Ordinance 10-04
An ordinance of the City of Anderson, Alaska amending certain sections of Title 4 Elections of the Anderson code of ordinances.
Section 1. Classification. This ordinance is of a permanent nature and shall become a part of the City Code upon adoption.
Section 2. General Provisions. The purpose of this ordinance is to replace [bracketed] words with new underlined language to ensure conformity with State of Alaska statuettes and improve the efficiency with which the city clerk conducts municipal elections. Bold face type has no bearing on the ordinance, but only serves to assist the reader to the proposed changes.
Section 3. Severability. If any provisions of the ordinance or any application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance and the application to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Section 4. 4.01.040(B) Regular City Elections. Election notices shall be prepared and posted in three public places by the city clerk for [fourteen] twenty days preceding the date of the regular election or special election, and shall contain the following, as is appropriate:
1. Whether the election is regular or special;
2. Date of the election
3. Location of the municipal polling places;
4. Time the polling places will open and close;
5. Offices to be filled;
6. A statement describing voter qualifications;
7. A list of candidates; and
8. A statement of any questions or propositions to be placed on the ballot.
Section 5. 4.04.010 Absentee Voting; Eligible Persons. Any qualified voter, [who expects to be absent from the city or who will be unable to vote by reason of physical disability on the day of any election] who does not plan to vote in the city on the day of the election, may cast an absentee ballot.
Section 6. 4.04.020 (B) Absentee Ballots; Applications; Filling. An application made by mail must be received by the Clerk not more than forty-five days, nor less than [three] ten days before the day of the election. An application made in person must be filed with the Clerk not more than forty-five days before the day of the election and no later than noon on the day preceding the election. The application must be signed by the applicant and show his/her place of residence.
Section 7. 4.04.040 (B) Absentee Voting Procedure. The Clerk shall not issue an absentee ballot sooner than [30] 21 days before the election.
Section (E) To be counted, an absentee voter’s ballot must be [executed] post marked before the polls close in the City and be received by the Clerk prior to the time the ballots are canvassed by the election review committee.
Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect on May 11, 2010
1st Reading March 9, 2010
2nd Reading April 13, 2010