December 8, 2009 Regular Meeting
December 8, 2009
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Darla Coghill, City Clerk
Paul Dempster
Tina McPherson
Tom Howard
Karen Southwood Guests:
Samantha Thompson Dave Talerico
Bill Beaudoin
Jon Bailey
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:35 PM.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S P. Dempster/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda.
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S T. Howard /P. Dempster moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting: Regular Meeting, November 10, 2009. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Oath of Officers Clerk Coghill swore in the following council member:
Cindy Wright 1 Year Seat
Correspondence Mayor Fetzer reported on the following, a grant to be applied for is the Green Grant Project. This might be able to be used for the solar project the city is working on with Golden Valley. CIP list needs to be mailed out and also sent to Representative Joe Thomas. The Ruba Assessment has been completed for the new sewage lagoon. This is done through Department of Community and Regional Affairs.
Financial Reports M/S /P. Dempster /T. McPherson moved to receive the financial reports for November 2009. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Tom Howard yes
Cindy Wright yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Bills to be Paid M/S T. Howard /P. Dempster moved to approve the bills to be paid for November 2009. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Tom Howard yes
Cindy Wright yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Public Access Jon Bailey thanks the council for all their hard work and dedication.
Council comments None
Denali Borough
Mayor Dave Talerico wanted to thank all council members for their hard work. He will be attending AML Annual meeting in January. He also reported on Revenue Sharing and that it should all be in place. He would like to take the City’s CIP list to Juneau with him. The Fire Chief and council members should attend the boroughs next meeting to push for the departments Brush Truck. He also talked about projects that the state could do that would help the city and the borough.
School Principal
Bill Boaudoin Bill also thanked the council for their dedication. Bill reported that the school has a coed basketball team and that they should be pretty competitive this year. There is a school board meeting next week in Anderson.
Department Reports
Parks & Rec Paul Dempster reported that his department is over budget and that some of the park supplies from last summer need to be billed to the Lions Club. This should even out that budget.
New Business
Resolution 10-04
AML By-Laws
& Amendments
M/S P. Dempster/T. McPherson moved to approve amendments to the cooperative participation agreement and bylaws of the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance, inc. effective July, 2010. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tom Howard yes
Tina McPherson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Cindy Wright yes
Adjournment M/S T. McPherson / T. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting @ 7:15 PM.