
Home of the Anderson Grizzlies

September 18, 2007 Regular Meeting



September 18, 2007



Present:                                                                                 Staff:

Andy Archer, Acting Mayor                                              Nancy Hollis, City Clerk                                                   

Lindsay Erber      

Julie Pearson                                                                         Guests:  

Mary Berry                                                                           Denna Archer                       Donna McDavid

                                                                                                Berry McDavid                    Jeannie Bennett                  

                                                                                                Donetta Herron                    Brenda Maxfield

                                                                                                Tammy McKenzie              Samantha Rathbone

Excused                                                                                 Rob Bennett                         Eric Warner

Keith Fetzer                                                                          Scott Thompson                  Jim Paul

Jacob Noll                                                                             Eric Vantrease                      Karen Southwood

Daryl Frisbie                                                                         Jean Murray                         Wayne Robinson

                                                                                                Geoff Buerger                      Charlie Rathbone


ROLL CALL                                       The Regular Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Andy Archer at 6:34 PM.


AGENDA APPROVAL                     M/S J. Pearson/M. Berry moved to approve the agenda as follows:

                                                                                Delete:  Denali Borough Mayor Talerico Report

                                                                                                Resolution 08-01

                                                                                                Add 14 e)  Roller Rental

                                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Minutes                                                 M/S  D. Frisbie/J. Pearson moved to approve the minutes from the following meetings with the correction of the date:

                                                                                Regular Meeting, August 14, 2007

                                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Correspondence                     AML Conference for elective officials and clerks which will be held in Fairbanks in November.

                                                Letter from Andy Archer stated that he had completed the park project.   

                                                Tanana Chiefs conference for utility managers held in Fairbanks.       


Financial Reports                   M/S L. Erber/M. Berry moved to receive the financial reports for August 2007.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Bills to be Paid                        M/S J. Pearson/L. Erber moved to approve the Bills to be Paid for August 2007.

                                                There was no further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Public Access                          Scott Thompson asked the following questions:

1.      Why is correspondence that is being sent to the city not being released to the public?

2.      Why do we sit and record the meeting and do not keep the tapes for public records?  He stated that there were several misstatements made in last month’s minutes.  He stated that there was nothing in the minutes when Council Person Berry asked Mr. Archer to resign and he stated that he did not say “rumors”.  He also stated that he estimated that it would cost approximately $90.00 a year for tapes. 

 James Paul stated that if a clerk would transcribe word for word the minutes that it would cost considerably more.  He stated that the intent of the taping is for the clerk to use the tapes to compile the minutes of the meeting. 

 Denna Archer shared her comments about the past comments towards the council from some of the public.  She feels that the city council does a good job.  She addressed Scott Thompson concerning their comments about the corruption and disgrace of her husband and there was no reason why the park has not been completed.  She stated that there was never an additional check for the work the Andy completed at the park.  She does not understand why the community cannot get along. 

 Scott Thompson asked what is the process for getting an item on the agenda.


Council Reports                      Acting Mayor Archer stated that it is part of our code concerning the not retaining the tapes as a public record.  Clerk Hollis stated that it would have to be put on the agenda and that it would be an ordinance change that would require two meetings plus a public hearing.  Mr. Archer stated that the council will consider this in the future. 

                                                Acting Mayor Archer asked for clarification on the correspondence.  Scott Thompson stated that he had sent an email to the city clerk and asked why it was not available to the public.   City Clerk gave a copy to the council and the public on this email.  The email was addressed to the city clerk and was forwarded to the Acting Mayor for a response.  Acting Mayor Archer answered the questions in the email:

1.      The city has not purchased a skid steer loader nor is renting one.  A couple of volunteers in the community had donated the use of their equipment. 

2.      Tim resigned his position at the city.  The city hired a temporary laborer to fill both the park laborer to finish the season and city temporary janitor positions while the janitor was on vacation.  This laborer does not have the same duties and responsibilities as Scott and Tim, but is classified as a laborer position and not an operator. 

3.      The berms that were placed at the crusher were installed by the city workers for security reasons and will be removed due to the safety issue.


                                                Council Person Pearson reported that she had researched the                                                  minutes for the last two years and found very little information                                                          regarding the park project.  She stated that we received this grant                                               in July 2004and the first mention of the project was in August                                                    2005.  She read some parts of the minutes that did state the city                                                             had requested bids for the project and also advertised the loader                                                        for sale.   

                                                Council Person Berry asked why her statement requesting the                                                            Acting Mayor Archer resign was not in the minutes.  There was                                                          some discussion on what was stated and whether Acting Mayor                                                         stated that he would bring the loader to the city after the last                                                       meeting.  Clerk Hollis will review the tape and get clarification                                                    on what was stated.  Council Person Berry stated that she will                                                      come in and also review the tape. 


Department Reports


Park                                        Council Person Berry stated that the park is ready to be closed for the winter. 


Land                                        No report.


DMV                                       Council Person Pearson stated that DMV will be operating on Tuesday and Wednesdays.  Erika is updating the manuals and will be trained to administer road tests. 


Public Works                          Acting Mayor Archer stated that the signs have been repaired. Council Person Berry asked if the signs for Brett’s Way were installed.  City shop has been cleaned.  A boiler has been purchased for the clinic and needs to be installed.





Surveying                                Mayor Archer stated that he has left a message for Mr. Jennings asking for the status of our survey.  Clerk Hollis asked if the council would like to decide how the land at the highway will be platted for the lots. Clerk Hollis stated that she has been waiting for at least the preliminary approval of the plat prior to having the lots surveyed.  Council Person Erber stated that once we have the preliminary approval to set up a committee to work on the survey of the two lots.     



Strategic and Economic Plan A meeting date was set for October 1st @ 6:00 PM. Clerk Hollis requested the council review the survey and submit comments to her. 


Condemning of Properties     Acting Mayor Archer stated that he would contact Council                                                     Person Fetzer and arrange a meeting. 


Regional Sewage Lagoon       Council Person Pearson stated that there has been tremendous                                                            work done at the landfill on the regional lagoon facility.  The                                                             liners are being installed.  Doug Poage will be here on Thursday                                                         to inspect the lagoon.  Clerk Hollis stated that we are still                                                            working on the survey with approximately 2/3 of the residents                                                       supporting the community system.  Clerk Hollis distributed a                                                     letter from the state to Mr. Gosler concerning the sewer system.


Ordinance 08-01

Amending the sale of

Municipal land  disposals       M/S J. Pearson/M. Berry moved to approve Ordinance 08-01 Amending sale of municipal land disposals as first reading.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.   


Appointment of Fire Chief     M/S J. Pearson/M. Berry moved to appoint Karen Southwood as interim Fire Chief until a replacement can be approved.  Karen Southwood asked if she can serve as a Fire Chief without the certification.  A copy of the bylaws will be reviewed.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.



Destruction of Public

Records                                   M/S J. Pearson/M. Berry moved to destroy the following list of twenty two boxes and its content of city files: 



                                      Box                      Contents

                                                                  1                                            FY03 Council Packets

                                                                                                        Cable TV FY03 Work Orders/Closed                                                                                                                      Accounts/Correspondence

                                                                                                        Ambulance Runs 2000, 2001, 2002


                                                        2                                              FY03 Vendor Files


                                                        4                                              FY03 Deposits/Invoice Logs/Invoice                                                                                                                      Correspondence

                                                                                                        FY02 Deposits/Invoice Logs/Invoice                                                                                                                      Correspondence

                                                                                                        FY02 Cash Receipts Ledgers


                                                        5                                              FY02 Voided Checks/Duplicate Checks

                                                                                                        FY02 Bills to be Paid/Cash                                                                                                                                        Reports/Financial Reports

                                                                                                        FY02 Check Registers

                                                                                                        FY02 Profit and Loss Reports

                                                                                                        FY02 Bank Reconciliation Reports

                                                                                                        FY02 Purchase Orders


6                                               FY01 Voided Checks/Duplicate Checks

                                                                                                        FY01 Bills to be Paid/Cash                                                                                                                                        Reports/Financial Reports

                                                                                                        FY01 Check Registers

                                                                                                        FY01 Profit and Loss Reports

                                                                                                        FY01 Bank Reconciliation Reports

                                                                                                        FY01 Purchase Orders


7                                               FY 00 Payroll Records

                                                                                                        FY 01     Payroll Records


11                                         Contracts

                                                                                                        Cable TV/Nelson Family/S&M                                                                                                                                Maint/Copier/Rental Dewitt

                                                                                                        KMS Signing/Irwins Garbage Truck/Clear                                                                                                             Air Force Cable Bid


12                                           FY02 AML/City/State Correspondence


                                                        14                                           FY01 AML/City/State Correspondence


                                                        15                                           FY00 AML/City/State Correspondence


                                                        16                                           FY02 State/Business Correspondence

                                                                                                        FY02 Council Packets


                                                        21                                           1995-2003 Park Receipts


                                                        22                                           FY00 Vendors


                                                        23                                           FY01 Vendors


                                                        24                                           FY02 Vendors


                                                        25                                           FY03 Grants                                                                                                                                                                 Applied/Correspondence/reports

                                                                                                        FY03 Pers Correspondence

                                                                                                        FY02 Grants                                                                                                                                                                 Applied/Correspondence/Reports

                                                                                                        FY02 Pers Correspondence


27                                             FY00 to FY03 Headcount Census/State                                                Revenue/Entitlements

                                                                                                        Safe Communities/Revenue                                                                                                                                     Sharing/Property Assessment


                                                        29                                           FY02 Grant                                                                                                                                                                   Correspondence/Reports/Applied

                                                                                                        FY00 Grant                                                                                                                                                                   Correspondence/Reports/Applied


31                                             FY00 Deposits/Invoices/Utility                                                                 Tax/Purchase Orders

                                                                                                        FY01 Deposits/Invoices/Utility                                                                                                                                 Tax/Purchase Orders


52                                             FY00 Financials/Cash Reports/Bills to be                                                      Paid

                                                                                                        FY00 Monthly Financial Reports

                                                                                                        FY00 Duplicate and Voided Checks


53                                             Pre 2000

                                                                                                        EMS & Fire Department Run sheets and                                                                                                                Correspondence

                                                                                                        Ambulance Accounts

                                                Clerk Hollis stated that she has pulled outdated files that need to be destroyed.  A total of twenty two boxes will be destroyed according to stated and city guidelines.  No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.


Ordinance 08-01

Rebate for Northern Lights

Subdivision                              M/S J. Pearson/L. Erber moved to approve Ordinance 08-01 Rebate for Northern Lights Subdivision as first reading.  Clerk Hollis stated that currently this rebate would be only for the two lots owners that paid for their lots and not available for the lots owners that received the free lots this spring.  Acting Mayor Archer stated that currently three lot owners have connected to electrical power.  This is an extension until 2008. 

                                                No further discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.    


CBDG Grant                          Clerk Hollis stated that this grant is available for the city.  She stated that the city could submit a grant proposal for economic development or city development and planning if it serves residents that meet the low income criteria.  Several possibilities were tossed around.  A committee will be set up to list the city’s priorities and possible grant proposals.  Grant proposal will have to be submitted by December 7th.  A committee was set up that consisted of Karen Southwood, Julie Pearson and Mary Berry. 


Raven/Birch Americorps

Grant                                      Clerk Hollis stated that the city can apply for the Raven/Birch Americorps Grant.  This grant proposal is due the 2nd of December.  She stated that in the past we did submit a proposal but was denied.  It was decided that we advertise to see if any applicants are interested.  The benefits are mainly for the applicant with training, stipend, health insurance and educational award.


Tanana Chiefs rental

Of roller                                  Acting Mayor Archer stated that the city had received a request for the rental of our compactor/roller for approximately one month.  It was the consensus of the council that due to it’s age and condition that it was not feasible to rent it.


Council Comments                 Council Person Pearson stated that someone in the community along the trails has been setting snares.  She just wanted to inform the community that snares have been located and a dog has been injured. 

                                                Acting Mayor Archer stated that this evening the first half of a house will be delivered tonight for the McDavid’s. 


ADJOURMENT                     M/S J. Pearson/L. Erber  moved to adjourn the meeting @ 8:20 PM.

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