June 12, 2007 Regular Meeting
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor Nancy Hollis, City Clerk
Jacob Noll
Daryl Frisbie @
Andy Archer Deana Archer
Keith Fetzer Julie Pearson
Lindsay Erber Pam Fetzer
Jean Murray
Excused Tim McIver
ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S K. Fetzer/J. Noll moved to approve the agenda as follows:
Delete: 5 b-5e.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve the minutes of
Correspondence Received correspondence from the attorney regarding the sale of municipal land proposals and ordinance and from PDC, Inc regarding the sewage lagoon. PDC, Inc will be opening the bids for the construction of the sewage lagoon tomorrow at 3. Mayor Pearson also stated that the dump truck that was at the end of
M/S J. Noll/A. Archer moved to release the attorney communication regarding the sale of municipal land proposals and the land disposal ordinance to the public. Mayor Pearson felt that the community should have access to this communication. Council Person Frisbie did not want to release the information due to the way questions were asked by the city clerk to the attorney which formulated the attorney’s response and did not feel that this information should be released to the public. Council Person Fetzer stated that his intention was to withdraw both proposals, that he feels that there is not a need for a vote, no need for anything else to go public. He felt that the proposals were premature. Council Fetzer feels that this correspondence is no longer relevant since he is withdrawing his proposals. Clerk Hollis asked what the concern or issues were regarding the type of questions that were asked of the attorney. Council Person Frisbie stated that he felt the questions proposed to the attorney muddied the waters and felt that at this time it would add more confusion for the public. Council Person Archer stated that the correspondence should be available for anyone requesting it, but not to publish it in the newsletter or a flyer. Clerk Hollis stated that the only reason this is a topic of discussion is that it is a legal document. She stated that the lawyer stated that there is nothing in this correspondence that should not be made available to the public. The motion failed
Financial Reports M/S K. Fetzer/L. Erber moved to receive the financial reports for May 2007. Financial report will be discussed later in the report No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Bills to be Paid M/S K. Fetzer/J. Noll moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for May 2007.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Jean Murray asked if the city would like to help financially with the 4th of July celebration that is scheduled at
M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve up to $150.00 for the purchase of paper goods and delivery of flyers for the event. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Council Reports Council Pearson Frisbie asked if the city would be interested in funding a Recreational Program for the youth in our community? He stated that he would like to hire a couple of the older youth to assist him in the program. He also stated that the Lions Club field needs to be mowed and the backstop fixed.
M/S A. Archer/J. Noll moved to fund the youth summer recreational program for $1,000.00. Mayor Pearson will be coordinating with Cyrus Cooper for the delivery and installation of the school playground equipment from the base. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Dave Talerico Mayor Talerico was not available for this meeting.
Department Reports
Admin Mayor Pearson requested a letter of appreciation be written to the Cub Scouts for the flag ceremony.
Park Mayor Pearson stated that he would like to see a sign posted at the
Environmental Council Person Frisbie reported on the following:
1. A Spill contingency plan needs to be implemented. Tim will be checking with
2. Status of the east and west monofills
3. Old Primary cells liner needs to be repaired.
4. Inspection of the site will be anytime.
5. Log books located at the lagoon.
Health & Social Services Council Person Noll gave a report that he talked with Mr. Siddual about opening a clinic in
Admin Mayor Pearson gave a brief report on the DMV operation.
Public Works Council Person Archer reported on the equipment status. He also stated that the city will be doing the junked car removal instead of contracting the project out. The work crew is still working on the crusher and it should be operational in a couple of weeks. Prices of gravel need to be put on the agenda for next month. Tony Nelson called and inquired whether the city had a place to dispose of the brush and trees that will be removed from the new construction of the sewage lagoon and also whether the city would apply for a permit for gravel purchase from the state. It was a consensus of the council that we could not accept the brush debris and would work with Mr. Nelson on the purchase of gravel if his company was awarded the bid.
Surveying Mayor Pearson stated that Mr. Irving has not submitted the plat as of today. It should be submitted very shortly.
Ordinance 07-02
Amended FY07 Budget
Public Hearing No Comments
Ordinance 07-02
Amended FY07 Budget M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to adopt Ordinance 07-02 FY07 Amended Budget. The city clerk gave a brief overview of the changes to this document. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously via roll call.
Ordinance 07-06
FY08 Budget
Public Hearing Jean Murray wanted to know if there was funding available for training of council members.
Ordinance 07-06
FY08 Budget M/S K. Fetzer/J. Noll moved to adopt Ordinance 07-06 FY08 Budget. Clerk Hollis reviewed the FY08 budget. The following additions were added to the proposed budget:
City Council Training $ 1,000.00
Park Youth Program $ 1,000.00
Total expenditures for FY08 would be $348,795.00. Revenue exceeds expenditures of approximately $ 20,000.00. City clerk stated that it would be appropriate that we try to build our savings account. Council Person Frisbie suggested that we install a lighted LED sign at the school to increase communications services. No further discussion. Motion passed via roll call unanimously.
Strategic & Economic Plan
Update A meeting date was set for June 19th @
Condemning of Properties A meeting date was set for June 26th @
Regional Sewage Lagoon Mayor Pearson suggested that we invite Mr. Doug Poage to our July meeting. The bids will be open tomorrow.
Community Waste Water
System Clerk Hollis gave a brief overview of the land status. She stated that she has completed the paperwork required from DNR to start the process for obtaining the land for the site. This process should take approximately two years. Mr. Poage suggested that we conduct another survey of the community for the feasibility of the sewer system.
Deposit refund for
Approval/Rejection of
Keith Fetzer’s land proposal Keith Fetzer withdrew both proposals. Council Person Frisbie stated that the city is going all different directions and that he feels that we should submit to the borough to ask for guidance and suggestions on how to proceed with this.
M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to send the ordinance and correspondence to the borough for review. Council Person Erber will be contacting Mayor Talerico regarding this matter. It was suggested by the city clerk that we advertise the land for sale to get the public process started. Council Person Frisbie and Fetzer suggested that we wait to advertise the land for sale. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
DMV Clerk M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to hire Sharon Warner as the new DMV Clerk. She will be replacing Angela Clark. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Status of Free
For Northern Lights Subdivision
Clerk Hollis reported on the status of the free lot incentive. She stated that she has approximately six that have not sent the completed documents back.
M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to set the deadline date of July 1st of the original lot applicants to submit all their legal documents. The new lot applicants will have 30 days from date of email to complete their documents. Council Person Frisbie stated that the community needs to be real positive to encourage new residents and families to welcome them to our community.
Review of current code for
Municipal land disposals M/S K. Fetzer/D. Frisbie moved to table the discussion on the current code for municipal land disposals until we hear back from the borough. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to adjourn the meeting @