
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

August 8, 2006 Regular Meeting



Tuesday, August 8, 2006



Present:                                                                 Staff:

Mike Pearson, Mayor                                         Nancy Hollis, City Clerk                                                                   

Clint Berry                                                            Guests:

William Nelson                                                     Mayor Dave Talerico

Andy Archer                                                         Holly Morris

Daryl Frisbie                                                         Carl Grundberg

                                                                                Supt. Kim Langton                                            

                                                                Irene Langton     

                                                                Brad Fabrizo                       



Allen Miller, Excused                                                                                                                                                                                         


ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at 8:00 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S A. Archer/W. Nelson moved to approve the agenda with the following change:

                                                                                Add:  14 d)  Tammy Sheldon.

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Minutes                                                 M/S W. Nelson/A. Miller moved to approve the Regular Meeting, July  11, 2006 minutes.   No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Correspondence                                 None



Financial Reports                              M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to receive the financial reports for July 2006.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                                    M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for July 2006.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Public Access                          Brad Fabrizo asked about installing a gutter over the pay phone.



Lions Club Report                  None


Denali Borough Report          Mayor Dave Talerico gave a brief report on the following:

1)      Waiving the fees for the landfill for the city to remove the abandoned buildings in Anderson.

2)      Accepting the junked vehicles at the landfill.

3)       Borough Assembly has no objection to the site selection for the Regional Lagoon.

4)      Successful Bluegrass Festival.  


School Report                         Supt. Kim Langton gave a brief report on the school.


Department Reports              None



Vacancy Appointments          The city clerk did not received any candidates for the one remaining open seat.  Will be advertised again this next month.




Surveying                                Mr. Irving stated that he will start surveying shortly the two parcels out by the Denali Borough Landfill. The city is looking at selling a parcel at the intersection possibly for a gas station. 


VSW Grant                             Mayor Pearson stated that he recently talked to Doug Poage about changing the placement of the community lagoon closer to the dike system. 


Rock Crusher                         Mayor Pearson stated that he talked to Bill Nemic and Tim McIver about the possibility of working on the rock crusher.  Clerk Hollis reminded the city council that we had a September 30th deadline...


Garage Lease

Berry Bros 4X4                      Mayor Pearson reported that the lease is up for the Public Works garage space.  Council Member Berry excused himself from the room due to a conflict of interest.   Mayor Pearson stated that there was council concern on the number of vehicles parked at the garage and payment of monthly rent.   

                                                M/S W. Nelson/A, Archer moved to approve the 12 month lease for Berry Bros 4X4 with the following conditions:

1.      $ 400 per month lease

2.      Cannot be more than 30 days in arrears.

3.      Mr. Berry will enlarge an area by the Public Works parking area with the city equipment. 

4.      No more than 10 days parked in the parking area.

5.      Lift is OK to install.

                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed with Council                                                           Person Berry abstaining due to personal reasons. 





Surplus Sale                            Mayor Pearson stated that he would like to sell the following equipment on a Surplus Sale:

1.      Old Ambulance

2.      Low Boy Trailer

3.      Old guard shack

4.       8 power Poles

5.      Bug Truck without sprayer

6.      Diesel Engine


                                                Sealed bids must be received by the City Clerk by August 31st @                                           4:00 PM.


Multi-Use Center                    Holly Morris from Michael L. Foster & Associates held a public meeting during the work session to discuss the city’s options for a new multi-use facility.    


Sewage Lagoon                      Council Person stated that he has contacted the state and federal agencies concerning the possibility ob obtaining gravel from their pits for use in the sewage lagoon.  Our other option would be purchasing the gravel from Evans.  He asked when it became mandated for the replacement of the gravel filter system.  He recommended that we maintain status quo for the next two years until the new facility is built.  The council suggested that we wait 30 days to see if we can get the rock crusher operational.  Another option was to try and rent a pump to see if we can use a pump to drain the field instead of using the heavy equipment. 


Land Contract Sale                Mayor Pearson stated that Tammie Sheldon had submitted a letter asking for her monies back on the lot she was purchasing from the city. The council asked for clarification on the details.   

                                                M/S W. Nelson/A. Archer moved to table this item until next month.  Motion passed with Berry opposing. 


ADJOURMENT                     M/S W. Nelson/C. Berry moved to adjourn the meeting @ 10:30 PM.

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