
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

February 12, 2008 Regular Meeting



February 12, 2008



Present:                                                                                 Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                                            Nancy Hollis, City Clerk                                                   

Tom Howard                                                                       Katelynn Fetzer. Acting Clerk

Samantha Thompson                                                       

Jacob Noll                                                                             Guests: 

Andy Archer                                                                         Peggy Talerico     

                                                                                                Scott Thompson                                 

                                                                                                Dave Talerico                      

Excused                                                                                 Donna Bailey      

Kris Giani                                                                              Randy Bailey                      

Mary Berry                                                                           Charlie Rathbone

                                                                                                Denna Archer

                                                                                                Cindy Wright                                                                                                                                                                        Doug Poage                                                                                                                                                                          Darla Coghill

                                                                                                Randy Witte


ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:33 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S S. Thompson/T. Howard moved to approve the agenda.  There was discussion.  Motion passed with council person Archer opposed.


Minutes                                                 MS /T. Howard/S. Thompson moved to approve the minutes from the

                                                                Regular Meeting, January 08, 2008.   No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Correspondence                     Clerk Hollis received correspondence from the following:

1.      Post Office needs new door – council approves


Motion to suspend rules M/S Archer/Noll

Motion to add to agenda M/S Archer/Noll


Financial Reports                   M/S Noll/Archer moved to receive the financial reports for January 2008.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S Fetzer/Noll moved to approve the Bills to be paid for January 2008.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Public Access                          Nancy recommended that the city put a sign up by the subdivision in honor of Mike Pearson.

                                                Denna Archer questioned Mayor Fetzer on why he didn’t consult all the council members on the hiring of the new city clerk


Council Comments                 Council Person Howard asked if there were any applicants for the sewage lagoon operating position.   



Reports                                   Doug Poage, VSW reported on State of Alaska water & sewer improvements.  There were questions in which Doug answered.


                                                Denali Borough Mayor Talerico reported on the following;

1.      Joint work session on February 22, 2008

2.      Talked about the concerns on the landfill limits

3.      Opposes APAC form



School Reports                                   There was no member of the school in attendance.



Department Reports


Admin                                     Mayor Fetzer reported that there had been a few problems with the computer in DMV.  He also thanked Katelyn for filling the clerk position until it was filled.


Public Safety                           Council Person Noll reported that he was concerned about the Mast program.  He also wrote a letter about his concerns.  The insurance needs to be reviewed and rescue 3 needs repairs


Land                                        Council Person Thompson stated that she had not heard back for Mr. Irving.


Environmental                        None


DMV                                       None. 


Public Works                          None


PUBLIC HEARING               Public hearing opened at 7:45 PM

                                                No comment

                                                Public hearing closed at 7:47 PM







Surveying                                Clerk should begin process for survey instruction.


Strategic and Economic Plan Clerk Hollis stated that the city has received approximately forty surveys.  Not finalized, still need to get percentages


Ordinance 08-01

Amending the sale of Municipal land disposals        


                                                Council Person S. Thompson motioned to add advertise time of                                                         2 months.  Here was no second.  Council decided to discuss next                                                       months meeting during Public Hearing.  Ordinance still needs                                                             some modifications.



Ordinance 08-03

Amending Chapter

13.52.020F                              M/S Howard/Thompson to accept and adopt.

                                                Roll Call vote;

                                                Andy Archer                Yes

                                                Keith Fetzer                 Yes

                                                Samantha Thompson   Yes

                                                Tom Howard               Yes                 

                                                Jacob Noll                   Yes


Elected Officials Training      There was discussion and it was decided to schedule this for a later date.                  


Ordinance 08-04

Amended Fy08 Budget           There was discussion and it was decided that it still needs further changes.


Lions Club Proposal to lease

Riverside Park                       Mayor Fetzer asked Randy Witte to bring a proposal when it is completed.  Randy expects it to be completed for the next meeting.


Rock Crusher and Gravel     Mayor Fetzer stated that Rob is still interested in leasing but hasn’t given a proposal yet.  It is still the cities responsibility





Resignation of City Clerk/

Treasure                                 Mayor Fetzer Nancy Hollis for her years of dedication/S A. Archer/T. Howard to accept resignation.  All in favor




Appoint City Clerk                 Mayor Fetzer introduced Darla Coghill as the new city clerk.  There was discussion;

                                                Roll Call vote was taken;

                                                Andy Archer                           no

                                                Samantha Thompson             yes

                                                Tom Howard                          yes

                                                Jacob Noll                               yes

                                                Keith Fetzer                            yes


Denali Commission Economic Grant

                                                No time for proposal


Resolution 08-12

Support AML                         M/S Thompson/Archer.  All in favor


Resolution 08-13

Denali Borough Funding        M/S Noll/Thompson.  All in favor


Resolution 08-14

Denali Borough Matching

Grant                                      M/S Archer/Howard.  All in favor.


Resolution 08-15 Denali

Funding for Libraries             M/S Thompson/Archer.  All in favor.


Resignation                             M/S Archer/Howard to accept Mary Berry’s resignation from the city council.  All in favor.  Discussion; City council openings need to be posted on the website and lobby of city hall.  It will be observed at the next council meeting.


Denali funding request           M/S Noll/ Archer to suspend rules.

                                                Denali Borough School District requested a $500.00 donation from the city to send students to the awards Banquet in Anchorage.

                                                Roll call vote;

                                                Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                Andy Archer                                       yes      

                                                Tom Howard                                      yes

                                                Samantha Thompson                         yes      

                                                Jacob Noll                                           yes
















ADJOURMENT                     M/S A. Archer/S. Howard moved to adjourn the meeting @ 8:45 PM.

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