
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

May 11, 2010 Regular Meeting





May 11, 2010



Present:                                                                       Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                                     Darla Coghill, City Clerk

Paul Dempster                                                  

Samantha Thompson

Karen Southwood

Cindy Wright  



Tom Howard                                                                 Guests:         

Tina McPherson                                                                                                                                                                                               Donna McDavid          Berry McDavid

                                                                        Julie Morris                  Denna Archer

                                                                        Donna Smith                Rupert Smith

                                                                        Jon Bailey                    Quenten Rathbone

                                                                        John Goslar                 George Snyder

                                                                        Anne Paul                    Cody Rathbone

                                                                        Samuel Dempster





ROLL CALL                          The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:30 PM.



AGENDA APPROVAL          M/S K. Southwood/P. Dempster moved to approve the agenda. No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Minutes                                   M/S K. Southwood /S. Thompson moved to approve the minutes from the following meeting with these changes:  Regular Meeting, April 13, 2010. Tom Howard Excused; Yvette’s last name is Lancaster.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Correspondence                     Mayor Fetzer reported on the following, funds are now available for the waste water project, a request from Julie Morris to purchase lots reposed by the city in the Northern Lights Subdivision.  A letter from Jean Murrary requesting that the city put the flower pots out and a donation from the city to buy flowers to plant by the road sign.  Also a lease agreement from Village Safe Water to lease the clinic building for one year.


Financial Reports                   M/S /K. Southwood /P. Dempster moved to receive the financial reports for April 2010.   Motion passed unanimously.              

Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                     yes

                                                                  Samantha Thompson                                yes

                                                                  Cindy Wright                                            yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes


Bills to be Paid                        M/S K. Southwood /S. Thompson moved to approve the bills to be paid for April 2010.  No further discussion.   Motion passed unanimously.


Roll Call

Paul Dempster                                    yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes

                                                                  Cindy Wright                                            yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes



Public Access                          There was approximately 55 minutes of public access.  All guests listed commented and some that did not sign in.  The main topic of conversation was; sewer project, Alaska Machine gunners over Memorial Day weekend, the Ruba report, these were the main topics.  Doug Poage of Village Safe Water answered questions along with the council.  A special meeting was set up to discuss the sewer project on April 27th at 6:30 pm.

                                                Also discussed was that there are a lot of empty lots in town that need to be cleaned up.  The city needs to change its Ordinance to cover the Emanate Domain.


Council comments                  Karen Southwood; Anderson 911 now goes through the University Dispatch.    Make sure you give them your real address, and you just have to dial 911. Karen also suggested that a Resolution be done for Phil Daugherty as a thank you from the city for all his years of dedication answering all the 911 calls.

                                                Paul Dempster; Riverside Park in up and running for the season and it is looking good up there.

                                                Kith Fetzer wanted to thank the public for their participation in the city meetings.  DMV is now on its summer schedule open 3 days a week.





                                                Mayor Talerico reported the borough still has a budget and that tourism is down.  The budget is 3.8 million with 1.2-1.8 million on the table in case tourism is way down.  Dave explained the budget and where the money was going.  He also reported that there was a seat open on the Planning Commission Board.  Dave also reported on the new lights for the school and also their sewer system.





Ordinance 10-02

Budget Amendment 2010       No public comment


Ordinance 10-03

City Budget 2011                    No public comment


Ordinance 10-04

Title 4 Code Book

Updates                                   No public comment






Ordinance 10-02

3rd Reading                             M/S S. Thompson/P. Dempster moved to approve the 3rd reading and Adoption of Ordinance 10-02.  There was no comment.  Motion passed unanimously.

                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes

                                                            Cindy Wright                                      yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes


Ordinance 10-03

Fiscal Budget 2011                 M/S K. Southwood/S. Thompson moved to approve the 3rd reading and Adoption of Ordinance 10-03.  There was no comment.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Cindy Wright                                      yes

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes





Ordinance 10-04

Title 4 Update

Code Book

                                                M/S K. Southwood/C. Wright moved to approve the 3rd reading of Ordinance 10-04.  There was no comment.  Motion passed unanimously.

                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes

                                                            Tina McPherson                                 yes

                                                            Cindy Wright                                      yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                        yes






Resignation of

Council Members                   M/S K. Southwood/P. Dempster moved to approve the resignation of council members Tom Howard and Tina McPherson.  There was no comment.  Motion passed unanimously.



Adjournment                          M/S K. Southwood/S. Thompson moved to adjourn the meeting @ 8:55 PM.

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