
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

August 12, 2008 Regular Meeting



August 12, 2008



Present:                                                           Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                         Darla Coghill, City Clerk                                

Eric Warner                                                     Stephanie Olson, Treasurer

Samantha Thompson                                      

Tom Howard

Andy Archer



Excused:                                                         Guests:           

Jacob Noll                                                       Scott Thompson                                  

                                                                        David Miller

Unexcused:                                                     Donna McDavid

Clint Berry                                                       Tammy McKenzie

                                                                        Nancy Hollis

                                                                        Denna Archer                         

                                                                        Lawrence Irving

                                                                        Doug Poage Village Safe Water

                                                                        Keith Hanneman PDC

                                                                        Anne Ervice PDC

                                                                        Jean Murray

                                                                        Dave Talerico



ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:35 pm.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S T. Howard/E. Warner moved to approve the agenda with the following changes; bills to be paid moved to item 16, under old business add (b) PDC update, (c) Laurence Irving update.  All in favor.



M/S S Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve the minutes from July 8, 2008 regular meeting and July 31, 2008 special meeting.  All in favor.


Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer stated that he received a letter from Mr. Morris requesting an extension on the 2 lots that he and his son received in the Northern Lights Subdivision.  Mayor Fetzer will give all council members a copy of the agreement and this item will be put on the agenda for next month.


                                                M/S E. Warner/A. Archer to approve the following resignations; Kris Giani, Jacob Noll, Mary Berry, all council members and Stephanie Olson Admin. Asst/DMV Clerk.  There was no discussion; Motion passed unanimously.


                                                Dave Miller gave update on the court house bid.  Mr. Miller stated that Mr. Irving would be in attendance at tonight’s meeting and give a report on the land survey.  Mr. Miller explained that the timeline to get the land surveyed and record the title is not feasible at this time. The costs of building this project and the amount that the State wants to commit in their lease contract would not cover the expenses; it would not be a good project for the city.  Mr. Miller recommends that at this time the City not proceed with this project.  If the City could apply for grants to fund this project it might be feasible.  Mr. Miller recommended that a committee be formed to see what the best use of this land is, and then bring it before the community for their ideas.  The city needs to look at all options and then let the community vote on it.


Vacancy Appointments          M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to appoint Dave Miller to council seat F.  There was discussion on posting the vacancy.  All in favor.

                                                                                                Roll Call

                                                                                    Andy Archer                           yes

                                                                                    Tom Howard                           yes

                                                                                    Eric Warner                            yes

                                                                                    Keith Fetzer                             yes

                                                                                    Samantha Thompson              yes


Financial Report                     There was no financial report for this month.




Bills to be Paid                        Moved Bills to be paid under Old Business #16


 Public Access                         Jean Murray wants to form a committee to work on land development.  Andy Archer left at 7:03 pm.

                                                Ms. Murray also report that there was going to be a welcome dinner August 26, 2008 at the school.  This is to welcome all the new teachers and community members.  She encouraged the council to attend.  The city will supply all paper products and will put it in the newsletter.

                                                Donna McDavid asked Mayor Fetzer if he told Eric Warner that she turned him into DEC.  Mayor Fetzer stated that he did not.

                                                Nancy Hollis asked about the land committee, also stated that plans for the Multi-purpose building needed to be updated.

 Ms. Hollis also stated that the Committee Meetings need to be posted so that the public is aware of them.         Ms. Hollis said that the last meeting was not posted. 

Ms. Hollis also commented on the Northern Lights subdivision.  That there are no roads to some of the lots and that maybe the council should consider giving all lot owners an extension.

                                                Mayor Talerico reported that the budget had timed out to get the mini pumper and that the city should get its wish list to Denali Borough as soon as possible.



Council Comments/Reports    Council Person Tom Howard said the City Council needs to decide how to run the city.  Either goes by the city code or state law.  The city is doing the best that it can and if anyone has a problem they need to come to him instead of writing letters to the state.

Mr. Howard asked that all council members names and phone numbers is published in the newsletter so that community members can reach them if there is a need.  The shop lease is up for another year.

                                                Eric Warner reported that a generator needs to be purchased for the sewage lagoon and that it will be purchased after the budget is approved.

                                                Dave Miller stated that he has spoken with the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) about training for the council.  DCRA will do the training with about a 2 week notice.  Maybe this is something that the council could look at after elections.

Mayor Fetzer wished to thank Stephanie Olson for her work with the city and that he hated to see her go.  The mayor also reported that he has received only one application for the position.  Mayor Fetzer stated that Andy Archer needs to do a walk through the clinic apartment after Mr. Noll moves out and that Mr. Archer will have to decide what the rent will be for new renters.






Public Hearing

Ordinance 08-05                     7:06 pm

Nancy Hollis stated that the city was over budget on gravel and the utility tax.  The sewage lagoon savings account also needs to be updated N. Hollis stated.  

Ms. Hollis also stated that it looked like the city used the savings account to balance the budget.  Also a percentage of the revenue from the lagoon needs to be put into a long term savings account for a major closeout.

Jean Murray commented on the lagoon budget, that there was nothing in the budget for the lagoon close out.

Andy Archer returned at 7:35 pm.


Public Hearing closed: 7:35 pm.




Doug Poage

Village Safe Water                 Doug Poage went over the Business Plan and Resolution for the City Sewer Project.  Mr. Poage answered any questions regarding the project.  Mayor Fetzer read Resolution 08-18.


                                                M/S A. Archer/T. Howard to suspend the rules to accept Resolution 08-18. 


Resolution 08-18                     M/S A. Archer/T. Howard to accept Resolution 08-18.  All in favor.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                M/S A. Archer/E. Warner to return to the regular rules.  All in favor.  Motion passed unanimously.


PDC Engineering                    PDC representatives report that 65% of the change design is complete for the lift station.  The moving of the location of the lift station reduces the cost of the project.  The main will also be lengthened about 25 ft.  PDC needs to work on the easements to do the changes.


Laurence Irving                     Mr. Irving gave each council member a copy of the preliminary plat with corrections.  The city also needs to get a Resolution in place to send in with the changes.  The plat number is ASLS 2003-97.




Ordinance 08-06

1ST Reading                            M/S A. Archer/D. Miller to hold a special meeting for this Ordinances 1st reading.  All in favor.


Ordinance 08-05

2nd Reading                             M/S T. Howard/E. Warner to approve the 2nd reading of the Fy09 Budget.  All in favor.

                                                                                    Roll Call

                                                            Dave Miller                             yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson             yes

                                                            Andy Archer                           yes

                                                            Tom Howard                          yes

                                                            Eric Warner                           yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                            yes


Ordinance 08-05

Adoption                                 M/S A. Archer/ T. Howard moved to adopt the FY09 Budget.  All in favor.

                                                                                    Roll Call

                                                            Dave Miller                             yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson             yes

                                                            Andy Archer                           yes

                                                            Tom Howard                          yes

                                                            Eric Warner                           yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                            yes


Bills to be Paid                        M/S A. Archer/E. Warner to pay the bills.  All in favor. 


Adjournment                          M/S T. Howard/A. Archer moved to adjourn at 8:06 pm.  All in favor.

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