
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

May 16, 2006 Regular Meeting



Tuesday, May 16, 2006



Present:                                                                 Staff:

Mike Pearson, Mayor                                         Nancy Hollis, Clerk                                                                            

Allen Miller                                                           Guests:

William Nelson                                                     Dave Talerico

Clint Berry                                                            Peggy Talerico

Daryl Frisbie                                                         John Pile

                                                                Scott Thompson



Andy Archer, Excused                                                       



ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at 7:30  PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to approve the agenda with the following changes:

                                                                                Add:  13 e) Anderson Highway Signs


There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Minutes                                                 M/S W. Nelson/C. Berry moved to approve the following minutes:

                                                                                Regular Meeting, April 11, 2006

 No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Correspondence                                 Capital Budget



Financial Reports                              M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to receive the financial reports for April 2006.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                                    M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for April 2006 with the following additions:

TDS                        $256.45                 PW

NAPA                     $623.64                 PW

AIH                        $ 50.53                  PW

Power & Trans     $156.20                 PW

There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Public Access                          None


Mayor Talerico,

Denali Borough                      Mayor Dave Talerico reported on the following:

                                                            1.  Assembly passed Budget

                                                            2.  Increased Borough Funding for Fire & EMS 

                                                            3.  Bed & Sales Tax proposals

                                                            4.  Revenue Sharing from state

                                                            5.  Surveying


Lions Club Report                  Mayor Pearson reported that Council Person Nelson and himself met with the Lions Club to review the rental agreement.  He stated that the Lions Club would like to use the roller and possibly the loader.  He also stated that they would like the whole park two days earlier.  They also discussed the removal of one of the meters this summer.


School Report                         Principal Pile gave a report on the school.  He stated that there would be a new superintendent and principal next year.  He also stated that the district would be hiring an English/SS and a Math/Science teacher.  He did not think that an elementary position would be filled.  He also stated that the secretary and the custodian positions would be reduced to 5.75 hours per day.  He asked for volunteers for the Field Day.  Graduation will also be on Friday.


Department Reports

Public Safety                           Fire Chief Thompson reported that in April they had one run.  The department volunteers are still working on the pump.  Mayor Pearson stated that there was a possibility of theft of some of the fuel this winter from the pump.  New safety measures have been installed.  Fire Chief Thompson has stated that a flyer needs to be distributed out to the residents notifying them about the burn permits and requirements.


Park                                        Park facilities are up and running.


Environmental                        None


Land Use                                 None


Vacancy Appointments          The city clerk did not received any candidates for the one remaining open seat.  Will be advertised again this next month.





Business Plan & Conceptual

Design RFP                             Clerk Hollis stated that a committee was formed and evaluated the two proposals.  It was the recommendation of the committee that the council select Michael L. Foster & Associates, Inc.

                                                M/S D. Frisbie/C. Berry moved to approve Michael L. Foster & Associates as the firm to complete the Conceptual planning and Business plan for the Multi-Use Facility.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Land Surveying                      Clerk Hollis informed the council on the revised proposals for the land surveying out by the Borough Landfill.  The bids still came in higher.  She stated that she also sent a request out to Geometry Surveyors out of Anchorage and is waiting for a response.  It was suggested that we table this till next month.         


VSW Grant                             Clerk Hollis stated that the public meeting with PDC would be on May 30th.  Notices will be sent out.  A draft outline was presented to the council concerning the feasibility study. 





Ordinance 06-02

Amended FY06 Budget          Clerk Hollis presented the council with the amended FY06 Budget.  This would be the first reading.  She stated that the city is doing OK and that we should not have to dip into the savings to balance the budget.  There were some departments that went over budget and some that were under.  Revenue was the same.  Overall, there were no surprises and it is just minor changes in the budget allocations.


Ordinance 06-03

FY07 Budget                           Clerk Hollis presented the FY07 Budget as the first reading.  She stated that she did budget in the $40,000.00 for Energy Assistance that was in the state budget.  She stated that due to the number and amount of grants next year, the city would be required to complete an audit.  She stated that she allocated $ 15,000.00 for an audit.  She anticipates that some of the energy assistance monies will be set aside to rebuild our savings account.  She suggested that each department head review their budgets and if changes need to be made, contact her. 



Anderson Clean up Day         Mayor Pearson reported that June 3rd would be the Anderson Clean up Day.   

Good Sams & Machine Gun

Shoot                                       Mayor Pearson stated that the Machine Gun Shoot is proceeding forward as planned.  They will be here on Saturday and Sunday.  It was suggested that we ask the school if they had a group that was interested in picking up the garbage and cleanup of the range. 


Signs on the Highway             Council Person Frisbie reported that the Anderson signs that the Jr. High made are setup on the Highway right a way.  He stated that additional support would need to be done.  Mayor Pearson stated that the city would get a crew and anchor the sign. 





ADJOURMENT                     M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting @ 10:55 PM.

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