
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

July 8, 2008 Regular Meeting



JULY 8, 2008



Present:                                                           Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                         Darla Coghill, City Clerk                                

Jacob Noll                                                       Stephanie Olson, Acting Treasurer

Samantha Thompson                                      

Tom Howard

Andy Archer

Clint Berry                                                      


Excused:                                                         Guests:           

Eric Warner                                                     Scott Thompson                                  

                                                                        David Miller

                                                                        Michael McKenzie

                                                                        Tammy McKenzie

                                                                        Tina McPherson

                                                                        Denna Archer                         

                                                                        Donna McDavid

                                                                        Garry Palmer

                                                                        Sean Dewalt-AML/JIA

                                                                        Bob Murray

                                                                        Jean Murray




ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:31 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda.  All in favor.



M/S S Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve all the minutes. All in favor.


Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer stated that he received Council Person Jacob Noll’s resignation from the City Council. Mayor Fetzer thanked Jacob Noll for all his time in the council and on the volunteer fire department. Mayor Fetzer also received correspondence from the state stating there was a complaint letter against the city from Nancy Hollis. He stated that the city is working with the state to get this matter resolved as quickly as possible. The city also received the bid for the Courthouse Project and the closing date is August 20 and if any citizens would like to read the bid requirements, that they can come by the city office and retrieve a copy of the bid. 


Financial Reports                   M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to approve the financial reports for June 2008. Motion passed unanimously.


Bills to be Paid                        M/S J. Noll/A. Archer moved to approved to approve the Bills to be Paid. All in favor.



 Public Access                         Jean Murray wanted to know if the City would be interested in holding some kind of house warming for the new land owners, maybe around Labor Day. Mayor Fetzer stated he thought that would be a great idea and ask Mrs. Murray to head up a committee to organize the event. Mayor Fetzer stated Jean and himself would work on this project and see if they could generate enough interest. Jean Murray also asked if there was an ordinance regarding kids on ATV’s and go-carts in town. If there is she would like it to be in the newsletter to remind parents.

                                                Bob Murray stated that there is a part time teacher at the Anderson school who is about to be let go because of budget issues. He talked with Mayor Dave Talerico about getting more funding, but would like the citizens of Anderson to get involved and speak up at the Borough meeting about this.

                                                Donna McDavid stated that there was a plumber who was visiting, that fixed the fountain and the pressure tank at the park voluntarily. She would like a letter of Thank You sent to him for his kindness. Also she wanted to know when she would be receiving her land packet. Mayor Fetzer stated he would have the City Clerk to send it to her right away.

                                                Denna Archer wanted to know about the bid to remove the cars from the gravel pit. Mayor Fetzer explained that he put out the bid with a 24 hours notice for return bids and there was 3 business contacted. He also explained that the City only received 1 bid back and as the Mayor he made the decision to go with the only company who bid because of the deadline that the Borough gave the City. Denna stated that the bid should have been posted and Mr. Bennett wanted the bid. There was more discussion.

                                                Garry Palmer stated the stop sign needs to have a white line painted on the street so that drivers can see where to stop. Garry also stated that he would donate the labor to paint the road if it’s necessary. Scott stated that the intersection is a State Intersection and he will call about getting the paint for it.



Council Comments                      Council Person Tom Howard stated that he feels he is doing what is best for this city night or day. He stated that if anyone in the community feels they need to contact the council about something, they can call him anytime, day or night.

                                                Council Person Andy Archer stated he would like all the Free Land Owners to receive an update of some kind to see if they are still in compliance. Council Person Archer also feels that the May Minutes need to be amended. He also wants to know City Clerk Darla’s pay package. Mayor Fetzer stated that Darla is receiving $20.00 an hour with no benefits. Also, Council person Archer would like a correction in the Newsletter regarding the Courthouse vote. Mayor Fetzer stated he would have Tina correct it when the next Newsletter goes out.    



Department Reports


Admin                                     None.


Public Safety                           Council Person Noll stated that the $3100.00 was spent on Medical Supplies. Also, Rescue III is back in order.


Land                                        Council Person Thompson stated that she has been in contact with Hagan Associates about the appraisal.


Environmental                        None.


DMV                                       None. 


Public Works                          None









Sean Dewalt AML/JIA           Mr. Dewalt explained that he was here to do some training and get the City updated regarding their Insurance policy with AML/JIA. He also stated that the City looks great as far as they are concerned.


Presentation to

Hire Treasurer Candidate

Stephanie Olson                      M/S A. Archer/J. Noll to hire Stephanie Olson as Treasurer for the City of Anderson. All in favor.

                                                                                                            Roll Call

                                                                                    Andy Archer               yes

                                                                                    Clint Berry                 yes

                                                                                    Tom Howard              yes

                                                                                    Jacob Noll                   yes

                                                                                    Keith Fetzer                yes

                                                                                    Samantha Thompson yes


Adjournment                          M/S C. Berry/T. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:43pm.  Motion passed unanimously.  


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