
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

October 14, 2008 Regular Meeting



October 14, 2008



Present:                                                           Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                         Darla Coghill, City Clerk                                

Dave Miller                                                     

Samantha Thompson                                      

Andy Archer

Eric Warner                                                    


Tom Howard

Unexcused:                                                     Guests:           

Clint Berry                                                       Scott Thompson                                  

                                                                        Chad Gerondale

                                                                        Asta Reh

                                                                        Denna Archer                         

                                                                        Donna McDavid

                                                                         Jean Murray




ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:32 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S E. Warner /S. Thompson moved to approve the agenda.    All in favor.


MINUTES                               M/S D. Miller/A. Archer moved to approve the minutes as amended.  All in favor.   



Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer stated that he received a change order from PDC to order a liner for the lagoon.  Also there will be council training on Dec 17, 2008 at 6:00 pm in the council chambers.  Golden Valley will be using the council chambers on October 29, 2008 for a community rebate meeting.  The election board will have training on October 29, 2008 in the chambers at 11:00 am.

                                                Council Person Archer asked for a copy of the correspondence received for the land extension request.


Financial Report                     M/S S. Thompson/ D. Miller moved to approve the financial report.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S E. Warner/D. Miller moved to approve the bills to be paid.   There was discussion.  There needs to be a better description on what the money was spent on.  All in favor.



 Public Access                         Jean Murray asked about the Anderson Strategic Times.  Ms. Murray wanted to know if the city paid Tina to do this.  Ms. Murray also stated that this news letter is something we need for this town.  It started back in 1970.  Ms. Murray also commented that the news letter needs to be put out on a regular basis.  Ms. Murray stated that Ms. Holly from the base was wondering why the Bazaar at Clear was not put in the Newsletter.  Not everyone comes to the city building to get information off the board. The city is here for the public.  Ms Murray also asked if Tina was going to be replaced.

                                                Scott Thompson stated that 2 years ago the Anderson School put out the newsletter.  It was suggested that Heidi Miller the school to work student work on the newsletter.  Maybe put a newsletter out every other week.

                                                Jean Murray also wanted to compliment Keith Fetzer for investing in the community by building.

                                                Denna Archer asked about the DMV part time/Asst.  She wanted to know approximately how many hours this person worked.

Donna McDavid asked if the city could condemn the vacant lots and if they could be sold.  Mayor Fetzer stated that Nancy Hollis had worked on this project in the past and could only locate approximately 2 owners out of 8.

Andy Archer stated that he thought a few years ago the person that owned the land at 2nd and D Street had given the city $300.00 to clean up the lot and take ownership.  This needs to be researched to see what transpired.   




Council Comments                                 

                                                Andy Archer stated that the clinic apartment is ready to rent.  Nenana Heating needs to be called again to check out the zone valves in the apartment.

                                                Dave Miller reported that applications for the EMT course have been turned in.  This class will be held in January or February of 2009.  The approximate cost of this class is between $2200.00 – $2500.00.   A contract should be signed between the city and the people sent to this class.  The department is working on this.  Patty Jordan the school nurse is an EMS Instructor and is willing to help out with the class.  The department has had 3 successful meetings this month.  Mr. Miller also met with Senator Murkowski.  Scott Thompson explained the Ambulance Family Plan and it was suggested that this be put in the newsletter again to make people aware of it.

   Samantha Thompson stated that the appraisal for the land on the highway should be completed and e-mailed to the city clerk.  DNR has not received the survey from Mr. Irving yet.  The city needs to send another “do it letter” to Mr. Irving and find out where he is with this.







Ordinance 07-05

Northern Lights

Subdivision Amendment

                                                M/S A. Archer/D. Miller to approve amending Ordinance 07-05.  There was discussion on how the city should approach this.  A letter needs to be drafted and sent to the lot owners.  A work session will be scheduled to discuss what the city wants to do before the letter is sent out.  Amending the Ordinance did not pass.  The city council was in favor of having a work session to draft a letter to be sent out to the lot owners.


Hire Part Time/Temp

Admin/DMV Assistant           M/S D. Miller/A. Archer to approve hire of Ata Reh as Part Time/Temp Admin/DMV Assistant.








Resolution 08-19 Anderson

Sewer System Road

Construction                                       Mayor Fetzer read Resolution 08-19.

M/S A. Archer/E. Warner to accept Resolution 08-19. Motion passed.


                                                                                                            Roll Call

                                                                                    Andy Archer                yes

                                                                                    Dave Miller                  yes

                                                                                    Eric Warner                 yes

                                                                                    Keith Fetzer                 yes

                                                                                    Samantha Thompson   yes


Mini Loader

Bid Acceptance                                   The city council went over all bids that were submitted.  There was discussion.  Warranty and attachments were discussed.

                                                            M/S E. Warner/A. Archer to accept Bid from Volvo with a delivery date of January or February 2009.  Motion passed unanimously.

                                                                                                Roll Call

                                                                                    Andy Archer                            yes

                                                                                    Eric Warner                             yes

                                                                                    Dave Miller                              yes

                                                                                    Keith Fetzer                             yes

                                                                                    Samantha Thompson               yes


Approve Election

Board                                                  M/S A. Archer/ E. Warner to approve the election board for 2008.  Motion passed unanimously.


Appoint Pay Scale

Committee                                          Tabled until after election and new council is aboard.

                                                            All in favor.


Adjournment                                      M/S S. Thompson/D. Miller moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 pm.  Motion passed unanimously.  

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