September 2, 2008 Special Meeting
September 2, 2008
6:30 PM
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Darla Coghill, City Clerk
Dave Miller
Samantha Thompson
Eric Warner Visitor:
Wayne Robinson
Excused: Paul Dempster
Tom Howard Don Barrett
Un-excused Nancy Hollis
Andy Archer Jean Murray 7:45 PM
Clint Berry
ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:31 pm.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S E .Warner/S. Thompson moved to approve the agenda.
All in Favor.
ORDINANCE 08-06 6:33pm Doug Poage of Village Safe Water handed a copy of Ordinance 08-06 to all council members and visitors. Mr. Poage read the 17 page document. There were a few questions on the number of lift stations and the start date. Mr. Poage stated that was going to 1 lift station and that the start date is for the spring of 2009. Ms. Hollis asked if the City was going to have an Attorney look over the Ordinance. The monthly rate was also discussed along with the number of hookups that were needed to float the system. There was no further discussion.
Ordinance 08-06 2nd Reading M/S S. Thompson/D. Miller moved to accept the 2nd Reading of Ordinance 08-06 Providing Sewer Service to the City of Anderson.
Providing Sewer Service The motion passes unanimously.
Adjournment M/S D. Miller/S. Thompson moved to adjourn the Special Meeting @ 8:00 pm. All in favor.