
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

April 10, 2007 Regular Meeting



April 10 , 2007



Present:                                                                 Staff:

Mike Pearson, Mayor                                         Nancy Hollis, City Clerk                                                   

Mary Berry          

Daryl Frisbie                                                         Guests:   Lindsay Erber

Andy Archer                                                                         Clint Berry

                                                                                                Michele Napoleone                                            

Excused                                                                                 Larry Nelson

Jacob Noll                                                                             Karen Southwood

Keith Fetzer                                                                          Brittany Warner

                                                                                                Heidi Miller

                                                                                                Eileen Holmes

                                                                                                Teresa Hall

                                                                                                Mayor Dave Talerico

                                                                                                Peggy Talerico

                                                                                                Principal Geoff Buerger



ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at 6:35 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to approve the agenda with the following changes:

                                                                                Delete:  7 a)  Special Meeting January 17, 2007

                                                                                Add:  13 f)  Resolution 07-12  Exchanging City land with the Denali Borough.

                                                                                Change:  13 d)  Resolution 07-5-05 tp 07-12. 

                                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Appointment of Council

Member                                                M/S D. Frisbie/A. Andy Archer moved to appoint Lindsay Erber to fill                                                   vacant seat B.  Lindsay Erber was the only applicant that submitted a                                                                  letter.  She stated that she has lived in Anderson for two years and is an                                                                        elementary teacher.  No further discussion.  Motion passed                                                                                     unanimously. 


Oath of Office                                     Clerk Hollis gave the oath of office to Lindsay Erber.


Minutes                                                 M/S  A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 2007 as amended..  The only changed was word correction on Wish List from Capital Projects #4 change “Bride” to “Bridge”.    No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


                                                                M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve the minutes of February 22, 2007 as presented.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to approve the minutes of March 1, 2007 as presented.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                M/S A. Archer/M. Berry moved to approve the minutes of March 13, 2007 as presented.  Name addition for Kyrs Byfuglin.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


                                                                M/S D. Frisbie/M. Berry moved to approve the minutes of March 26, 2007 as presented.  .  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Correspondence                     None


Financial Reports                   M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to receive the financial reports for March 2007.  Financial report will be discussed later in the report   No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for March 2007 with the following corrections and additions:

                                                            Add:  Daily News Miner for $ 488.40 for ad for free lots

                                                            Change:  Fairbanks Billing for ambulance billing to    $422.55. 

                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Public Access                          Brittany Warner and Heidi Miller presented a proposal from the Anderson High School regarding Anderson Clean up days.  They included in their proposal the following:

1.      Planting flowers in town and also by the highway signs.  These items would be donated by the community.

2.      Painting a building or home yearly.

3.      Community garden.


                                                They stated that the students would take charge and organize the                                                        clean-up. 


                                                Michele Napoleone read a letter that addressed the following                                                             concerns about the land give away:

1.      Council person’s actions and decisions regarding certain rules that were approved at a previous meeting.

2.      Special accommodations and rules were not strictly enforced.

3.      Applicants were not standing in line, but instead standing around the fire.

4.      Applicants did not have alternates in line holding their spots.

5.      An individual decided to step in line and was rudely asked what he was doing.

6.      Approached council member about the rules, and the council member just shrugged his or her shoulders and stated that she needed to talk to the Mayor.

7.      Only accommodations that the city was going to provide were the use of the clinic for the applicants to warm up and use the restrooms.  She noted that applicants were plugging in heaters and also parking their vehicles in line and that they could sit in their vehicles. 

8.      City council member also purchased money orders for the applicants. 

9.      Wait list.  Wanted to get clarification on future land give offerings.

10.  Felt that this land give away was discriminating against local community members.

11.  Goal was to increase our community. 

12.  Not enough thought.  Need to wait a year or two to see the outcome. 

13.  Council needs to get input on what the community wants.  Needs to look at the whole picture.   Some residents like Anderson how it is now and not what it can be.  Want Anderson to remain the supportive community that it is.

14.  She also feels that each council member should have equal say and not all fall back on the Mayor.


                                                Karen Southwood also agreed with everything that Michele                                                    wrote and read.  She stated the following:

1.      That we should wait a year or two before we lobby for more monies and open more land. 

2.      She did not appreciated someone sending the troopers to her house She would appreciate that in the future if someone has a problem with her that they at least contact her prior to sending the troopers over.

3.      A council member purchasing money orders for the lot applicants should not have done, it was in her opinion a severe violation of the rules.

4.      Likes Anderson as it is, does not feel it needs to be fixed.

5.      Concern of where the new residents will find jobs.  Need to think about the long run and how we will solve all the problems that arise.

6.      School issue.  Problems that reduced the enrollment dealt with curriculum and staff. 


                                    Clint Berry, Lions Club member stated that the Lions Club would like to                                            make a proposal to the city council for take over Riverside Park.                                           He wanted to know what the Lions Club needed to do to proceed with                                          this.  Mayor Pearson stated that a written letter on their proposal needs to                                   come before the council.  The council would like a copy of the proposal                                               before the next meeting, at least a week or two, so the council would                                                 have time to review the data and proposal.  Council person Berry wanted                                          it put on the agenda for the next meeting.  Mayor Pearson also stated that                              he has been in communication with Randy Witte regarding the ball field.                              He stated that the city would be willing to donate some dirt, but needed a                                    written proposal from the Lions Club on how they want to proceed. 


                                    Council Person Berry stated that some council person’s actions that                                       weekend were disrespectful and rude and does not want the city                                                        represented that way.   She stated that she wanted this on the agenda for                                       next meeting. 


Denali Borough

Mayor Dave Talerico             Mayor Talerico reported on the following:

1.      Zoning Ordinance within the Borough.  He stated that this ordinance would not affect Anderson, since it has its own zoning and platting rights.

2.      The students in Anderson have really impressed him.    There will be eight students from the school representing the borough in Juneau.

3.      Budget proposal.  City’s request for Denali Funding of $ 20,000.00 for cleaning up the community.  He readjusted the allocation for $ 9,000.00 in grant funding and 150 tons of free dumping at the landfill. 

4.      Full fire department funding.

5.      Revenue sharing.  Senate has reinstated under HB95. 

6.      Vo-Tech Training Center.    

School Report

Geoff Buerger                        Mr. Buerger reported on the following:

1.      Lobbying efforts in Juneau.

2.      TRS/PERS

3.      Staff will remain the same for next year except Janet Reed

4.      June 1st Graduation

5.      Students will see significant movement in levels for this year.

6.      A lot of celebrations for students and staff.

7.      Thank Daryl for all his work and leadership with the students.

Department Reports

Admin                                     DMV will be going three days a week in May 1st. 


Park                                        No report.


Environmental                        Mayor Pearson explained the land transfer between the borough and the city and the placement of the utilities.  Doug Poage notified Mayor Dave Talerico that the grant would cover the survey costs if they are done relatively soon under the project.  Clerk Hollis stated that she has applied for a permit to purchase or lease state land for the community waste water facility.  She was informed that the costs of the land would be based upon the costs of adjudication fees. 


Public Safety                           None


Public Works                          Council Person Archer reported that Tim has been working a minimum of 10 hours a week.  Rock crusher grant has been closed.




Surveying                                No report



Ordinance 07-02

Amended FY07 Budget          Clerk Hollis reviewed the changes in the FY07 amended budget.  She stated that she would like to see it on the agenda for next month.  She stated that she made some minor changes from last month. 


Strategic & Economic Plan

Update                                    A date of April 17th @ 6:00 PM has been setup for our next Economic and Strategic Committee.


Condemning of Properties     Mayor Pearson stated that a committee needs to be set up to                                                   review the policies that are currently in place.  Keith Fetzer and                                                         Scott Thompson were suggested as possible volunteers for this                                                       committee.




Ordinance 07-06

FY08 Budget                           Clerk Hollis presented the first draft of the FY08 budget.

                                                M/S A. Archer/M. Berry moved to approve Ordinance 07-06 FY08 Budget as first reading.  Clerk Hollis gave a brief overview of the projected budget.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Future Grant Applications     Clerk Hollis reported that there is a possibility that several grant opportunities will be coming available in the near future and wanted some guidance on what projects to apply for.  Council Person Berry stated that we need to get more community input and involvement in our projects.  It was suggested that a notice go out in the Anderson newsletter requesting residents to write letters or submit emails on what projects they would like the city to apply for.  More discussion will be on the next meeting.


Juneau Fly-in and CIP

Priorities                                 Mayor Pearson reported on the capital improvement projects or wish list.  It was suggested that we include future land development as one of our priorities.  There was some discussion on when and if we should apply for more grant monies for the development of our city entitlements.  Some council members felt it was important to start the funding process while the success of the land give away was fresh in the legislator’s minds.  Council Person Berry stated that we should be listening to all the community and felt that we should wait to see if the project was successful before we attempt any new development.  She stated that residents did not have knowledge of this prior to the meetings and therefore did not have sufficient time to comment.  It was stated that residents have been informed through the newsletters and that if the residents wanted to comment or become more informed that they should come to the meetings and voice their concerns.  It was suggested that we solicit input from the community through the newsletter.   Residents will have the option of emailing or writing a letter.  The main priorities on the CIP list that the Mayor felt we would receive funding for would be health and safety issues.  The roof for the city building and the new furnace for the clinic would be the top concern.  If enough discretionary funding was available the council wanted the delegation going to Juneau to lobby for the new mini-pumper, land development, and the electrical upgrade at the park. 


Resolution 07-11

Revenue Sharing                    M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to approve Resolution 07-11 A resolution supporting efforts to encourage the State of Alaska to commit 6% of all natural resource revenue to Alaska communities.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


1st Nation Bank                       Clerk Hollis stated that a representative from 1st National Bank had contacted her regarding the possibility of the city switching banks.  She stated that they are interested in opening a bank in the Healy area.  She stated that she has to do more research on this matter.


Resolution 07-12

Exchanging land between

City and the borough             M/S D. Frisbie/L. Erber moved to approve Resolution 07-12 a resolution authorizing the Mayor to exchange municipal entitlement land with the Denali Borough to facilitate the construction of a new sewage lagoon. Mayor Pearson stated that he would work with Mayor Talerico on this project.  The exchange land is concerning the land near the Denali Borough Landfill.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



ADJOURMENT                     M/S D. Frisbie/A, Archer moved to adjourn the meeting @ 9:50 PM.

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