February 13, 2006 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor Nancy Hollis, Clerk
William Nelson
Sid Michaels Lily Fabrizio
Teresa Hall
Excused: Peggy Talerico
Fred Deussing Dave Talerico
Mitch Gates
Patrick Skinner
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to approve the agenda
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S D. Frisbie/W. Nelson moved to approve the following minutes:
Regular Meeting,
No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence No Correspondence
Financial Reports M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to receive the financial reports for January 2006. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S D. Frisbie/A. Miller moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for January 2006. There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Sid Michaels thanked the Mayor for his efforts on the Fish and Game Committee. He also asked if the web site was being updated?
Mayor Talerico,
1. April 10th Safety Training in Healy
3. Railroad
4. AED's
Lions Club Report Council Pearson reported that he has contacted the Lions Club representatives regarding the electrical upgrade at the park. He stated that this spring they would eliminate one of the meters and work on the original RV plug-in's.
Superintendent Report Principal Pile introduced himself to the council and gave a brief synopsis of what is happening at the school. He stated that he has been given an excellent opportunity to work with a great bunch or kids, staff and parents.
Subdivision Mayor Pearson reported the chips are completely removed from the subdivision. This spring we should be able to start excavating the topsoil.
Revitalization Grant Mayor Pearson stated that he received two proposals from
Borough Matching Grant A committee consisting of Mayor Pearson, Will Nelson and Sandi Trumbower was created to evaluate the proposed projects. Clerk Hollis stated that she talked to Delmar Neeley about the property that his Mom owns, he stated that he would contact her and get back to the clerk.
Dog Complaints No report.
Ambulance Billing This item was postponed until next month.
Builders Workshop City Clerk Hollis stated that she has not had a response from the public for a workshop. It will be advertised in the newsletter and we will revisit it in March.
Village Safe Water
Design Firm M/S W. Nelson/A. Miller moved to accept PDC as the design firm for the Village Safe Water project. The committee interviewed three firms on the 30th and 31st of January and submitted to the city council their recommendation of PDC for this project. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Land Survey Sealed
Bids The Mayor opened the two sealed bids for the surveying of our municipal entitlements out on the
Anderson/Clear Lions Club
Liquor License Renewal M/S W. Nelson/D. Frisbie moved to take no action on the Anderson/Clear Lions Club Liquor License renewal. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 06-14
Resignation of Council Members
Mitch Gates and Fred Deussing M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to accept the resignations of Mitch Gates and Fred Deussing. Mayor Pearson stated that Mitch Gates has moved to
Pesticide Permit Clerk Hollis stated that she had received an application for renewal of the pesticide permit. The council members felt that it would be prudent to apply for renewal of the permit.
Public Safety Council Person A. Miller stated that he has started working on the repairs at the Fire Hall. .
Health & Social Services None
Public Works Council Person W. Nelson gave a brief report on his department. He stated that we are still looking for a Public Works employee and suggested that we advertise in the Nenana newsletter and the Borough offices. He stated that the new employee needs certification for sewage, pesticide and commercial drivers license. Mayor Pearson stated the they are working on the street lights
Admin Council Person Frisbie asked if we could have the troopers monitor the speed coming into town a little more often. He stated that when he walks to school, the vehicles are moving extremely fast and throwing rocks. A note will be put in the newsletter reminding residents to slow down.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Miller/W. Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting @