
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

August 2, 2010 Plannig Commission Meeting


Planning Commission Meeting

August 2, 2010



Present:                                                                       Staff:

Keith Fetzer, Mayor                                                     Darla Coghill, City Clerk

Paul Dempster - Excused                                                                                              

Samantha Thompson

Karen Southwood- via phone

Cindy Wright  








ROLL CALL                          The Planning Commission Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Keith Fetzer at 6:38 PM.



AGENDA APPROVAL          M/S S. Thompson/K. Southwood moved to approve the agenda.

                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Subdivision of the Westerly

Portion of Block A Devon

Subdivision Final review        M/S K. Southwood/S. Thompson moved to approve the final review of the Westerly portion of Block “A” Devon Subdivision. There was no discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                                    ROLL CALL

                                                            Samantha Thompson                                     yes

                                                            Cindy Wright                                                  yes

                                                            Karen Southwood                                           yes

                                                            Keith Fetzer                                                    yes




Adjournment                          M/S K. Southwood/S. Thompson moved to adjourn the meeting @ 6:42 pm.

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