Resolution 09-07
A RESOLUTION to enter into a payment contract for any outstanding balance and the FY2010 Deposit Contribution, and to authorize the State of Alaska to transfer a portion of Municipal Assistance, Revenue Sharing, Safe Cities, or any other state or federal funds paid by the state to the city/borough/school district.
WHEREAS, this Resolution is to be used only in the event the city/borough/school district is delinquent and has not paid any past due account balance.
WHEREAS, the city/borough receives Municipal Assistance, Revenue Sharing, Safe Cities, or any other state or federal funds paid by the State of Alaska; and,
WHEREAS, the not-for-profit Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association, Inc. (AMLJIA) is established under AS 21.76 to provide risk management services for Alaska municipalities, cities, boroughs, school districts and regional educational attendance areas, of which this city/borough/school district is a member; and,
WHEREAS, the AMLJIA provides the pooling of risks, self-insurance management, joint purchase of insurance, claims administration, loss prevention and control, insurance defense and other related risk management services on behalf of its members for workers’ compensation, general liability, public officials liability, auto liability and property coverages; and,
WHEREAS, the city/borough/school district wishes to enter into a payment contract with the AMLJIA for the payment of any outstanding balance.
BE IT RESOLVED, should the city/borough/school district as a member and participant in the Joint Insurance Association become delinquent in the payment of the approved payment contract, we hereby authorize the State of Alaska to transfer the city/borough/school district’s delinquent amount of the city/borough/school district’s anticipated monies, as the AMLJIA shall certify, to the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association, Inc. for credit on the city/borough/school district’s account.
This RESOLUTION shall be effective upon enactment.