March 14, 2006 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor Nancy Hollis, Clerk
Patrick Skinner
William Nelson, Excused
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
FLAG CEREMONY Cub Scouts Troop 12, Den 1 out of Healy performed the flag ceremony. New flags were installed.
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S D. Frisbie/P. Skinner moved to approve the agenda with the following changes:
Add: 10 e) School Letter from Greg Miller
11 d) Acceptance of Resignation from Patrick Skinner
13 g) DMV Contract
Delete: 13 a, b & c
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the following minutes:
Regular Meeting,
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence Letter from PERS concerning increase in PERS contribution.
Letter concerning the population count.
Financial Reports M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to receive the financial reports for February 2006. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for February 2006. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access None
Mayor Talerico,
1. April 10th Safety Training in Healy
2. Regional Tournament
3. Increase for Fire Department Funding
4. SB 246 & 247 Revenue Sharing Bills
Lions Club Report None
Superintendent Report Principal Pile stated that everything is going well at the school.
Clint Berry Clint Berry wanted to bring information to the community about the possibility of a charter school being started in
1. Developing a curriculum that the parents want and not district controlled.
2. Selection of the staff.
3. More parental involvement.
A contract would be drawn up between the school district and the charter school on who would be accountable for what. Several residents spoke concerning the charter school. Mayor Pearson suggested that the group interested in pursuing the charter school should have a meeting to see what the interests are and who will do the required paperwork. Mr.
Greg Miller
Donation Request Mayor Pearson stated that the city has to be real careful in donating monies that are public funds. He asked Greg to come to the next meeting to get clarification of who was going and how the money would be split. He asked if the individuals that were raising funds would be interested in providing labor for the public clean up projects in return for a donation. He also asked for a clarification of a dollar amount. He also asked for clarification on what the funds would be used for.
Vacancy Appointments Mayor Holmes stated that we have two seats open and two individuals applying for the vacancies.
M/S P. Skinner/D. Frisbie moved to appoint Clint Berry to Seat D effective
Clerk Hollis swore in the newly appointed council members
Resignations M/s D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to accept the resignation of Patrick Skinner. Mr. Skinner stated that he has enjoyed his 2 1/2 years that he has served on the city council, but needs to resign due to his position at work. He stated that he would be willing to serve on committees. He thanked the council and community for the opportunities. Not further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Election of Vice-Mayor Postponed until next meeting.
Business Plan & Conceptual
Design RFP Mayor Pearson stated that we have drawn up a RFP for the Business Plan & Conceptual Plan for the Multi-Use Facility. The RFP will be sent out this week and due on the 11th of April.
This is for a grant that received from Denali Commission. Clerk Hollis stated that the maximum contract would be for approximately $ 18,000.00.
M/S A. Miller/D. Frisbie moved to submit the RFP out to a minimum of five firms. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Archer's Proposal M/S S. Berry/D. Frisbie moved to contract
Borough Matching Grant Mayor Pearson received a letter from Rob Bennett for a proposal for the removal of the junk cars and buildings for the Denali Borough Grant. The grant requires the city to contract this portion of the grant out. Clerk Hollis stated that she has received information regarding an individual that is willing to take the junked vehicles for free. Scott Thompson stated that he would be willing to submit a proposal for this project. Mayor Pearson asked the clerk to contact Rita Morris, Jerry McKee, Dan Loden and Dave Cornwall to ask permission to destroy the abandoned homes and remove the debris. Clerk Hollis wanted to know if the city was going to charge a fee for this service. A committee will decide on the prices.
Ambulance Billing M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to contract with Fairbanks Billing for
Builders Workshop City Clerk Hollis stated that she has not had a response from the public for a workshop. She asked if the city should put an ad in the Fairbanks Real Estate guide which is due out at the end of the month. Mayor Pearson asked what the price would be. Clerk Hollis will contact the Daily News Miner for the cost.
VSW Grant Clerk Hollis stated that she has been working with Doug Poage and PDC, Inc on the VSW grant on the scope of the project. She stated that because the city decided it was better to go with two lagoons rather than one that has increased the costs for the design. She stated that Doug has tried to get additional funds to complete the design 100%, but the funds will not be available until this summer. She stated that the design of the sewage lagoon would be at 100% and the city sewer system would be design at 35% completion. In the 35% completion phase, all the ground and permitting work would be done. The remaining 65% would be accomplished in the fall and winter. There were concerns on whether we would be able to receive the additional funding this summer. Clerk Hollis stated that she would have to contact Doug Poage,
M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the scope of the project presented by PDC, Inc based upon the consensus that the extra funds would be available this summer. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Land Survey RFP's The Mayor stated that we received two RFP's for the Land Surveying. The bids were as following:
Laurence H. Irving $ 18,900.00
Clerk Hollis stated that the bids came in higher than what she expected. She also stated that this proposal was for both entitlements on the
M/S A. Miller/C. Berry moved that we contact Laurence Irving to see what it would cost to just do the entitlement by the Borough Landfill. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Letter of support for
the Booster Club Julie Pearson, Chair of the Booster Club asked if the city would write a letter of financial support. The Booster Club is writing a grant to renovate the tennis courts at the school. She stated that what she would like is the city would provide the costs of the gravel for the project. She also asked if the city could help out with equipment and possible labor for this project.
M/S A. Miller/D. Frisbie move to write a letter of support for the Booster Club stating that the city would contract the gravel to the project and offer in-kind equipment and labor. No further discussed
CIP List M/S D. Frisbie/C. Berry approved the following CIP list for the City of
1. Ambulance $200,000.00
2. Grader $140,000.00
3. Dozer $120,000.00
4. Excavator $120,000.00
5. Heating System FH $ 20,000.00
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Land Counter Proposal M/S A. Miller/D. Frisbie moved to approve the counter proposal from John Bhai for a Block2,
DMV Contract M/S W. D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the DMV contract. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Safety Scott Thompson, Fire Chief gave a brief report. We have five new EMT's. He is submitting paperwork to upgrade our ambulance classification from BLS to BLS and sometimes ALS. He stated that we have a new sponsor, Dr. Dumas. He also asked the City Clerk to notify the Superintendent that all emergencies at the school need to be routed to the city instead of directly call base. He asked if we could start a Jr. program for our youth.
Health & Social Services No report
Public Works No report.
Environmental No report.
Admin No report.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Miller/C. Berry moved to adjourn the meeting @