Chapter 10.12 Sanitary Landfill
Chapter 10.12
10.12.010 Facility.
10.12.020 Areas marked.
10.12.030 Penalties.
10.12.010 Facility. The city shall maintain a sanitary landfill within the city limits for the disposal of solid and sewage waste. (Prior code AO §8.10.00)
10.12.020 Areas marked. The sanitary landfill shall have areas marked for the dumping of solid and sewage waste. (Prior code AO §8.10.05)
10.12.030 Penalties. Any dumping of waste in places other than those designated shall be a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than three hundred dollars. {Prior code AO §8.10.10)