
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

March 9, 2010 Regular Meeting




March 9, 2010



Present:                                                                       Staff:

Samantha Thompson                                       Darla Coghill, City Clerk

Paul Dempster                                                            

Tina McPherson          

Tom Howard                                                                          

Cynthia Wright           


                                                                        Scott Thompson          


Keith Fetzer                                                    

Karen Southwood                                                       





ROLL CALL                          The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor Samantha Thompson at 6:35 PM.



AGENDA APPROVAL          M/S P. Dempster / T. Howard moved to approve the agenda.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Minutes                                   M/S T. Howard/P. Dempster moved to approve the minutes of January 12, 2010.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

                                                                M/S P. Dempster/T. Howard moved to approve the minutes of February 9, 2010.  Nor further discussion.  Motion Passed unanimously.


Correspondence                     Vice Mayor S. Thompson reported on the following; the city is applying for a grant through the Denali Borough for the fire department.


Financial Reports                   M/S P. Dempster /T. McPherson moved to receive the financial reports for February 2010.  No further discussion.   Motion passed unanimously.             



Roll Call

                                                            Cynthia Wright                                   yes

                                                                  Tom Howard                                            yes

                                                            Tina McPherson                                 yes

                                                                  Paul Dempster                                          yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson                                     yes


Bills to be Paid                        M/S T. McPherson / T. Howard moved to approve the bills to be paid for February 2010. Tina McPherson asked about the Nenana Heating bill.  No further discussion.   Motion passed unanimously.



Roll Call

                                                            Cynthia Wright                                  yes

                                                            Tom Howard                                      yes

Tina McPherson                                  yes                    

                                                            Paul Dempster                                                yes

                                                                  Samantha Thompson                                yes




Public Access                              none



Council Comments                 none



School Principal                      William Beaudion could not attend but sent a report to be read.  Vice Mayor Thompson read the report which is attached.



Department Reports 

Land                                        None


Health & Social Services        Some one is interested in renting the clinic.  T. McPherson will follow it up.


Public Safety                           none


Environmental                        none


Admin                                     none


Park                                        P. Dempster reported that there is interest in putting an Archery range in at the park.  The Lions club would help with the project and it wouldn’t cost much.


Village Safe Water                 Doug Poage was out doing door to door surveys and left his report with the city clerk.  Basically Village Safe Water was doing a door to door survey to see what the interest was in the city sewer project.  There had been some negative feedback to Doug’s boss and they were considering pulling the funding if the support wasn’t there.  He would send a full report to the council after the survey was complete.  The council was encouraged to write letters of support.


Old Business


Ordinance 10-01 2nd Reading

Update Code Book Title 2      M/S P. Dempster/T. McPherson moved to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance 10-01.  There was no comment.  Motion passed unanimously.




New Business


Resolution 10-07

2009 Denali Borough

MHMP Adoption                    M/S T. Howard/P. Dempster moved to approve Resolution 10-07.  There was no discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Ordinance 10-02

1st Reading Amedmended

Budget for Fiscal year            M/S P. Dempster/ T. Howard moved to approve the 1st reading with changes to the grant page (13 & 14).  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                        Roll Call

                                                            Tom Howard                          yes

                                                            Cynthia Wright                      yes

                                                            Tina McPherson                     yes

                                                            Samantha Thompson             yes

                                                            Paul Dempster                                    yes


Ordinance 10-03

1st Reading City Budget

2011                                        M/S Tina McPherson/P. Dempster moved to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance 10-03.  There was no discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Ordinance 10-04

1st Reading Title 4

Code book updates                 M/S T. Howard/P. Dempster moved to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance 10-04.  There was no discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.






Adjournment                          M/S T. Howard / T. McPherson moved to adjourn the meeting @ 7:05 PM.

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