March 25, Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Darla Coghill, City Clerk
Tom Howard
Samantha Thompson
Andy Archer Guests:
Jacob Noll Scott Thompson
Donna Bailey
Randy Bailey
Charlie Rathbone
Denna Archer
Randy Witte
Dave Miller
Eric Warner
Will Nelson
Nancy Hollis
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda. There was discussion. Motion passed with one opposed.
Roll Call Vote
Samantha yes
Keith yes
Jacob yes
Tom yes
Andy no
Minutes MS /T. Howard/J. Noll moved to approve the minutes from the
Regular Meeting,
Correspondence Mayor Fetzer received correspondence from the following:
1. Denali Borough receiving Grant
2. Revenue Sharing Grant was denied.
Financial Reports M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to receive the financial reports for March 2008. There was a lengthy discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to approve the Bills to be paid for March 2008. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Eric Warner asked about the base equipment, and where it was.
Denna Archer asked that the News Letter be proved before it is sent out.
Dave asked about the fire truck repairs, and about the junk vehicles around the shop.
Charlie Rathbone asked about the city street lights getting fixed, also the light shinning on the flag needs to fixed and the flag taken down until it is fixed.
Denna Archer asked about the stop sign by Keith’s house.
Council Comments Comments from the council regarding the following issues.
Wage package for the clerk, hiring of the city clerk, violating the open meetings act, treasures position and wage, lobbying by the mayor, city codes, and plowing city streets.
Department Reports
Admin Mayor Fetzer stated that there are computer issues in the clerk’s office and the purchase of a new computer. Surplus equipment sale.
Public Safety Council Person Noll reported on
Land Council Person Thompson stated that the land by the highway will be getting appraised, just 2 lots, by Hagen & Assoc.
Environmental None
DMV None.
Public Works Council Person Howard stated that Scott would be doing the lagoon and that he was also attending school
Vacancy Appointments M/S A. Archer/ J. Noll moved to appoint Eric Warner to replace Merry Berry’s seat D on the council. Motion passed unanimously. The city clerk swore in new council member Eric Warner.
Public Hearing
FY08 Amended Budget Public hearing open at
No comment
Public hearing closed at
Strategic and Economic Plan Mayor Fetzer stated that there was no further input received. He would have the city clerk compile the numbers and give the council the survey totals.
Ordinance 08-01
Amending the sale of
Municipal land disposals
There was discussion and it will be put on next months agenda.
a. Post property for 1 year.
b. Accept any reasonable offer.
c. Council would look at all offers.
Ordinance 08-04
Amended FY08 Budget
Lions Club Proposal
Rock Crusher The rock crusher will be put out to bid.
Ordinance 08-05 FY 09
Budget 1st reading M/S S. Thompson/ T. Howard moved to approve. Change date and look at increasing fuel and electric. Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 08-16
Check Signers M/S A. Archer/ S. Thompson moved to approve check signers. Motion passed unanimously.
Sewage Lagoon Training Scott Thompson will attend training in
DMV Training This training will be put off until the fall.
Adjournment M/S A. Archer/ T. Howard moved to adjourn at 8:30 PM. Motion passed unanimously. All in favor.