June 8, 2007 Special Meeting Work Session
Work Session
Present: Staff:
Mike Pearson, Mayor Nancy Hollis, City Clerk
Andy Archer Guests:
Daryl Frisbie Mayor Dave Talerico
Jacob Noll Frank Hollis
Keith Fetzer Chris Hollis
Samantha Rathbone
Excused Scott Thompson
Mary Berry? Pam Fetzer
Lindsay Erber Tina McPherson
Work session Notes:
Setting up procedures and requirements for disposal of city municipal land
The following items were reviewed:
AML Letter concerning conflict of interest and disposal of land
DCED Letter concerning conflict of interest
Status of surveying
DRN correspondence concerning length of time to process patent
2nd Proposal submitted by Keith Fetzer
Letters from the attorney regarding ordinance and two proposals submitted by Keith Fetzer
Items that need to be completed prior to sale of municipal land:
Legal description
Valuation of land
3 postings for advertising
Need to check and clarify what is required for title reverting back to city
Economic Find (What does this consist of)
Definition of Commercial
Designate classification of land
Stipulations for economic development
Criteria for proposer to present to city for economic development
Meeting convened @
ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Anderson City Council was called to order by Mayor Mike Pearson at
AGENDA APPROVAL M/S A. Archer/K. Fetzer moved to approve the agenda with the Resolution 07-13 deleted. .
There was no further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Accepting Grant fund for
Phase 1 construction for
Regional Lagoon Facility M/S J. Noll/K. Fetzer moved to accept the grant funding for Phase 1 of the Regional Sewage Lagoon construction. Construction will begin sometime in July. No further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
ADJOURMENT M/S K. Fetzer/A. Archer moved to adjourn the meeting @