Chapter 6.24 Garbage, Refuse, and Trash Control
Chapter 6.24
6.24.010 Definitions.
6.24.020 Unlawful disposal of garbage
6.24.030 Violation—Penalty
6.24.010 Definitions. The following terms, as defined in the American College Dictionary (Library of Congress catalog card #63-12822), and set forth in this section, shall be applicable in this chapter:
6.24.010 Definitions. The following terms, as defined in the American College Dictionary (Library of Congress catalog card #63-12822), and set forth in this section, shall be applicable in this chapter:
A. "Garbage" means animal and vegetable matter from the kitchen.
B. "Refuse" means that which is discarded as worthless or useless.
C. "Trash" means anything worthless or useless; rubbish; such as magazines and paper. (Part of unnumbered ord. dated 1/13/81)
6.24.020 Unlawful disposal of garbage. It is unlawful for any person, company or organization to dispose of garbage, refuse or trash of any kind within the limits of the city other than at the places designated by the city council. (§1 of unnumbered ord. dated 1/13/81)
6.24.030 Violation--Penalty. Any person, persons, companies, firms, partnerships, corporations or any other entity violating the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. The fine shall be set at the discretion of the fining authority. (§2 of unnumbered ord. dated 1/13/81)