Chapter 6.12 Fire Prevention Control Regulations
Chapter 6.12
6.12.010 Proper burning
6.12.020 Open burning
6.12.030 Precautions
6.12.040 Leaving open fires
6.12.050 Penalties
6.12.010 Proper burning. Any person may burn garbage and paper in a proper metal container providing the container in good condition has a heavy screen or gate on top with holes no larger than 5/8 inch and air holes no longer than 5/8 inch to eliminate sparks and debris from leaving the metal container and ten feet of mineral soil surrounding the barrel. (Prior code AO §6.03.95)
6.12.020 Open burning. No person shall burn brush or rubbish between the dates of June 15 and September 15 without first obtaining a burning permit from the city fire chief or from the city council. The permit shall be issued without charge to the applicant where, in the opinion of the fire chief or the council, such fire should be allowed. (Prior code AO §6.03.80)
6.12.030 Precautions. No person shall burn brush or rubbish without having near the fire the necessary fire fighting precautions and equipment such as fire extinguishers, or hose connected to a live water faucet, a shovel, rake, Pulaski and an axe or other equipment necessary for the control of the fire. (Prior code AO §6.03.85)
6.12.010 Leaving open fires. No person shall leave the site of an open fire unless the fire is completely extinguished. (Prior code AO §6.03.90)
6.12.050 Penalties. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars for the first offense and fifty dollars upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense, or imprisonment in jail for not more than two days for conviction of a first offense and five days upon a conviction of a second and subsequent offense or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the judge. (Ord. 113 §4 (U), 1986: prior code AO §6.03.100)