
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies


The City of Anderson


Ordinance 10-01


An ordinance of the City of Anderson, Alaska amending certain sections of Title 2 Administration and Personnel of the Anderson code of ordinances.





Section 1.  Classification.  This ordinance is of a permanent nature and shall become a part of the City Code upon adoption.


Section 2.  General Provisions.  The purpose of this ordinance is to replace or delete [bracketed] words with new underlined language to update departments, travel and per diem rate for employees, City holidays.  Bold face type has no bearing on the ordinance, but only serves to assist the reader to the proposed changes.


Section 3.  Severability.  If any provisions of the ordinance or any application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance and the application to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.


Section 4.  Chapter 2.08        City Organization

            Section 2.08.020 [Divisions] replace with Departments.

            Section 2.08.070 [Natural resources] replace with Land

            Section 2.08.100 Delete entire section

            Section 2.08.110 Delete entire section

            Section 2.08.120 Delete entire section

            Section 2.08020 [E. Natural resources] replace with E. Land and [F. Transportation] replace with F. Environmental, delete [G. Environmental; H. Cable television & Equipment; I. New Functions]

            Section 2.08.040 [A. Fire] replace with A. City Streets and Roads and [B. Emergency Medical Services] replace with B. Building Maintenance; delete [C. City Streets and Roads; D.; E. Animal Control]

            Section 2.08.050 [A. Animal Control] replace with A. Emergency Medical Services and delete [D. Police Protection]


Section 5.  251.5      Tenure and Termination of Employees.

            Section 2.521.5 Delete [Section 2.522.0 (d) does apply]


Section 6. 2.558          Travel and Per Diem Allowances. 

Only actual and necessary traveling expenses shall be allowed to elected officials and personnel upon prior approval by Department Head and/or Mayor.  Personnel expense reports must be submitted.  Personnel traveling on official city business will be compensated as follows:

   1.  A [$ .35] per mile rate for the use of Privately Owned Vehicles will be set to match the State of Alaska’s established reimbursement due to the traveler as defined by the Department of Administration, Division of Finance.  When two or more persons are traveling in the same direction and Privately Owned Vehicle's is/are shared, the mileage allowance will be paid based upon the number of vehicles, not the number of people attending.

   2.  Air travel transportation will be arranged by the City Clerk and billed to the city.

   3.  Motel/Hotel reservations will be made by the City Clerk and billed to the city.

   4.  Per Diem Allowance will be set to match the State of Alaska Per Diem rate as defined by the Department of Administration, Division or Finance. [a maximum of $ 40.00 per whole day. For partial days a break down of $ 10.00 for Breakfast, $ 10.00 for Lunch, and $ 20.00 for Dinner will be provided based upon actual departures and arrival from personnel's home.] If the meals are provided, there will be no per diem allowance.


Section 7.  2.583.5   Recognized City Holidays.

            The following days shall be recognized as holidays with pay for all permanent employees.  Full- time/ permanent employees shall receive full pay.

            A.  New Year’s Day;

            B.  Insert Martin Luther King Jr. Day;

            C.  Insert Presidents Day;

            D.  Insert Seward’s Day;

            E.  Memorial Day;

            F.  Independence Day;

            G.  Labor Day;

            H.  Insert Alaska Day;

            I.  Insert Veterans Day;

            J.  Thanksgiving Day;

            K.  Delete Christmas Eve;

            L.  Christmas Day.


 Section 8.  This ordinance shall take effect on April 13, 2010



            First reading                                      February 9, 2010

            Second reading and public hearing     March 9, 2010

            Third reading and adoption                April 13, 2010

This site is maintained by the City of Anderson PO Box 3100 Anderson, AK 99744 907-582-2500