
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

February 13, 2007 Regular Meeting



February 13 , 2007



Present:                                                                 Staff:

Mike Pearson, Mayor                                         Nancy Hollis, City Clerk                                                                                   

Daryl Frisbie                                                         Guests:                                   Lindsay Erber

Andy Archer                                                         Eileen Holmes                      Kyrs

Keith Fetzer                                                          Geoff Buerger, Principal     Sandi Trumbower

                                                                                Peggy Talerico                      Sky Shepherd

                                                                                Teresa Hall                           Heidi Miller          

                                                                Mayor Dave Talerico         Greg Miller           

                                                                George Haskins                   

                                                                Michele Napoleone

                                                                McKenzie Pearson

                                                                Britney Warner                                   

Excused:                                                               Eric Warner

Mary Berry                                                                                                                                                          

Jacob Noll

Allen Miller          


ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at 7:50 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to approve the agenda as follows:

                                                                                Delete 14b) Resolution 07-07 FY08 Denali Matching Grant.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Minutes                                                 M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to approve the Regular Meeting, January 9, 2007 minutes.  Mayor Pearson stated that we contact the Department of Transportation Airport Management regarding our recent letter concerning the condition of the Clear Airport.   No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

PDC and VSW Report on

Community and Regional

Facility                                    PDC, Inc representatives Keith Hanneman and Karen Brady gave their presentation on the regional and community VSW projects.  Doug Poage from VSW was also present.  It was reported that it will cost approximately three million to construct the regional sewage lagoon.  This will be a two year phased project.  Construction is expected this spring.  The regional facility will be operated very similar to the current facility.  It was estimated that the community wastewater system will be started in approximately three years.  The community system will have one lift station.  It was estimated that it will cost each homeowner approximately $ 37.00 per month.  It was suggested that the city look into insurance for malfunctions of the systems, such as back ups.  95% completion will be ready shortly.  It was also the consensus of the council that the city does not manage this project because of the shortage of local hire and expertise.


Correspondence                     No correspondence.


Financial Reports                   M/S D. Frisbie/A. Archer moved to receive the financial reports for January 2007.  Financial report will be discussed later in the report   No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for January 2007 with the addition of Stacy Frisbie for $ 40.00.  There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.

                                                M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to approve $ 2,200.00 for fire funding for the Fire Department.   Fire Chief Thompson stated that we received funding for fire equipment in 2004 of $ 2,000.00.  This funding requires a 10% match.   There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously



Public Access                          None


Public Hearings

Denali Borough Funding

Fire & EMS Funding              Public hearing opened at 8:07 PM. 

                                                                Scott Thompson, Fire Chief stated that this funding was critical for the                                                                  city and his operational budget.  He also stated that there was a need for                                                              training for the Fire Department.  He stated that the EMS department                                                                       received training this year and the number of members has grown                                                                            significantly.   He stated that for a fighter to enter a burning building,                                                                     the fire fighter must be certified.  Currently the only certified fire                                                                             fighters are personnel that                 work at the Fire Station at Clear.  He stated                                                                  that he would like to request additional funds for the training of at least                                                                          three fire fighters, the training is by Soldotna. 


                                                                Keith Fetzer also stated that monies allocated to the Fire and EMS                                                                         Department are an investment into the community and if we can                                                                           adequately train our members this will help assist the city in reducing                                                                           the fire insurance costs for individual homes.

                                                                Keith Fetzer reported that increasing our department’s level of training                                                                  will also assist the city in developing more extensive mutual aid                                                                               agreements with our partnerships.


Community Library                         Clerk Hollis reported that since the Community Library is an entity of                                                                   the City of Anderson according to our code, that she informed the                                                                          President of the Community Library, Stacy Frisbie that the city should                                                                               approve a resolution.


                                                                She stated that Ms. Frisbie notified her that they are requesting $                                                                            5,000.00 this year.  The monies would be spent on their program funds,                                                                such as the summer reading program and to enhance their library                                                                                resources. 


                                                                Mayor Pearson stated that the library is well used by the community                                                                     and especially the students in the evening.  He stated that it is a great                                                                     place for our community to gather and work together on homework or                                                                          projects.


Ordinance 07-04  Amending

Ordinance 05-04 Northern Lights

Subdivision Covenants                     No public comments.


Ordinance 07-05 Procedures and

Requirements for the sale of lots in

The Northern Lights Subdivision

At no costs.                                           No public comments.




Denali Borough

Mayor Dave Talerico             Mayor Talerico reported on the following:

1.      Ordinance and guidelines are a great idea.

2.      A bank possibly wants to set up a branch in the Denali Borough.

3.      CIP list was introduced to our legislatures.

4.      Vo-Tech center in the Denali Borough.

5.      Mr. Frisbie’s Government class will be conducting surveys for the Comprehensive Economic Plan.


AML                                       Teresa Hall reported that the governor has submitted $48million                                                        for PERS/TRS.  This could be a potential funding of

                                                $ 75,000.00.  Senate Bill 82, AML bill proposed sustainable                                                  revenue sharing program.  The bill states that 6% of the natural                                                          resource revenue should be used to fund local communities.   

School Report

Geoff Buerger                        Mr. Buerger reported on the following:

1.      ETT class has started.

2.      Overview of classes and activities at the school.  

3.      Working on the standards model.

Department Reports

Admin                                     None


Park                                        Closed for the winter


Environmental                        None.


Public Safety                           Scott Thompson, Fire Chief reported on the following:

1.      New ambulance should be here approximately March 1st. 

2.      Lions Club will be having a fundraiser for the Fire & EMS Department.  The equipment will be on display on March 17th.


Public Works                          No Report.





Surveying                                No report.


Grant Update                         Clerk Hollis gave a brief report on the status of all the grants. 


Wish List for Capital

Projects                                   The city council reviewed the proposed wish list projects from last meeting.  The following is a list of the projects:

1.      Mini-pumper                     

2.      Dump Truck

3.      Park Electrical Upgrade

4.      Bridge across the river for 2nd entrance

5.      Excavator

6.      Grader

7.      Road Construction

8.      Roof at city building/Boiler for Clinic

9.      Street Lights with man lift     

10.  Backstop at rifle range


Strategic & Economic Plan

Update                                    Mayor Pearson stated that there will be a work session on the 1st of March. 




Resolution 07-06

Denali Borough Funding        M/S K. Fetzer/D. Frisbie moved to approve Resolution 07-06 Denali Borough Funding for Fire and EMS Funding.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


FY08 Denali Matching Grant            M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to approve applying for FY08 Denali Borough matching grant for $ 20,000.00 for removal of abandoned building and vehicles.  This would require $ 4,000.00 city in-kind expenditures.   No further discussion.  Motion failed 3 to 1 with Frisbie voting no. 


Letter of Request for

Denali Funding                       M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to approve the additional request of $ 35,000.00 for additional fire fighting training.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Resolution 07-08                    

Conceptual and Business

Plan for the Multi-Use Facility           Tabled until next special meeting on February 22, 2007.


Ordinance 07-02

Amended FY07 Budget          Clerk Hollis explained the proposed amended budget.  She stated that the budget has varied significantly.  She reviewed the adjustments. 


Ordinance 07-04

Amending Ordinance 05-04

Northern Lights Subdivision

Covenants                               No action was taken on this item.


Ordinance 07-05  Procedures

And requirements for the sale

Of the lots in the Northern

Lights Subdivision at no costs            M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to approve Ordinance 07-05 Procedures and requirements for the sale of the lots in the Northern Lights Subdivision at no costs as 1st reading.   The council wanted the applications to be date and time stamped and accepted on a first come, first served criteria.  The lots would be selected on a first come, first served criteria and would be selected at a special meeting.  They also stated that they wanted the applicant to build a home with a minimum square footage of 1,000 on the lot within two years and obtain a certificate of occupancy to satisfy the requirements for ownership of the lot. It was suggested that we include the fair market value of the land as $ 10,000.00.  There was a discussion on the number of lots that would be given away at no costs.  If the buyer defaults on the requirements the deposit will not be refunded.  It was also suggested that we contact a legal representative and have them review the documents.  Mayor Talerico suggested that we contact the borough’s attorney. A special meeting will be held on February 22nd to review the comments from the attorney and finalize the documents. 

                                                Multi-family homes would have to be approved by the city council on a case by case basis.   


Headcount Census                  Clerk Hollis notified the city council that the city will need to do a headcount census for 2007.


High ground water problem

Update                                    Mayor Pearson reported that an hydrologist and representatives from Emergency Planning will be here on March 5th to evaluate the problem.


Resolution 07-07

Denali Funding for the

Community Library               M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to approve Resolution 07-07 Denali Funding for the Anderson Community Library for

                                                $ 5,000.00.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


ADJOURMENT                     M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to adjourn the meeting @ 9:45 PM.


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