
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

July 13, 2010 Regular Meeting




July 13, 2010



Present:                                                                       Staff:

Samantha Thompson Vice Mayor                    Darla Coghill, City Clerk

Paul Dempster                                                  

Karen Southwood - phone

Cindy Wright  



Keith Fetzer                                                       Guests:         

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Denna Archer              Donna Smith

                                                                        Rupert Smith                Bob Murray

                                                                        Jean Murray





ROLL CALL                          The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor Samantha Thompson at 6:32 PM.



AGENDA APPROVAL          M/S P. Dempster/ C. Wright moved to approve the agenda. Item 7.  “Vacancy Appointment” was tabled.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Minutes                                   M/S P. Dempster /C. Wright moved to approve the minutes from the following Meetings, Regular Meeting May 11, 2010, Planning Commission Meeting June 2, 2010, and Special Council Meeting June 2, 2010.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 



Financial Reports                   M/S /K. Southwood /P. Dempster moved to receive the financial reports for June 2010.   Motion passed unanimously.              



Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                     yes

                                                                  Samantha Thompson                                yes

                                                                  Cindy Wright                                            yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes


Bills to be Paid                        M/S K. Southwood /S. Thompson moved to approve the bills to be paid for June 2010.  No further discussion.   Motion passed unanimously.


Roll Call

Paul Dempster                                    yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                         yes

                                                                  Cindy Wright                                            yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                               yes



Public Access                          There was approximately 1 hour of public access.   

Bob Murray said he was a snow bird but with the new sewer line going in would like to see the streets repaved when the project was completed.  Maybe the city could apply for a grant and have the roads fixed while the sewer project is wrapping up.  He also stated that there was BBQ for Dave Talerico on the 19th at Riverside Park.

Denna Archer Wanted to know why the City was bidding against jobs for the private sector.  There was a job at the base out to bid for someone to water the newly planted grass. Is the city doing this legal?  Why is the city lowering the Utility tax, is that legal?

Donna McDavid She had questions about the Alaska Machine Gunners during Memorial Day weekend.  Said the council didn’t care about the citizens of Anderson.  There are a bunch of people in this community that don’t like the gunners coming to Anderson.  There was no safety followed.

Denna Archer Make the gunners shoot some place out of town.

                                                 Rupert Smith The wording in the Ordinance for Utility tax needs to be reworded.


Council comments                  Karen Southwood; I am offended by people saying that she doesn’t care what happens to this community.  She does care that’s why she is on the council.

                                                Cindy Wright People on this council do care and it is wrong for people to say that they don’t.





Department                            Lagoon There will be an inspection from the state any day.  This is routine.

                                                Park The water towers need to be replaced, they run approximately $600.00 each.

                                                EMS/Fire There have 3 calls this past month.  IREMS gave the department $1700.00 to purchase turnout gear for the EMS members.






Resolution 10-11                     M/S K. Southwood/ P. Dempster to approve Resolution 10-11.   Appreciation and Gratitude to Phillip Daugherty.  There was no comment.  Motion passed unanimously.


Resolution 10-09                     M/S C. Wright/ P. Dempster to approve Resolution 10-09 on changing the Utility tax from 8% to 6%.  There was discussion, Cindy Wright didn’t understand it and thought the city was doing something illegal. She wanted to abstain from voting and after some discussion she was willing to vote.  No further discussion, Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Paul Dempster                                    Yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson             Yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                   Yes

                                                            Cindy Wright                          Yes


Surplus Bid                             Scott Thompson let the council know that he was getting to have a surplus bid for the city.


Resolution 10-14                     M/S C. Wright/ P. Dempster moved to approve Resolution 10-14 AML payment contract.  There was no discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Cindy Wright                          yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                   yes

                                                            Paul Dempster                                    yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson             yes




Adjournment                          M/S K. Southwood/C. Wright moved to adjourn the meeting @ 7:35 PM.

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