August 11, 2009 Regular Meetting
August 11, 2009
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Darla Coghill, City Clerk
Samantha Thompson
Paul Dempster
Tina McPherson
Tom Howard
Scott Thompson
Bill Beaudion
Un- Excused
Michael McKenzie
Karen Southwood
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:30 PM.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S T. McPherson /T. Howard moved to approve the agenda.
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S T. Howard /P. Dempster moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting: Regular Meeting, July 12, 2009. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence Mayor Fetzer reported on the following; There would be a public meeting on Thursday @ 6:00 pm on digging up the contaminated land at Clear Air Force station put on by URS Group; e-mail from Doug Poage on Village Safe Water purchasing a piece of land from Rand Bailey to put a lift station on. The City would have to do a resolution when the land is purchased. The City would acquire land after it is purchased. Mail from Alaska Railroad
Financial Reports M/S /S. Thompson /T. Howard moved to receive the financial reports for July 2009. Mayor Fetzer stated that Revenue Sharing had been reduced by the State of Alaska. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Tom Howard yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Bills to be Paid M/S P. Dempster /T. McPherson moved to approve the bills to be paid for July 2009. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Tom Howard yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Public Access None
Council comments None
School Principal Bill Beaudion reported on the following; in one week the teachers will report to school and in two weeks school will start. The school has lost a few teachers and is looking for a few aides. Erik Warner has resigned from the school board which leaves no representative from Anderson. The School Board is down to six members and there should be nine. Elections will be held in November. Between 30 and 50 kids will attend school this year.
Department Reports
Public Works: Scott Thompson reported on the following; all the street lights have been fixed. The city sewer has been blocked off by the DMV door. The road going behind the building is no longer useable.
Park: Someone vandalized the Riverside Park. They kicked in the door to the storage room which will cost $500.00 to replace. The city is willing to put up a reward and the Lions Club said they would match it.
Fire Department: There are fires everywhere. The city had 15 volunteers work the Windy Creek fire. As of today there are 591 State firefighters on the fire. Scott suggested that Dave Talerico write a letter to the Attorney General on why Anderson’s trucks were not leased from the State.
Lagoon: The south side has been drained and the north side will be done next week. The old lagoon will be getting pumped.
Paul Dempster. The Bluegrass was a great success. Vandals also did some damage to the gun range.
Samantha Thompson; would like to have a work session next month before the regular meeting. This would be for the land extension for the Northern Lights Subdivision.
New Business
Resolution 09-08 M/S T. Howard / T. McPherson moved to approve the resolution. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Supporting the purchase
Of the west 200feet of
Lot B of the William
H. Devon Subdivision
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tom Howard yes
Tina McPherson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Adjournment M/S T. McPherson / T. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting @ 6:55 PM.
Keith Fetzer, Mayor
Darla Coghill, City Clerk