January 8, 2008 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Keith Fetzer, Mayor Nancy Hollis, City Clerk
Tom Howard
Samantha Thomspon Guests:
Jacob Noll via phone Peggy Talerico
Andy Archer Scott Thompson
Dave Talerico
Dave Miller
Unexcused Dave Dickey
Mary Berry Don Nelson
Excused Robert Kohlsdorf
Kris Giani Will Nelson Geoff Buerger Paul Dempster
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S A. Archer/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes MS /T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting:
Regular Meeting,
Mayor Fetzer stated that the committee on the discussion concerning the Lions Club leasing
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence Clerk Hollis received correspondence from the following:
1. National League of Cities
2. Grant Information from DEC, Forestry and Wood Fired Heating Projects
3. AML Loss Control Award
5. First National Bank
6. AML PERS Resolution
Financial Reports M/S T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to receive the financial reports for December 2007. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S A. Archer/S. Thompson moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for December 2007. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Dave Dickey reported that someone had set a snare on his property and killed one of his dogs. He also asked if anyone has notified the city about loose dogs. Clerk Hollis stated that she has not received any complaints concerning his dogs. He would like to inform the trappers in the area to make sure that they are not on private property when setting snares and traps. He also asked if anyone had information concerning the identity of the individual that set the snare to please contact him or the troopers.
Council Reports Council Person Howard asked about the advertisement for the Office Assistant and asked if anyone had applied. Mayor Fetzer stated that no one had applied. He stated that maybe hours should be posted. Mayor Fetzer stated that the jobs should be posted on the website and also fine tunes the number of hours that will be needed.
1. PERS System and their financial situation and how it will affect the cities and school systems in the state.
2. Repairs for the fire truck that was damaged this fall. He suggested that there might be some emergency funding available of approximately $10,000.00 for the repairs. He also suggested that the city amend its grant with the borough to include the repairs instead of the training. He also stated that he will contact GVEA concerning a fire truck that might be available for temporary usage. Mayor Fetzer stated that just for parts will run approximately $27,000 for the repairs and $10,000 for labor. Mayor Fetzer stated that it would be more feasible to purchase a used engine instead of repairing. The damaged fire engine would be converted to a tender to transport water.
3. He also addressed the changes due to regulations at the Borough Landfill. He asked to notify residents that the borough is still accepting refrigerators and other appliances.
4. He stated that he has been in touch with the Finance Chairs in
School Reports Mr. Buerger stated that the end of the quarter will be on the 25th. He is hoping to offer a building trades and EMT class for the next semester. He has hired an aide for K-3.Mr. McCready came and talked to the students on the development of
Department Reports
Admin None
Public Safety None
Land Council Person Thompson asked what time of the day would be best to contact her regarding updating her on the land. Clerk Hollis stated that anytime between
Environmental None
DMV None.
Public Works None
Surveying Clerk Hollis stated that she had received a phone call from DNR. The supervisor has not reviewed the document and stated that it would be a week or two. She also stated that the survey would have to go back to the surveyor for additional work.
Strategic and Economic Plan Clerk Hollis stated that the city has received approximately forty surveys.
Ordinance 08-01
Amending the sale of
Municipal land disposals Clerk Hollis stated that the city needs to define and clarify the following key points addressed from the legal correspondence:
1. Substantial improvement
2. Determine value for improvement
3. What type of appraisal
4. Procedures if someone challenges the appraisal
There was some discussion and disagreement over whom should be responsible for the cost of the appraisal. There was also some discussion on what the land was valued at this summer.
A committee will be set for February 11th @
Ordinance 08-03
Amending Chapter
13.52.020F M/S A. Archer/T. Howard moved to approve Ordinance 08-03 Amending Chapter 13.52.020 f as 1st reading. Clerk Hollis stated that the committee had met and decided to change the requirements for the Deed of Trust and agreement for the free lot owners to meet the requirements to meet their obligations. Since the state does not issue a certificate of occupancy, it was decided that the city would use the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Summary of Building Inspections PR-102 form. This form requires sign off of the following inspections:
1. Plan Approval
2. Foundation and footing
3. Framing
4. Plumbing
5. Electrical
6. Mechanical
7. Installation of insulation and vapor barrier
8. Conditional Approval
9. Final Inspection
These inspections must be signed off by a state certified inspector. Clerk Hollis stated that the lawyer needs to review these changes and prepare an addendum to the Deed of Trust. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Elected Officials Training Clerk Hollis stated that the government specialist responded back to her concerning training. She stated that the city needs to set a date and get back to her. A date of February 18th @
Ordinance 08-04
Amended Fy08 Budget M/S A. Archer/S. Thompson moved to approve Ordinance 08-04 Amended FY08 Budget as 1st reading. Clerk Hollis asked for the council members to review the budget and make recommendations. She stated that the budget does not allow for more expenses because of the projected revenues. Budget expenses can be reallocated within departments. She also stated that the majority of the monies will be deposited in January for the quarterly income and she would have a better idea of whether the projections were in line.
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Lions Club Proposal to lease
Rock Crusher and Gravel Mayor Fetzer spoke to Rob Bennett concerning leasing the rock crusher. Mr. Bennett operated it last year for the city and would like to lease the operation from the city. Mayor Fetzer stated that this could benefit the city because it takes away the maintenance fees, wages, and liability. Mr. Bennett is to respond back to Mayor Fetzer in the form of a proposal.
Subdivision Roads Mayor Fetzer stated that many of the streets in
Resolution 08-11 Opposition
To Antlerless Moose Hunt
in 20A M/S A. Archer/T. Howard moved to approve Resolution 08-11 in opposition of the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Games continued antlerless moose hunt in unit 20A. Mayor Fetzer stated that the moose hunt is knocking down the population of cow and calves in the area. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Sewage Lagoon Rates
For 2009 Mayor Fetzer stated that we need to get our rates in place for next year. He also stated that he will work with the city clerk to get a proposal together for the next meeting.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Archer/S. Rathbone moved to adjourn the meeting @