April 8, 2008 Regular Meeting
April 8 2008
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Darla Coghill, City Clerk
Tom Howard
Samantha Thompson
Eric Warner
Andy Archer Guests:
Jacob Noll Scott Thompson
Denna Archer
Randy Witte
Clint Berry
Larry Nelson
Michele Nelson
Nancy Hollis
David Miller
Kevin Karella
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:35 PM.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda. All in favor.
MS /S. Thompson/E. Warner moved to approve the minutes from the
Regular Meeting, March 25, 2008, with spelling correction. Motion passed unanimously.
M/S S. Thompson/ T. Howard moved to approve the minutes from the Special Meeting, April 2, 2008. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence Mayor Fetzer received no correspondence at this time.
Financial Reports There were no Financial Reports for this month.
Bills to be Paid M/S E. Warner/T. Howard moved to approve the Bills to be paid for April 2008. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Scott Thompson reported that the Lions Club’s needs $1000.00 to get the bathrooms up and running. The Park Host will be here around the 1st of May. David Miller asked about the rock crusher. Scott explained that we need to put it out for bid or hire 2 people to run it. Eric questioned if it was worth putting in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner.
Council Comments None
Department Reports
Admin Mayor Fetzer reported he has a few applications to review for the DMV position and conduct interviews.
Public Safety Scott Thompson will take over as fire chief.
Land None
Environmental None
DMV None.
Public Works Council Person Howard stated that there would be a Surplus Property Sale April 15, 2008.
Vacancy Appointments M/S S. Thompson/ E. Warner moved to appoint Clint Berry to replace Kris Gianni’s seat B on the council. Motion passed unanimously. The city clerk swore in new council member Clint Berry.
Public Hearing 08-05
FY08 Amended Budget Public hearing open at 6:55 PM
No comment
Public hearing closed at 6:59 PM
Reconfirmation of
City Clerk Hire M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to reconfirm the hire of Darla Coghill for the City Clerk position. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call Vote
Keith Fetzer Yes
Samantha Thompson Yes
Tom Howard Yes
Eric Warner Yes
Clint Berry Yes
Invitation to Bid for New
Court House City to pursue building a courthouse. The state will pay $80,000.00 a year for rent with a 15 year lease. The city could do the dirt work and have contractors bid on the building. Keith explained the possibility that the courthouse would allow for Trooper Headquarters, felony trials, and 3 or 4 tenants. Samantha stated that might be able to get grants later down the road.
Test Disaster Alarm Scott will get with the City Clerk for a date and time.
Kevin Karella/Contractor Kevin Kararella has built many homes in Healy and Dutch Harbor and is interested in building the homes for the owners of the free land give away. He is also interested in building the courthouse. Kevin brought brochures for council members and the public to look at. He also stated that there are many different floor plans to choose from. He is willing to work with the city on this project.
National League of Cities M/S E. Warner/T. Howard authorized Nancy and Kris to go
Award Application forward with the project. All in favor.
Payout of Sick Leave
Municipal Code
Section 2.581.0 (h) Nancy asked for payout for sick & annual leave. Keith agreed to this in the February meeting, but had not yet read city code.
M/S T. Howard/C. Berry moved to approve the payout of sick leave since it was done in the past. David Miller questioned how much money this was. There was discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call Vote
Samantha Thompson yes
Keith Fetzer yes
Tom Howard yes
Eric Warner yes
Clint Berry yes
Review City Lease of Space This was tabled for a later date. Date not decided.
In Public Works Building
E-mailing of Agenda’s
To Private Citizens Mayor Fetzer stated that to be on e-mail list it must put in a written request to the City Clerk.
Adjournment M/S E. Warner/S. Thompson move to adjourn at 7:50pm. Motion passed unanimously.