterial streets, major streets and highways 80 feet; Collector streets 60 feet; Cul-de-sacs 60 feet; Alleys (Residential) 15 feet; Alleys (Industrial/Commercial) 20 feet. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.140 Deflection angles. Where a deflection angle of more than ten degrees in the alignment of streets occurs, a curve of reasonable radius shall be introduced. On streets sixty feet or more in width, the centerline radius of curvature may not be less than three hundred feet, and on other streets, not less than one hundred feet. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.150 Reversed curves. Between reversed curves on all streets there should be a tangent at least one hundred feet long where possible. (Ord. 108 §l (part) , 1985)
13.20.160 Flat grades. Flat grades are preferred from fifty to one hundred feet away from an intersection, but in no case may grades exceed four percent for a distance of at least fifty feet from an intersection. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985 )
13.20.170 Boundary streets. Boundary streets adjoining unsubdivided land may be dedicated as two-thirds the normal width where it is anticipated that the remaining width will be dedicated by the adjoining owner in the foreseeable future. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.180 Names. Streets shall be named in such a manner as to conform to adjacent areas and particular attention shall be given to avoid duplication; streets that are continuations of others already in existence shall bear the name of the existing streets. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.190 Property lines. Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a radius of at least fifteen feet. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.200 Generally. The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard for the special needs of the type of use contemplated, need for convenient access and circulation, topography, conservation of the building site, and the regulations in this article. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.210 Width and depth requirements. Blocks should not exceed six hundred feet, nor be less than three hundred feet in length. Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two tiers of lots of minimum depth except where fronting on major streets or prevented by topographical conditions or size of the property, in which case the commission may approve a single tier of lots. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.220 Pedestrian crosswalks. Pedestrian crosswalks no greater than ten feet in width shall be required in blocks longer than six hundred feet where considered essential to provide reasonable circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation or other community facilities. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.230 Generally. The shape of lots and their orientation shall be appropriate to the location of the proposed subdivision, the type of development contemplated, the contour of the land, and subject to the following regulations in this article. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.240 Varying dimensions. Varying dimensions of lots are permitted. However, no individual lot shall be less than one acre in size as measured around its exterior boundary. The dimension of the lots shall be a length to width ratio of approximately two to one. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.250 Septic tank construction. In areas where no public sewer system is available, the lots shall be large enough to afford the construction of septic systems and seepage pits in accordance with the regulations and specifications of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (Ord. 108 §l (part) , 1985)
13.20.260 Abutment. Each lot shall abut on a dedicated street or other approved access. (Ord. 108 § 1 (part), 1985)
13.20.270 Side lines. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street line. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.280 Double frontage lots. Double frontage lots, other than corner lots, shall be permitted only under unusual conditions. (Ord. 108 §1 (part), 1985)
13.20.290 Arterial street frontage. Where a new subdivision involves frontage on an arterial street, lots fronting on it must be at least twenty percent deeper than the average lot in the subdivision unless access streets are provided. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)
13.20.300 Vacations. Street, alley and public way vacations shall be processed as per state law, as found in Alaska Statutes Title 50, Chapter 15. Final action shall be
by the council. (Ord. 108 §l (part), 1985)