
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

January 10, 2006 Regular Meeting



Tuesday, January 10, 2006



Present:                                                                 Staff:

Mike Pearson, Mayor                                         Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                            

William Nelson                                                                    

Allen Miller                                                           Guests:

Patrick Skinner                                                     Julie Pearson                         Brad Frabizo

Daryl Frisbie                                                         Eileen Holmes                      Lily Frabizo

                                                                Scott Thompson                  Clinton Berry

Excused:                                                               Greg Miller                            Mary Berry

Fred Deussing                                                       Sid Michaels                         Dave Talerico

Mitch Gates                                                          Peggy Talerico                      Roger Axford

                                                                                Corey Irmen                         Erika Miller

                                                                                Samantha Rathbone                                                                                                         


ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at 6:35 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S W. Nelson/A. Miller moved to approve the agenda

There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Minutes                                                 M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to approve the following minutes:

                                                                                Regular Meeting, December 8, 2005

                                                                                Special Meeting, December 13, 2005

 No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Correspondence                                 No Correspondence



Financial Reports                              M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to receive the financial reports for December 2005.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                                    M/S W. Nelson/A. Miller moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for December 2005.   There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Public Access                          Patrick Skinner excused himself as a council member to speak as a regular citizen.  He had the following concerns and issues:

1.  City Resolution concerning the school.

2.  Complaint from Anderson staff member was filed against his son and questioned the reasoning and justification for this complaint.

3.  Attitudes and conflicts destroying this community.

4.  Hiring of future personnel at Base. 

Council Person Frisbie stated that the school filed no complaint.

Mayor Pearson stated that in the future that all hear say needs to be documented prior to addressing in the future at all public meetings. 


Mayor Talerico,

Denali Borough                      Mayor Dave Talerico reported on the following:

                                                            1.  AML

                                                            2.  Revenue Sharing. 

                                                            3.  Fuel Rebate

                                                            4.  Road to Nome.                                                                              

Lions Club Report                  None


Superintendent Report           None






Subdivision                              Mayor Pearson reported the Public Works employee is still working on removing the chip debris from the two remaining roads in the subdivision. 


Revitalization Grant              Mayor Pearson stated that he received two proposals from Andy Archer and George Haskins for the removal of the fire debris from the park.  He proposed setting up a committee to review the proposals.    He also suggested that we advertise and solicit proposals through the newsletter. 


Borough Matching Grant      A committee will be established to list priority sites and establish policies.  


Dog Complaints                      Mayor Pearson recommended that we leave this on for more discussion next month.


Berry Lease                            M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to eliminate one month's lease for the Berry's due to problems with the waste oil heater.  Council felt that the city was not providing adequate heat for the building.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Village Safe Water Grant      Mayor Pearson stated that a committee would be formed to evaluate the proposals for the design portion of the grant.  Dave Talerico, Sid Michaels, Eileen Holmes and Daryl Frisbie were possible candidates.  A firm will be coming down on Friday the 20th.  The three firms will be evaluated on the 30th and 31st of January. 


Ambulance Billing                  This item was postponed until next month.


School Issues                           Julie Pearson reported that the Booster Club meeting has been canceled.  .                


Builders Workshop                A workshop will be conducted in February or March.



Possible Land Sale                  Clerk has not received any information from the individual interested in the lot.



Denali Commission Grant     Clerk Hollis reported that the city received funding for the Conceptual and business plan for the Multi-Use facility.  The grant is for $ 20,000.00. 


Rock Crusher Grant              Clerk Hollis reported that the city received funding for the repair and upgrade of the rock crusher.  The grant is for $ 30,000.00.





Public Safety                           Fire Chief Thompson reported that the department had 55 calls for 2005.  He stated that Rescue 2 was in Fairbanks for repair.


Health & Social Services        None 



Admin                                     Mayor Pearson stated that he has given a raise to the DMV Clerk Lori Gates for her exceptional service.  Mayor Pearson requested an article in the newsletter concerning the ashes and garbage that residents are putting in the ditches.  He is also working on getting equipment to repair the streetlights. 


ADJOURMENT                     M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting @ 8:25 PM.

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