November 10, 2009 Regular Meeting
November 10, 2009
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Darla Coghill, City Clerk
Samantha Thompson Asta Reh, Asst. Clerk
Paul Dempster
Tina McPherson
Tom Howard
Karen Southwood Guests:
Scott Thompson
Jon Bailey
Dave Talerico
Peggy Talerico
Julie Morris
Chip Morris
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:30 PM.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S K. Southwood /P. Dempster moved to approve the agenda.
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S K. Southwood /S. Thompson moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting: Regular Meeting, August 11, 2009, Special Meeting, October 20, 2009. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Canvass of Elections M/S P. Dempster/T. Howard moved to certify the election as follows;
The following winners were declared as;
Seat A Keith Fetzer
Seat B Karen Southwood
Seat C Thomas Howard
Seat D Cynthia Wright
Seat F Tina Mc Pherson
Clerk Coghill stated that there were two absentee and two question ballots. One question ballot voter was ineligible.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Oath of Officers Clerk Coghill swore in the following council members:
Keith Fetzer 2 Year Seat
Karen Southwood 2 Year Seat
Thomas Howard 2 Year Seat
Tina McPherson 1 Year Seat
Correspondence Mayor Fetzer reported on the following, he received information from Golden Valley on doing a solar project that would help the city and the school cut energy costs. Also has received 4 confirmations of voluntary surrender of lots in the Northern Lights Subdivision, 4 that there has been no response from. One person has requested an extension and has paid the extension fee and one that has purchased the land out right. The purchase price was $10,000.00. Community and Regional Affairs have been going over the city’s procedure manual and they are codifying them for the city. New council member manual should be completed soon.
Financial Reports M/S /K. Southwood /S. Thompson moved to receive the financial reports for October 2009. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Tom Howard yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Karen Southwood yes
Bills to be Paid M/S K. Southwood /T. Howard moved to approve the bills to be paid for October 2009. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Tom Howard yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Karen Southwood yes
Public Access None
Council comments None
Denali Borough
Mayor Dave Talerico wanted to thank all council members who ran for council seats. He also thanked the city staff for all of their help. Dave also reported that Golden Valley was interested in putting up solar panels that would heat water for the school and the city buildings. It could also go as far as the park to help cut costs there. Dave thanked Jon Bailey and Scott Thompson for all their help on this project. The first stage would be a feasibility study. Dave has been working with Ron from Golden Valley on this. It wouldn’t benefit the borough at all, but it certainly would help the City of Anderson and the Anderson school.
Dave also reported on amending the funding for the brush truck at the next meeting for the borough. Another concern is the budget for the next year. Everyone is tightening things up and I think the first thing to go will be the revenue sharing. We should be ok for the upcoming year.
The school board has some empty seats that need to be filled if anyone is interested.
Department Reports
Fire Department: Karen Southwood reported that the new garage doors on the fire department have been installed.
Health & Social Tina McPherson reported that there has been interest shown in the old clinic. She will know more after the first of the year.
Election of Officers
Mayor M/S T. McPherson/S. Thompson to appoint Keith Fetzer as the Mayor of Anderson. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Tom Howard yes
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Karen Southwood yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Department Appointment Mayor Fetzer moved to appoint Samantha Thompson as vice mayor and the rest of the departments will remain as they were last year.
Old Business
Resolution 10-01
Land Extension M/S K. Southwood / T. Howard moved to approve the resolution. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Tom Howard yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Paul Dempster yes
Tina McPherson yes
Karen Southwood yes
Samantha Thompson yes
New Business
Resolution 10-02
Certified Financial
Statement M/S K. Southwood/T. Howard moved to accept the Certified Financial Statement for year ending June 30, 2009. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call
Paul Dempster yes
Tom Howard yes
Tina McPherson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Samantha Thompson yes
Karen Southwood yes
Resolution 10-03
Solar Heating
Funding request M/S T. Howard/ P. Dempster moved to accept the request for state funding to build solar thermal heating project. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Community Development
Block Grant M/S T. Howard/ K. Southwood moved to proceed with block grant application if the city qualifies. There was discussion if the city even qualified for this grant. The city clerk will check into and if the city does qualify it will be put on the agenda again.
Adjournment M/S T. McPherson / K. Southwood moved to adjourn the meeting @ 7:15 PM.