March 26, 2007 Special Meeting
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor Nancy Hollis, City Clerk
Andy Archer Guests:
Daryl Frisbie Eric Warner
Simon Mangold
Mary Berry Matthew Smith
Daniel Gutierrez
Excused: Rob Bennett
Keith Fetzer
Allen Miller
ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S D. Frisbie/M. Berry moved to approve the agenda.
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Access Mr. Bennett handed out some information to the guests and council members about his business.
Selection of Lots M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to approve the following applicants and lot for the land incentive:
1. Eric Warner
2. Loretta Jones
3. William Morris
4. Simon Mangold
5 Donna McDavid
6. Shontai Domichel
7. Jennifer Hinkley
8. Edward Stratton
9. Jeremie Dufault
10. Chris Waddle
11. David Miller
12. Matthew Smith
13. Daniel Gutierrez
14. David Noll
15. Lori Franco
16. Tadas Misiunas
17. Daniel Jorgenson
18. Stephen Lee
19. Shawn Gardner
20. Sean Brown
21. Michelle Tschumper
22. William Peele, Jr
23. James Widgeon
24, Richard Brunson
25, Ross Shoger
26. Susan Gilbertson
Mayor Pearson stated that one applicant dropped out.
Clerk Hollis reported that she has contacted Fairbanks Title Agency and received the following quotes:
1. Deed of trust $ 175.00
2. Title Insurance $ 250.00
3. Recording Fee $ 66.00
Applicants will be required to pay the Title insurance and recording fee. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURMENT M/S A. Archer/D. Frisbie moved to adjourn the meeting @