
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

September 9, 2008 Regular Meeting



September 9, 2008



Present:                                                           Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                         Darla Coghill, City Clerk                                

Dave Miller                                                     

Samantha Thompson                                      

Tom Howard

Andy Archer

Eric Warner                                                    


Unexcused:                                                     Guests:           

Clint Berry                                                       Scott Thompson                                  

                                                                        Tammy            McKenzie

                                                                        Bill Beaudoin

                                                                        Denna Archer                         

                                                                        Donna McDavid

                                                                        Paul Dempster

                                                                         Jean Murray

                                                                        Nancy Hollis



ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:32 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S E. Warner/S. Thompson moved to approve the agenda with the following changes; remove # 5 & 7.   All in favor.



Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer stated that he received a request for an extension on the land in the Northern Lights Subdivision from Julie Morris.  It has been put on the agenda for this month and will be discussed then.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S S. Thompson/D. Miller moved to approve the bills to be paid.   There was discussion, need to look at the Bear Foot Travel Guide before it is paid.  Seems a lot higher than last year. All in favor.



 Public Access                         Jean Murray asked about the minutes from last month. 

Nancy Hollis commented on the extension for the Northern Lights Subdivision.  Ms. Hollis recommended that there be given an extension to all lots with one ending date to make it easier on the staff.  She suggested a one year extension.

 Ms. Hollis also commented on the City Sewer Project.  N. Hollis stated that she knows there are people out there waiting for this to go through and that there is going to be a law suit if the city mandates everyone to hook up.   Has the city thought about grandfathering in the people who have put in a new system within the last 2 years that meet DEC codes?  Ms. Hollis states that there are only a half a dozen to a dozen people who have put in new systems within the past 5 years.

Council response; Who would be the responsible party to hook up and un-hook these systems.  The Ordinance already states that an existing system may be kept for back up purposes only as long as it is DEC certified.  There was further discussion on how many homes have been DEC certified.

                                                Jean Murray stated that she spoke with Jon Bailey and that he stated there probably aren’t any DEC certified systems in town.   Ms. Murray also asked questions about the Ordinance.  On page 9 the notices for disconnect, or other changes to system.  Ms. Murray expressed that the city should be more personnel with notices.



Council Comments                                 

                                                Andy Archer asked about the status on the roads at the subdivision.  Scott Thompson said it is about 60% complete.  Scott Thompson explained that the dozer is there to keep people from flying down the road and getting hurt.

                                                Tom Howard stated that he has made changes to the lease for the shop.  He also asked about the wage scale.

 Mayor Fetzer explained that this was done for the past years and that there was nothing in place now.  The wage scale will be put on the agenda for next month.

                                                Dave Miller stated that through reading and research that the city needs to re-establish a Planning Commission and a committee for economic development and do surveys.

  Samantha Thompson stated that this survey was just done this past year and that approximately 32% responded.  Ms. Thompson stated that there was not enough interest from the community.

Mr. Miller said this is something that needs to be kept on top of for applying for future grants.


Department Reports


Health & Social Services        Andy Archer reported that the clinic apartment is open and he has Tom Terwilliger cleaning it.  Mr. Archer has gone over the past years electric and fuel costs.  His recommendation is to raise the apartment rent to $700.00 a month ($650.00 current rent).    The apartment will be posted for at least 6 weeks and if not rented, then look at closing it down.  Mr. Archer also talked with Nenana Heating about fixing the zone valves at the apartment.

Public Safety                           Dave Miller stated that the fire department needed volunteers.  He is in the process of updating operating procedures.  Mr. Miller is also in contact with Wildlife Department and State Troopers on the bear issues.  There needs to be an Ordinance for secure trash in a bear proof trash can or dumpster.  Citations need to be issued to people who don’t protect their trash from bears.


Environmental Director         Eric Warner reported that a Laptop computer needs to be purchased to operate the new sewage lagoon gate.  A Tough Book is approximately $3200.00.  Mayor Fetzer will talk with Doug Poage about purchasing it from the lagoon account.


Administration/DMV             Mayor Fetzer reported that Stephanie Olson had left and that the position had been posted.  There was only one application.  Asta Reh has been hired part time/temporary for this position.  The mayor encouraged all council members to talk with Asta and look over her application before the next regular meeting.

                                                The DMV has cut their hours and returned to the winter schedule.  The city also received the loader grant.  The revenue sharing is in and Heidi Miller will be working in the office for 1 hour a day at no cost to the city.  She is participating in a school to work program.


Anderson School                     Anderson Principal Bill Beaudoin introduced himself to the council.  Principal Beaudion reported on the number of students, the curriculum, and the new Tech program.  There are two new teachers on staff this year, Uwe Hoffmann and Jamy Wagner.   The school year is off to a great start.  The school is thinking about having an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) program this year.  





Northern Lights Subdivision

Extension                                There was discussion on extending the completion dates for all people that were awarded lots in the Northern Lights Subdivision.  It was suggested that the extension be extended until October 1, 2010.  This item will be put on the agenda for next month’s regular meeting.


Ordinance 08-06 

3rd Reading & Adoption         M/S S. Thompson/ T. Howard moved to adopt Ordinance 08-06.  There was discussion.  Motion passed.

                                                                                                Roll Call

                                                                        Andy Archer                            yes

                                                                        Tom Howard                           yes

                                                                        Dave Miller                              yes

                                                                        Eric Warner                             yes

                                                                        Keith Fetzer                             yes

                                                                        Samantha Thompson               yes                              







Appoint Fire Chief                              M/S D. Miller/ T. Howard moved to appoint Scott Thompson as the Fire Chief for the Anderson Volunteer Fire/Ems Department.  Motion passed.


                                                                                                            Roll Call

                                                                                    Andy Archer                no

                                                                                    Dave Miller                  yes

                                                                                    Tom Howard               yes

                                                                                    Eric Warner                 yes

                                                                                    Keith Fetzer                 yes

                                                                                    Samantha Thompson   yes


Admin/DMV Temp Hire        Mayor Fetzer explained that Asta Reh had been hired part time temp until the position was filled.  It will be put on the agenda for next month.


Adjournment                          M/S A. Archer/T. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm.  Motion passed unanimously.  

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