July 11, 2006 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor
William Nelson Karen Southwood
Clint Berry arrived @
Clint Berry, Unexcused
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the agenda.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the Regular Meeting,
M/S W. Nelson/A. Miller moved to approve the Special Meeting
Correspondence None
Financial Reports M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to receive the financial reports for June 2006. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for June 2006. There was some discussion on the Denali Borough landfill fees and the rental of the bottles from Air Liquide. City clerk will clarify next month.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access None
Lions Club Report Karen Southwood and Mayor Pearson agreed that no formal contract would be written for the rental of the park for the Bluegrass Festival. It was agreed that the rental fee would stay the same as last year. It was the Lions Clubs responsibility to collect the park fees for the week. The permanent campers will be relocated to the Fire Hall or the Lions Club and that the campers would have electrical only hookup.
Department Reports
Public Safety Chief Thompson asked the council to put the heating system upgrade out for bid for proposal. He stated that he wanted to get going on the process prior to fall because the contractors would not be able to do the work if the weather gets to cold. Mayor Pearson requested that the proposal include the whole building instead of just the fire hall. Part of the project would then have to come out of general fund monies.
Chief Thompson stated that it would take approximately 8 weeks to get the ambulance here once the paperwork is completed. It was suggested that the vehicle be driven up instead of transported so that it gets broken in on the highway system instead of our short runs.
Chief Thompson stated that they had two runs in June. He stated that someone emptied all the oxygen bottles and suggested that the city spend $ 1,600.00 for a new upgraded security system. He also estimated that the city should receive approximately $ 32,000.00 for the equipment rental of the Fire equipment.
Chief Thompson wanted to know why the city fire department was not called for the search and rescue? The way it was done became very expensive for the individual families, when the city had the majority of the equipment available.
Environmental Council Person Frisbie reported the city needs to purchase crushed gravel for the lagoon, since the city did not get the rock crusher operational. They wanted the city employee on a normal schedule of 8 to 5 and that he use the old loader at the lagoon. Council Person Frisbie will talk to the Chris about his hours and the operation of the lagoon.
Public Works Mayor Pearson stated that the city needs to hire a foreman to help organize and assign tasks to the city employees. He stated that they will be hiring Dave Griggs, Jr for the position and that he should be available in two weeks.
Vacancy Appointments The city clerk did not received any candidates for the one remaining open seat. Will be advertised again this next month.
Public Hearings Public Hearings were held for Ordinance 06-02 Fy 06 Amended Budget and Ordinance 06-03 FY07 Budgets. There was no public input.
Surveying No information was available on the status of the surveying.
VSW Grant No report
Rock Crusher Mayor Pearson stated that the city is still looking for a welder.
Open Meetings Act An open meetings act seminar will be held on the 20th. Any interested council member is encouraged to attend.
Proposal for Garage
Rental Tabled until next month. The city did not receive any proposals. It was asked that the city clerk get clarification on the number of vehicles that would be stored in the parking lot. It was also brought to the council's attention that the electrical bill for the building was extremely high.
Resolution 07-01
Exchange of Land Borough M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to approve Resolution 07-01 Authorizing the Mayor to exchange of municipal entitlement land with the Denali Borough to facilitate the construction of a regional sewage lagoon. This resolution authorizes the Mayor to exchange equal land amounts to up to 100 acres. This land will be south of the
Resolution 07-02
Payment Plan for Insurance M/S W. Nelson/A. Miller moved to approve Resolution 07-02 Payment plan for Insurance. This allows the city to make payments on the yearly insurance fee. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Lions Club Agreement The council agreed to allow the Lions Club full use of the park for two days after the festival. Also the Lions could use the city equipment if needed, but could not pull city employees off the city payroll.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting @