
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

April 14, 2009 Regular Meeting




April 14, 2009



Present:                                                                       Staff:

Samantha Thompson                                       Asta Reh, Clerk Assistant

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                         Darla Coghill, City Clerk                                

Paul Dempster

Tom Howard via phone                                                           Guests:           

                                                                        Scott Thompson          

                                                                        Tina McPherson                                                          




Karen Southwood

Michael McKenzie

Dave Miller                                                                 



ROLL CALL                          The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:30 PM.



AGENDA APPROVAL          M/S S. Thompson/P. Dempster moved to approve the agenda.

                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Minutes                                   M/S P. Dempster/ S. Thompson moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting:  Regular Meeting, March 10, 2009.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer reported on the following; a letter received from Nancy Hollis requesting a copy of the Audit and financial reports, Letter from Jean Murray asking about flowers around the community this summer.  Ms. Murray had some ideas for the council on getting the flowers.  Rep.  John Thomas sent a letter on the Susitna Dam Project.


Vacancy Appointment

                                                The city council received one letter from Tina McPherson requesting to be put on the council.   The seat open is Seat F.  There were no questions from the council.

                                                M/S S. Thompson/ P. Dempster to accept Tina McPherson for Seat F on the City Council.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                            Tom Howard                                      yes

                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Oath of Office                         The oath of office was given by the city clerk to Tina McPherson



Financial Reports                   M/S /P. Dempster/S. Thompson moved to receive the financial reports for March 2009.  There was discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S T. McPherson/P. Dempster moved to approve the bills to be paid for March 2009.    Motion passed unanimously.



Public Access                              Randy Witte asked what the fire department was going to do with the old little fire truck

Scott Thompson stated that the department wanted to repair the truck since it was the first fire truck received.


Department Reports             

                                                Samantha Thompson reported that the land survey with Mr. Irving is on track and should be turned in to DNR.

                                                Mayor Fetzer reported that all is going well at the city office and that the city was right on track as far as the budget went.

                                                Paul Dempster reported that the park would be opening around the middle of May.

                                                Tom Howard reported that the city had received the new loader.  Also a used engine was found to replace the blown one in the old loader.


Public Hearing

Ordinance 09-01                     Opened 6:48 pm

3% Severance Tax                 No comment

                                                Closed 6:49 pm






Old Business




3rd Reading

Ordinance 09-01

3% Severance Tax                 M/S S. Thompson/ P. Dempster moved to accept the 3rd Reading of Ordinance 09-01.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                                    Roll Call

                                                            Samantha Thompson                          yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                         yes

                                                            Tina McPherson                                 yes

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes



2ndt Reading

Ordinance 09-02

Amended Budget 2009 and

Adoption                                 M/S S. Thompson/ P. Dempster moved to accept the 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 09-02.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.





                                                                                                Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                  yes

                                                            Tina McPherson                                 yes

                                                                  Keith Fetzer                                               yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes


2nd Reading

Ordinance 09-03

 2010 Budget                           M/S P. Dempster/ T. McPherson moved to accept the 2nd Reading of Ordinance 09-03.   Mayor Fetzer stated that Mayor Talerico reported there would approximately 35% decrease in funding this year. There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                                               Roll Call

                                                            Samantha Thompson                          yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                         yes

                                                            Tina McPherson                                 yes

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes


New Business


Resolution 09-03 Actual

Budget Fiscal 2008                 M/S S. Thompson/ T. McPherson moved to accept Resolution 09-03.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                Paul Dempster                                                            yes

                                                Tina McPherson                                             yes

                                                Keith Fetzer                                                    yes

                                                Samantha Thompson                                     yes


Resolution 09-04 Adopting

Census by Department of

Community & Economic

Development                           M/S P. Dempster/ S. Thompson moved to accept Resolution 09-04.  T. McPherson asked if the year on the Resolution was correct.  It is.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Resolution 09-05 Accepting

Grant 09 DC-440 for Mini Loader

                                                M/S S. Thompson/ P. Dempster moved to accept Resolution 09-05.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                Paul Dempster                                                            yes

                                                Tina McPherson                                             yes

                                                Keith Fetzer                                                    yes

                                                Samantha Thompson                                     yes

Ordinance 09-04 Amending

Section 13.52.020 (E) of Title 13

Subdivisions of the Anderson

Code of Ordinances                M/S P. Dempster/ S. Thompson moved to accept Ordinance 09-04.  Mayor Fetzer explained that the city’s name would be taken off as The Deed of Trust and a $10,000.00 bond would be put in an Escrow account through the First National Bank of Alaska.  This would secure the land for the City of Anderson.  This option is open to all Northern Lights Lot holders.  The reason behind this is so the “Lender” can be on the Deed of Trust.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                Paul Dempster                                                            yes

                                                Tina McPherson                                             yes

                                                Keith Fetzer                                                    yes

                                                Samantha Thompson                                     yes


Files to be Destroyed              M/S T. McPherson/ P. Dempster moved to destroy files listed.  There was further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Resolution 09-06 Accepting

Merchant Service (Credit

Card Machine DMV)             M/S S. Thompson/ P. Dempster moved to accept Resolution 09-06.  Mayor Fetzer explained that this would be used in the DMV office.  It would make it more convenient for people to do transaction and schedule road tests over the phone.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                            Roll Call

                                                Paul Dempster                                                            yes

                                                Tina McPherson                                             yes

                                                Samantha Thompson                                     yes

                                                Keith Fetzer                                                    yes


Adjournment                          M/S S. Thompson/ T. McPherson moved to adjourn meeting at 7: 06 PM.










                                                                                                Keith Fetzer, Mayor





Darla Coghill, City Clerk







Attached Document or File2003-1106 Reg.doc November 6, 2003 Regular Meeting
This site is maintained by the City of Anderson PO Box 3100 Anderson, AK 99744 907-582-2500