May 8, 2007 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor Nancy Hollis, City Clerk
Mary Berry
Daryl Frisbie Guests: Scott Thompson
Andy Archer Tina McPherson
Keith Fetzer Samantha Rathbone
Lindsay Erber Krys Byuglien
Erika Miller
Excused Reed Rathbone
Jacob Noll @
Mayor Dave Talerico
Peggy Talerico
Denna Archer
Bill Schuyler
Geoff Buerger
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to approve the agenda as presented.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve the minutes of
Under Department Reports for Public Works change “days” to “hours”. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence Received correspondence from Jim Paul regarding the Anderson Sewer Project, Letter from the Governor concerning Alaska Statehood Celebration Commission and FY08 State Revenue Sharing report from AML.
Financial Reports M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to receive the financial reports for April 2007. Financial report will be discussed later in the report No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for April 2007.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Tina McPherson stated that she has asked that the dump truck that is parked on her property line be removed in the past and would like some idea of when it would be removed. She stated that she needs to get back access to her property for an installation of a septic system. Council Person Fetzer stated that he would contact the State Troopers regarding this issue.
Bill Schuyler asked if the Land Use Planning Commission was active. He was also concerned that in the past his street is not being plowed as often as the rest of the town was. He also volunteered to assist the city in getting a dentist or doctor to come to our community.
Keith Fetzer asked what the procedures are for submitting a proposal to the city council. He was instructed that a proposal must be in writing. A special meeting was scheduled for
Clint Berry expressed concerns in the council listening to the public and move ahead on projects at a slower rate and making sure that the city receives all public input, not just the ones that come to the meetings. He expressed concerns at opening up more lands to the public. He also stated that the city has not met all the grant requirements at the park. He wanted to know what the momentum that is driving the city council is.
Mayor Dave Talerico Mayor Talerico reported on the following:
1. He is working with the Mayor from Nenana concerning the junked vehicles.
2. He stated that he has submitted in his proposed budget a line item of $9,000.00 and 150 tons of free dumping for the Community Cleanup. He also stated that if the city receives the proposed funding for revenue sharing, that he would remove this item from the budget list.
3. He gave a report on the
4. Mayor Pearson and he will be working on the land transfer for the new regional sewer system.
School Report
1. Filling the elementary position.
2. Student’s efforts in community beautification.
Department Reports
Admin Mayor Pearson requested a letter of appreciation be written to the Cub Scouts for the flag ceremony.
Park Council Person
1. Park Host Advertisement
2. Lions Club Proposal
3. Opening of the park for the summer
Environmental Council Person Frisbie reported on the status of the regional facility. He also stated that the employees working on the lagoon should get hepatitis shots.
Health & Social Services Council Person Noll gave a report on the progress of obtaining a dentist and physician.
Public Safety Council Person Fetzer gave a report on the following:
1. Mini pumper is out of service
3. Explorer program for youth. A list of requirements from the fire department on this program.
4. Wanted clarification of where the ambulance revenues were being allocated.
5. Fire Chief wanted to look into the possibility of hiring a grant writer and someone to handle the paperwork for their department.
6. Mayor Pearson, Fire Chief Scott Thompson and Council Person Fetzer will get a letter out to all residents that are violating the burn barrel laws.
7. Council Person Fetzer will look into obtaining a fire level danger sign for the community and coordinating the postings of the fire danger level.
Land No report
Public Works Council Person Archer reported that he is recruiting for employees to work this summer season. The water in the crusher pit is receding. The base will be submitting an order for sand.
Surveying Mr. Irving is working on the preliminary plat and should have it submitted to us shortly for approval.
Ordinance 07-02
Amended FY07 Budget Clerk Hollis reviewed the changes in the FY07 amended budget. She stated that she would like to see it on the agenda for next month. She stated that she made some minor changes from last month.
Ordinance 07-06
FY08 Budget Clerk Hollis reviewed the changes in the FY08 budget. She stated that we are currently approximately $ 50,000.00 in the negative if we do not receive revenue sharing.
Strategic & Economic Plan
Update A copy of the proposed changes to the Strategic plan was made available. A meeting date will be set up at our June meeting.
Condemning of Properties Mayor Pearson stated that a committee needs to be set up to review the policies that are currently in place. Keith Fetzer, Scott Thompson, Mike Pearson and Clint Berry stated that they were interested in serving on the committee. A meeting was set up for
Future Grant Applications Clerk Hollis asked for possible suggestions of future grant opportunities. It was suggested that we apply for a grant for electrical upgrade at the park.
Clean Up Day It was suggested that we have a community cleanup day on June 2nd. This cleanup will be in conjunction with the Sportsman Club. A picnic will be held afterwards.
Wage Scale M/S K. Fetzer/J. Noll that we decrease $3.00 across the board of the city’s new hire’s from our current wage scale, with the exception of DMV employees and have an employee review after six weeks. Council Person Fetzer stated that the city’s wages are considerable hire than the private sector. Mayor Pearson stated that in the past few years we have had trouble finding qualified employees with our current wages. A voice call vote was as follows;
Berry No
Fetzer Yes
Noll Yes
Archer No
Frisbie No
Erber No
Pearson No
Motion failed 5 to 2.
M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to approve the following wage scale:
Park Maintenance and Labor $ 16.00 to $ 18.00
Student Laborer $ 10.00 to $ 12.00
Equipment Operator $ 18.00 to $ 20.00
Maintenance $ 20.00 to $ 22.00
Truck Driver CDL $ 23.00 to $ 25.00
Adult Laborer $ 16.00 to $ 18.00
DMV Training $ 12.00
DMV, after Training $ 13.00 to $ 15.00
Janitor $ 12.00 to $ 14.00
No further discussion. Voice Roll call was as follows:
Erber Yes
Fetzer Yes
Berry Yes
Noll Yes
Frisbie Yes
Archer Yes
Pearson Yes
Motion passed.
ADJOURMENT M/S K. Fetzer/A. archer moved to adjourn the meeting @