
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

June 9, 2009 Regular Meeting



June 9, 2009



Present:                                                                       Staff:

Samantha Thompson                                             Asta Reh, Clerk Assistant

Keith Fetzer, Mayor    

Tina McPherson                                                                                    

Tom Howard  

Karen Southwood                                                        Guests:           

Michael McKenzie                                           Scott Thompson          

Paul Dempster                                                 Jean Murray

                                                                        Robert Murray

                                                                        Erika Miller

                                                                        Julie Morris






ROLL CALL                          The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:31 PM.



AGENDA APPROVAL          M/S K. Southwood/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda.

                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Minutes                                   M/S K. Southwood/M. McKenzie moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting:  Regular Meeting, May 12, 2009 and Special Meeting, May 22, 2009.  There was a typing error.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer reported on the following letter for every council member from Berry Brothers 4 X4 saying that he wants to stay in Anderson.

Mayor Fetzer stated that this is Tom Howard’s department and it needs to be finalized. 


Financial Reports                   M/S /K. Southwood/T. Howard moved to receive the financial reports for May 2009.  There was discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.              



Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                     yes

                                                                  Michael McKenzie                                     yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                                yes

                                                            Tom Howard                                       yes

                                                                  Tina McPherson                           yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                          yes




Bills to be Paid                        M/S K. Southwood/T. Howard moved to approve the bills to be paid for May 2009. There was discussion.   Motion passed unanimously.



Roll Call

Samantha Thompson                          yes

Keith Fetzer                                        yes                    

                                                            Tina McPherson                                  yes

                                                                  Tom Howard                                 yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                                yes

                                                            Michael McKenzie                              yes

                                                                  Paul Dempster                              yes




Public Access                            

 Erika Miller commented on the Memorial Day weekend Alaska Machine Gun club.  She wanted to know if this had been approved and if they were going to come here again.  Erika stated that she didn’t think that in the past they had been this loud. There was comment from the council.  Mayor Fetzer stated that the club was louder than they had ever been in the past and it was unlikely that they would come back without stipulations.

Erika Miller also commented on a vacant house that looked like it had been broken into.

Jean Murray thanked Scott Thompson for putting the flower pots out.  She also wanted to know why there were 2 pots at the park road and none on South Dr. the road to the new subdivision.  S. Thompson will move one there.  She also asked about the water tank by the highway flowers.  There was discussion on what kind of flowers to plant.

Bob Murray stated that the sign was a good promotional sign and the city needed to make sure it was up every year.  Also a reminder that there is a meeting Thursday to reactivate the Anderson promotional and marketing committee.  There should be about 5 people showing up.

Scott Thompson explained that the Alaska machine Gun Club people are certified to do what they did.  The council needs to realize that the city made enough money off that weekend to pay a city employee for a month.

Jean Murray commented on the upcoming 4th of July celebration that will be held at Riverside Park.  There is going to be a parade and other activates.  There was discussion on who would do the grilling for the picnic at the park.

                                                                Julie Morris asked if the loader had been repaired yet and if the rock crusher was working.  Julie also asked about the roads being finish at the subdivision.  The road north south should be done this year.

                                                                Erika Miller brought up after public comments were closed about the credit card machine being put in the DMV office.





Department Reports             

                                                Michael McKenzie, the ground is about 2 foot thawed out

                                                Karen Southwood   the department is still waiting for certifications for EMT’S, fire weather is extreme be careful.

                                                Tom Howard.  Demolition of the trailer house is almost done.

                                                Tina McPherson. Clinic needs to be painted.

                                                Paul Dempster. Thanks to Scott for all his help on the Memorial Day weekend.

                                                     Samantha Thompson none

                                                Mayor Fetzer  





New Business

Resolution 09-07                     M/S K. Southwood/ T. Howard moved to approve Resolution 09-07.


AML/JIA Payment                 No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                     yes

                                                                  Michael McKenzie                                     yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                                yes

                                                            Tom Howard                                       yes

                                                                  Tina McPherson                           yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                          yes



Adjournment                          M/S K. Southwood/ T. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting @ 7:24 PM.





                                                                                                Keith Fetzer, Mayor





Darla Coghill, City Clerk


This site is maintained by the City of Anderson PO Box 3100 Anderson, AK 99744 907-582-2500