June 10, 2008 Regular Meeting
June 10, 2008
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Stephanie Olson, Acting Treasurer
Eric Warner
Samantha Thompson Excused:
Tom Howard Darla Coghill
Unexcused: Guests:
Andy Archer Scott Thompson
Jacob Noll David Miller
Clint Berry Michael McKenzie
Tammy McKenzie
Doug Poage
Tina McPherson
Nancy Hollis
Keith Hanneman-PDC
Anne Eruce-PDC
Carl Southwood
Pam Fetzer
Becky Howard
Kay Hockin
Dave Tallerico
Don Barrett
Bob Murray
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:34 PM.
AMEND AGENDA M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard to amend to agenda, under New Business, the letter to the Denali Borough and Update on the Courthouse Project. All in favor.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda. All in favor.
Mayor Fetzer stated that the minutes from the Special Meeting May 20, 2008 have an error, instead of “Each tenant would be required to pay for their own heating fuel; all other utilities would be tied into the monthly lease payment” it needs to read “Each tenant is required to pay all utilities plus their monthly lease payment”. M/S T. Howard/E. Warner moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting, May 13, 2008 and Special Meeting May 20, 2008. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence Mayor Fetzer received correspondence from AML/JIA stating that they would be in Anderson July 8 and 9.
Financial Reports M/S E. Warner/T. Howard moved to approve the financial reports for March, April, and May 2008. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to approved to approve the Bills to be Paid. All in favor.
Public Access
Kay Hockin asked about clearing the land on the highway in order to sell it. Mayor Fetzer stated we received a letter back from the Surveyor, but we would be addressing it later in the meeting. Carl Southwood gave an update on the Clear Lions Club work in the Anderson Park. He stated that the Clear Lions have donated $2500.00 for the well and electrical and it will be up and ready to operate by the weekend. Carl also stated that there have been approximately 200 man hours getting the Park in working order. He also said that Clear Lions Club would be willing to do a Matching Grant Program to get the rest of the park up to date. Mayor Fetzer thanked the Clear Lions Club for all of their hard work and dedication.
Council Comments None.
Department Reports
Admin Mayor Fetzer stated that Tina McPherson has been hired on as the part time/temporary DMV assistant. Mayor Fetzer also received a letter of intent from Mr. Laurence Irving regarding the land survey. Mr. Irving will be sending the revised survey to the state by the end of the month.
Public Safety None.
Land None.
Environmental None.
DMV None.
Public Works None
Public Hearing
08-01 Amending Sale of
Municipal Land No Comments.
M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to suspend the rules and move the Ordinance 08-01 Amending Sale of Municapal Land to (a) and place PDC Design Engineer/Doug Poage at (b). All in Favor.
Ordinance 08-01
Amending Sale
Of Municipal Land
Disposals 3rd Reading M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve Ordinance 08-01.
Roll Call Vote
Samantha Thompson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Tom Howard yes
Eric Warner yes
Motion passed unanimously.
PDC Design Engineers
And Doug Poage
Doug Poage stated that the sewer project was at 35% completion. He also stated that he was happy to see financial reports back because these reports are crucial in the process.
Keith Hanneman and Anne Eruce stated they were from PDC, Inc. Keith started off by giving a quick background summary of the Sewer System Project. He stated that the process started in May 2006 with the “Geotechnical Evaluation” followed by “Exploration of an Alternative Lagoon Location” in August 2006 in which Lagoon site B1 became the preferred alternative. In November 2006 “Geotechnical Study on Anderson, Alaska” was done by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Along with “Draft Geotechnical Study Wastewater Collection System” by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. in May 2008. Keith Hanneman also stated that the water table shows that the water varies between 10 feet or deeper, in the upper area of the collection system to approximately 6 feet below at the lower end of the system by the lift station. He also said the water is only 2 to 3 feet below the ground at the lagoon site.
Anne Eruce stated that the sewer system is being designed for a population of 600. Currently Anderson is approximately 275. She stated that system will be on a 5 acre parcel and will have two cells, will be lined with a continuous discharge system. Anne stated that this project will be done in stages Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, and Future.
There were question from the audience regarding stability and longevity of system and the kind of pipes that will be used. Keith Hanneman stated that there have been many cities that have used this system for the past 30 years. Also, Keith stated that the pipes that would be used would be 6-inch high-density polyethylene and 8-inch ductile iron pipe.
Keith Hanneman said that another concern is the road easements. He said that the city would have to go door to door to receive approval of a right of way in order for the contractors to be able to work in the middle of the road. Keith stated that there would need to be a 5 to 25 foot easement depending on the road and area of the town. There was some further discussion.
Presentation to
Hire Treasurer Candidate
Stephanie Olson Mayor Fetzer stated that he would like to present Stephanie Olson to the Council as the Treasurer candidate. He stated that he would like all council members to feel free to stop by the City office and speak with Stephanie regarding her qualifications, take a look at her resume, and ask her any questions.
Letter to Denali Borough
Assembly Regarding
Remains of Budget moved
To Purchase Fire Apparatus M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to approve the letter. All in favor.
Update on Invitation to
Bid on Courthouse Project Mayor Fetzer stated that because there were not any bids to the State for the Courthouse Project, the State will be opening the bidding again. Mayor Fetzer will be getting the information emailed to him as soon as the Bid opens again and the city will be holding Special Meetings as there will be a deadline again. Mayor Fetzer said that he would like to see as much public support as possible and would like all of the citizens of Anderson to come to the meetings and express their views. The bidding should be opening up in 7 to 14 days.
Adjournment M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:52pm. Motion passed unanimously.